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» Legion World » LEGION CLUBHOUSE » Long Live the Legion! » Let's talk about LSH #8 (potential spoilers aplenty)... (Page 4)

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Author Topic: Let's talk about LSH #8 (potential spoilers aplenty)...

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Originally posted by Tromium:
Confusing Stuff:

- Imra commands Ultra Boy to turn off his "super-strength", rather than his invulnerability. Strange.

First of all, UB can only use one power at a time. If it's super-strength, that's what gets turned off. But assuming he could have both at the same time, Imra's goal was to prevent harm to others but still leave Jo safe.


From: Newburgh, NY | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by wamu2:
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Two things I noticed:

-- Jan and Tinya appear to be watching "Angel" when Rokk's broadcast went out.

good call. and when looking at that page again it seems lava lamps are still around.
It's more likely that they're around AGAIN since the Legion is a retro movement.


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Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by Tromium:
Confusing Stuff:

- Imra commands Ultra Boy to turn off his "super-strength", rather than his invulnerability. Strange.

First of all, UB can only use one power at a time. If it's super-strength, that's what gets turned off. But assuming he could have both at the same time, Imra's goal was to prevent harm to others but still leave Jo safe.
Previously, it seemed to be the case that Jo's default state was invulnerability. My memory about it is hazy, but after his power-switching ability became established (he didn't have it originally), I don't ever recall an OFF state when he was completely impotent and unprotected, as he obviously is in this scene. Perhaps the less disciplined 3boot Jo he hasn't yet internalized the ability to automatically protect himself, or if he has, Imra's mental command caught him completely unawares. Maybe that shouldn't have surprised me, but it did, particularly insofar as Imra never even contemplated using this mind trick on him before. God knows it would have come in handy when he went berserk on a number of occasions in the past (e.g., Legion Lost).
From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by SiliconDream:
Originally posted by rjbrande:
Oh, and best line of the issue, though it wasn't really funny:

Element Lad: "I hate pirates."

Yeah, that was a nice nod. I preferred his previous line, though, after explaining his power: "Don't worry. It'll only hurt for a minute."
Sure, but did you notice that the pirate recognized that Element Lad was a Tromian based on his powers? That tells us that Trom is still alive and that Tromians typically have element-altering abilities. The real question is: what does this mean for Lightning Lad?
I noticed that as well. Even if the Pirate hadn't ever seen a Tromian before (I still prefer the word Trommite) he was obviously familiar with, and afraid of, their innate powers. If Element Lad had turned his blood into sulphur, the Pirate would have been dead as a doornail, irregardless of the current limitations on Jan's powers.

I never actually believed that LL is from Trom. What fakery is behind it has yet to be revealed.

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
I don't know if it's the artist that made it seem like "overacting", but I was not impressed with the Brainy/Coz power play. Mainly because it seemed really jeuvenile. Rokk loses his temper, Brainy tricks him with the open channel thing (I almost expected him to go "nyah nyah"), Jo loses his temper etc... even though the core of their differences are interesting, it played out like a high school brawl, imo. Coz also comes off as a major stiff -- he breaks into Brainy's lab then espouses trust within the team? He deserves to lose the team.

I can understand them acting like teens if that's what they are then fine but having these teens act this childish and having them as major players in intergalactic politics is a harder pill to swallow (well ok, yeah - real life politicians don't really act any better ...).

Yeah, what he said. I don't understand all the people who said this was the best issue yet. The artwork was very disappointing to me, and the story was SO over dramatized. I also don't believe Karate Kid could fling Colossal Boy around like a gnat. For all his skill, he doesn't have super strength and Gim would weigh several tons in his giant form. Also, if the HQ's walls are this easy to punch holes through, then God save them when the Fatal 5 or Mordru shows up. And what exactly was Dream Girl supposed to do against Colossal Boy in a fight, other than use her precognition to avoid him? And if Cosmic Boy thinks he can control every action of every member in a group of 20 teenagers AND expect them all to share their secrets with him, he's got his head up his ass. And Sun Boy is quitting the team BECAUSE his parents are supportive of him? Ridiculous.

[ July 28, 2005, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Insouciant Lad
slightly seared

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I am really enjoying this series and feel a little guilty about criticizing. However to paraphrase Homer Simpson, its not only easy to criticize, its fun too. So lets start:

The immaturity of so many of the team is starting to wear thin. So Element Lad is gonna side with Brainy's team because Cos called him pseudointellectual? Jo goes into bezerker mode because he's called a jerkwit? And then they are all gonna fight each over it? While the fate of billions of sentients around the universe is at risk? There may be more to these teenager's motivations but we haven't seen much of it. Hopefully the one thing to come out of this story arc is some growth in responsiblity and maturity among them. It may be accurate to represent a teenager this way (no offense meant to those of you out there under 20) but that don't mean I like it much.

I dont think either Brainy or Cos should lead this team. I'd see Saturn Girl being a much better leader than these two.

Two minor quibbles:
(1) I kinda like that Element Lad's powers have been decreased a little bit but if he actually has to touch something to transmute it why does he wear gloves? Do his gloves transumte for 60 seconds too or are they made from unstable molecules? [Roll Eyes] Well that wouldn't make much sense.

(2) For at least the 2nd time, we see in the roll call that Colossal Boy is from Earth. But I thought he is from a race of giants? Was he kldding? Is there a race of giants on Earth in the 31st c.? Of course the roll also said that Lightning Lad was from Trom a few back. These are editorial lapses really, right?

[ July 28, 2005, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: Insouciant Lad ]

Ooh that Lemnos! He makes me so angry, so, so, what was I saying? Oh well, must not have been very important.

From: College Park, MD | Registered: Jul 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Gorilla Nebula

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i enjoyed the writing this issue. things built in tension. different characters points of view were clear. too bad Barry didn't draw this issue though. he would've captured alot more of the subtlety and the characters wouldn't have come off quite so hysterical.
i find it odd that Cos is more worried about Brainy than he is Lemnos. Lemnos must be influencing him. that's also how Lemnos knew that Cos was breaking into the lab while he was fighting Brainy on Colu. Why there seems to be no real reason for the break-in, and why Cos is such a dick. maybe his freudian slip about "controlling" Sun Boy is a clue that Cos is being manipulated by Lemnos. (not to mention the still very wrong brown hair color! that's just not Cos!)
what was Brainy's "tak" on the computer during their talk? similar to his message to his self about Colu 2 issues ago, perhaps he suspects Lemnos' hand in Cos' behavior.
i'm waiting for the more level-headed legionnaires to say enough is enough. i guess that's what Sun Boy is doing in a way. Nice to see that Projectra has friends on the team, interesting that it's Light Lass since they both have dated Lone Wolf. i'm still betting that Orando's distruction is an illusion of Projectra's, hence the still full bank accounts. looking forward to more answers sooner rather than later...

Gorilla Nebula

From: san francisco | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I wonder if Projectra has gained the presence of the spirits of her people who will somehow inhabit others and make them see what they want them to see? Wasn't it the spirits of her ancestors that amped her to Sensor Girl? Or am I confusing her with Shady?

Too tired to comment further, I'll be back at the weekend with my thoughts.

"Tempus Fugitive" the final part of the Adventures of Dream Boy series, set in the Three-Boot Universe. Read it only in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.

From: here, more often than not | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jo Nah TMK

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a few things:

-Lyle is in the roll call, but nowhere to be found in the issue. i think this is deliberate. if he is working for Rokk, i suspect that he was tailing him into Brainy's lab when Rokk powered his way through the forcefield. I don't have last issue handy to see if Lyle was in the group that broke into the lab - if he was, i suppose he could have just stayed there to spy on Brainy's reaction - the whole break-in being more of a case of misdirection to gauge Brainy's response?

Then again, other places where Lyle could be sneaking around include the SP HQ, spying on his dad for Rokk or for Brainy.

Basically, I think Lyle was in the issue somewhere invisibly, and we'll know where exactly in coming issues.

-Gim is still listed as being from Earth. i don't think this is an editorial mistake - if so, they would have caught it after the last time. i think the files will be revealed to be SP files or something like that, or Gim's people reside on Earth, immigrants from their original planet.

-the pirate reference by Jan plus the the pirate's recognition of Jan as a Trommite. this can be read in many ways of course, but to me it seemed that the pirate didn't expect a Trommite because there aren't Trommites left, possibly for the same reason as in the preboots. I don't think Garth is really a Trommite (lending more credence to the idea that the roll call have deliberate mistakes in them and thus are an outsider's files)

-Jeckie. the veil is a good nod to Sensor Girl. if she has absorbed all of the spirits of the dead Orando, that would be a bit too much like versions of Tasmia in the past. But I can see it more like her having to prematurely take on the burden of her powers when she wasn't ready - she probably was supposed to be an adult and train for assuming the throne/powers. I hope they don't use the goofy Princess Projectra name - if Orando is gone, she's not really a Princess anymore - and call her Sensor Girl (she seems to have a stylized S on her belt i think?)

-the legion budget. As much as I hope this is RJ Brande, I wonder if it is Lemnos. But why? Is he just toying with them?

-where is Vi? let's assume she has been around, under our noses the whole time. I'd assume she was more on Rokk's side - he seems to be in with the Espionage Squad. Where can she have been that we haven't noticed. Ideas?

From: NYC | Registered: Mar 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Honoring the Primary Color Gang

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Okay, so I gots my issue now... and I thought Dream Girl was fighting Saturn Girl. At least, that's kinda what it looked like to me. Or maybe she was fighting Lyle, since she could see where he was with her premenitions or something...?

I'm really interested to see what happens with Projectra who is easily one of my favorites of the 3boot (I must have a thing for platinum hair). And I would like some clarificatin about who's on which side.

And dude. I really, really liked this issue. It was bomb man. Like, everything exploded and stuff... and, like, yeah. Craziness.

I have to say that the best part for me was seeing Cos #1 use his powers and #2 fight against Brainy. I thought maybe Brainy was all... freaked out by what happened on Colu at first, but... yeah no.

I have to admit that I'm not entirely surprised how the lines got drawn (I just had to think about old issues and who were the better friends and whatnot) but it was sad to see it all out there on the splash page.

...yeah. Okay. Random. I missed Barry's art a lot. (Mostly because I'm still new to the Legion and it made distinguishing some of the guys kinda hard.) Element Lad did make me happy though. Pseudointelligent indeed. [Big Grin]

Also, did I miss Cham or was he not there??

Abin: You know what to do with a Cali sandwich? No but neither do Cobie and CJ!
CJ: Yeah, we do. She's smiling, isn't she?

Context... who needs it?

From: Sunny Cali-- er, Planet Earth? | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Tamper Lad
With the Scarlett Faction

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I have a question/comment on the scene when Light Lass goes to see Projectra. Is she peeling away curtains that aren't really there in the third panel?

That's what the coloring effect looks like to me.

From: Canada | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Power Boy
Kick Nass Leader

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did the dialogue seem off to anyone else? seemed kinda genric...or unrelated to the images.

i hate cos, hes so self involved, paranoid, a megalomaniac.

i like brainy's faction better, even if he did act like a baby too.

i usually am bored with team fights itself issues but this time there were certain legionaires i wanted to see smacked down.

From: Ninja Land | Registered: Nov 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I must be the only guy here who would side with Cos. I see this version of Brainy as a master manipulator, not far away from how Vril Dox begins in L.E.G.I.O.N.. And although I enjoy reading about that type of character (a lot, actually)... in reality, people like him who are 100% fanatically sure they are always right make me uneasy. He may believe his ends justify the means and are for the greater good, but his inability to see anyone else's point of view, or make room for another's interpretation of what that greater good is, would keep me from chosing him as leader.

I see Cos' bad behavior mostly as the frantic attempts of a basically normal guy to keep from being overrun by someone he is well aware is many, many times more intelligent than he is. I believe that (this version of) Cos, for all his faults, has a better developed moral compass than (this) Brainy.

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Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
I have a question/comment on the scene when Light Lass goes to see Projectra. Is she peeling away curtains that aren't really there in the third panel?

That's what the coloring effect looks like to me.

That scene was confusing to me too, TL. I thought it was Ayla using her powers to make things float out of her way, but it looks like the artist forgot to draw her hands or something.

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Disaster Boy:
did the dialogue seem off to anyone else? seemed kinda genric...or unrelated to the images.

I agree. When Cos started in with, "Identities? . . . " I was totally lost. It took me a while to figure out he was referring back to Sun Boy's use of the word a few panels before. Cos's outburst seemed totally contrived to me. It reminds me of early in the last boot when Cos was also shown as a major jerk/control freak and it was all later explained away as a hoax to sting Pres. Chu or some such nonsense.

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