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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Tenzil: You mean... an imposter?

Dez: In simple terms.

Panel 2

Taryn: Why would ANYone want to impersonate Tenzil?

Tenzil: Yeah! HEY! Was that an insult?

Panel 3

Taryn: Oh, sweetie... you know I adore you, but... come on. Why would anyone impersonate you?

Panel 4

Westerner: I reckon you might need to be thinking outside the space-box, Miss Taryn.

Questar: "Outside the space-box"?

Panel 5

Westerner: Well shoot yeah! To Miss Taryn, Tenzil ain't nothing special. He's the same ol' fella next door she's known all her life. But the fact is, the guy's big-time famous on Bismoll and Tartarus.

Tenzil: And that all-guy planet too!

Panel 6

Westerner: Ummm... yeah. So, anyway, someone might very well have something to gain from impersonatin' Tenzil.

Plant Lad: Do your powers warn you of anything, Tiffany?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Tiffany (putting her hands to her head all ESPlike and stuff): Let me concentrate... I think I'm getting something... no! I lost it!

Plant Lad: Ah, man! Too bad you haven't mastered control of your powers, yet!

Panel 2

Taryn: Maybe we should ask the driver of the limo if he knows anything about what's going on?

Questar: I, Questar, think this is a wonderful idea! It gives me a chance to employ my superhuman people skills!

Panel 3

Taryn: Superhuman people skills...? I never would've guessed...

Questar (rolling down the window between the driver and passenger area): Excuse me, my good sir...

Panel 4

Zombie Limo Driver (turning head, so that his face can be seen): Yes?

Questar (startled by the fact that the driver is a corpse): Eeeekk!

Panel 5

Tenzil: Jillikers, Questar! Let me talk to him. So, do you recognize me?

Limo Driver: Why yes! You're Tenzil Kem! You're engaged to Queen Drura, though there's been some bad rumors lately... I, of course, don't believe them!

Panel 6

Tenzil: So... um... remind me... when exactly did this engagement take place?

Taryn: Uh, shouldn't the driver be keeping is eyes on the road?

Panel 7

*Shot of the limo hitting something and flipping over*

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

caption: Taltar...

Malefico: My divine Veilmist, let us be off!

Evillo: Who is this beauty? And why haven't I met her before?

Panel 2

Malefico: I won her when I murdered her former owner. An interstellar teleporter she is, quite powerful. And you dare presume to know all my secrets? You are a FOOL!

Evillo: We can escape!

Panel 3

Malefico: *stroking Veilmist's face* "We"? Nyahahahaha!

Veilmist: giggle!

Panel 4

Malefico: Let us be away, precious one.

Veilmist: As you command, my liege.

Panel 5

*Veilmist & Malefico are enveloped by light*

Panel 6

Evillo: NoooOOOoooooo!

*shot of Evillo diving desperately into the light as Veilmist and Malefico fade out*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Evillo lands on his face*

Evillo: Ooooofff!

Panel 2

Female slavedriver #1: Up you dog! Thora won't be happy that your father escaped! But before she takes it out on me, I'm going to take it out on you!

Panel 3

*begins to crack whip*

Evillo: Wait... I... I can't go on... I am but a weak male, and can't take this heavy, intensive labor. If only there were something... that could revitalize me...

Panel 4

Female slavedriver: What kind of sick male excuse is this? Up you dog!

Evillo: No, please... I beg of you! I must have a shot from the revitalizer ray that Thora confiscated on Tartarus! It's the only way I can continue...

Panel 5

female slave: Bah! Puny male! I don't want to hear your cretinous excuses any longer! Maka, go retrieve the revitalizing raygun from Thora's throneroom!

Panel 6

caption: Soon...

female slavedriver (blasting Evillo with the revitalizing raygun): You male cur! I'll give you one shot of this, then you will cease your whiny male complaining!

Panel 7

Evillo (showing off his muscles, as his horns start to sprout): Why I'm feeling better already! Let me look at myself in that conveniently placed mirror!

Panel 8

*Evillo blasts mirror with rays from his horns, which reflect back on himself, causing him to start to disappear*

Evillo: Well, that's *my* ticket out of here, silly girl!

female slavedriver: You male dog!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

caption: Tartarus... (shEEEsh! what with all the planet-hopping!) The royal palace...

Chet: So, it's official cial cial cial cial cial?

Renkil: I suppose so.

Panel 2

Drura: There's no "suppose" to it. Renkil Kim is an official HOTtie by royal proclomation!
"Royal"... Heh! I never get tired of that... *sigh*

Sugyn: Then what's with the wistful sighing, m'lass?

Panel 3

Drura: Well... now would probably be a good time to talk to you all... to tell you...

Incredible Girl: I don't like the sound of this...!

Panel 4

Drura: Really, it isn't bad news!

Pam: Does it have to do with Renkil's new code-name? He'll need a new one, you know, since he isn't all imitating his brother anymore and what have you...

Spaceopoly Lad: Oral Lad!

Brittle Boy: Kid Masticate!

Panel 5

Sugyn: Appetite Boy!

Incredible Girl: Things-Eater Lad!

Chet: The Mucher Muncher Muncher Muncher Muncher Muncher!

Panel 6

Drura: OKAY! It IS bad news!!! Be quiet and let me tell you!

Pam: Oh, Drura...! I knew you'd regret not buying that Insurance insurance.

Panel 7

Drura: Pamela, this doesn't have a THING to do with insurance.

Pam: *gasp!*

Drura: Okay. So being queen of Tartarus has been more fun than a barrell of parakats! Truly! And The HOTties totally space-rawk!

Panel 8

Chet: I think I'm sensing a "but" "but" "but" "but" "but" "but"!

Panel 9

*Hakk & Weez shamble in, all disheveled-like and stuff*

Hakk: My queen! Dreadful news, your royal sickness!

Weez: HORRIBLE news!

Drura: What? What is it?!?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Poo. Now I'll never know what the horrible news was.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Cobalt Kid

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Why has the latest issue of MEL: the series, been late?

I need to know too...

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Me as well. I don't know if I cope coming to Bit's without my MEL:TS fix [Frown]

"Tempus Fugitive" the final part of the Adventures of Dream Boy series, set in the Three-Boot Universe. Read it only in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.

From: here, more often than not | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Hakk: Well, uh, it's like this... we... uh...

Wheez: For Devil's sake, man! Just tell her!

Panel 2

Hakk: Well, we kind of... uh... found this jar that Evillo used to keep evil spirits... and... uh... we were going to immediately bring it to you so you could dispose of it!

Drura: Uh-huh. And what went wrong?

Panel 3

Hakk: Well, Wheez here kind of dropped it...

Wheez: Me? You were the one who was supposed to be watching where we were going!

Panel 4

Drura: Okay, so what exactly happened...

Hakk: Well, it kind of shattered... and the spirits flew off in the direction of the metro area...

Panel 5

Wheez: When there's evil spirits on the loose, we know who to call...

Hakk and Wheez: The HOTties!

Panel 6

Hakk: Yeah, we know you'll go stop 'em, your highness!

Drura: Well, gang, it looks like we have a job to do...

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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MEL:TS.... lives! YAY!!!


Panel 1 *lots of wreckage and stuff, with Tenz and the gang thrown about*

Panel 2

Tenzil: *moaaaaan* Oh, my... I think my... everything is broken.

Tiffany: Mine, too...

Panel 3

Taryn: What did we hit?

Lester: It looks like... a hover-bus...

Panel 4

*shot of hover-bus; on side is painted GOLDEN OLDIES GAMBLING SOCIETY*

Panel 5

Questar: NO! We hit a hover-bus full of sweet elderly people!

Panel 6

*panel of Questar being smacked in the face with a cane*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Questar (picking himself up from the ground): Citizen! While I understand your frustration as a result of this unfortunate accident, I must ask that you calm down! Hoverroad Rage is itself no solution...

Panel 2

Old lady (hitting Questar again): Stuff it, sonny! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Panel 3

*Pull back to shot of old people who are attacking and looting the vehicles of people who've stopped because of the accident blocking the hoverlane*

Old man: Come on, Wilma Jean! Let's show these young whippersnappers how difficult things were in our day!

Panel 4

Tenzil: Jumpin' fishhooks! These old folks have gone crazy! Is everyone okay?

Noyd: Tiffany's out cold. I can't tell how bad she's hurt. Tim-Thee?

Panel 5

Westerner: A li'l roughed up, but I reckon it'll take more than that to send me to the big bunkhouse in the sky.

Taryn: Where's Lester?

Panel 6

*Shot of Lester under debris, which Big Toes is pulling off of him*

Big Toes: He's breathing. My calculation revealed that his extra mass helped protect him from much of the shock of the impact.

Panel 7

Tenzil: You're saying his being super-fatassed may have saved him?

Big Toes: Precisely.

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Questar: *struggling with old woman* Now that you've verified that everyone is okay.... HELLLLLLLP!!!

Old woman: You wuss!

Panel 2

*a doddering codger, grinning evilly, approaches Tenzil*

Codger: Kids these days got it easy! We didn't have no hover-buses and hover-limos back in MY day... we had to walk to Ventura barefoot in 10 feet of snow!

Tenzil: I see! That explains why old people always have gnarled feet.

Panel 3

*codger leaps to the attack*

Codger: RRRRRRGH!!!!

Panel 4

*codger bites Tenzil's arm*

Tenzil: YeeeOOOOOwch!

Panel 5

Westerner: This oldsters are swarming over us like merchant space-ants!

Plant Lad: We're done for!

Panel 6

Taryn: Super-strength... is fading... need a respite... to eat something... but no time to do anything... except speak in incomplete sentences...

Questar: *being smacked with cane* OW!!!! Taryn! I just want you to know... OW!!! How much I lo...

Panel 7

off-panel voice: STOP RIGHT THERE!

*scene is the possessed oldsters and Tenz' gang looking 'into camera' in surprise*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Star Boy
Cat Clan Commander

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It's been a while since I've checked in on MEL:TS, but I'm glad to see it's as awesome as ever. [Smile]


From: Melbourne, Australia | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Renkil is leading the HOTties onto the scene*

Renkil: Desist from your mayhem! So says... THE MUNCHER!

Panel 2

Incredible Girl: I thought you'd decided to go with Appetite Boy?

Renkil: Well, I haven't completely decided...

Panel 3

Codger: More youngsters! Lets kick some patooty!

Fogey: Eh?

Codger: I said... let's kick some patooty!

Fogey: "Kiss uncle's hooty?" That doesn't make any sense!

Panel 4

Old Woman: Stand aside, you old fool! I'll lay the smackdown with my cane!

Fogey: "Lady MacGown"? Who's she?

Panel 5

*Old woman lift her cane to attack Renkil"

Panel 6

*Renkil takes a bite outta the cane as she swings it*

Panel 7

Tenzil: Hey, that's my bro!

Taryn: Renkil? How'd that good-for-nothing end up here?

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Look at him go! He's got his guys kicking old butt! And Drura, too... check it!

Panel 2

Infectious Lass: The elderly are so delciously susceptible to my powers!

oldsters: *huuRRRRlll*

Panel 3

old lady: I hit this punk with my space-walker... and he shattered into a million peices! So confused... can't see...!

Panel 4

Sugyn: *blowing waterspout at oldsters* Let me drown your sorrows, friends! *SPEWWWW!*

Panel 5

*Spaceopoly Lad smacking old man wih game board*

Spaceopoly Lad: This will learn you to play by the rules!

Panel 6

Echo-Chamber Chet: Stand down, sir! I don't want to hurt you hurt you hurt you hurt you hurt you!

fogey: WHAT? You'll have to repeat that, Sonny.

Panel 7

Policy Pam: *talking to a group of oldsters* So you see, it's all very simple. You're gauranteed coverage and cannot be turned down because of your age!

old lady: I'll take 6 policies!

man: 7! 7 for me!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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