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Author Topic: The Ongoing LMBP Tag Team Thread (rated PG13)
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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But of course, that storyline is running concurrently with the Rainbow Man storyline, which still needs to be finished. Let's just say it takes place in the future, so both can run at the same time. (Nice post, Pagan Lass! And who would have thought I was such a potty-mouth? [Big Grin] )

Cobie looked over at IB, who had his eyes closed and was breathing deeply. The poor kid was way too nervous, but who could blame him? This was the biggest mission that he had ever been on before. This was his turn to shine now, and Cobie knew he couldn't step in to finish the job for him anymore, not if he was to learn for himself. Still, he could offer some encouragement.

"You okay there, kid?"

IB nearly fell out of the sky. "Wh-what?" He turned to look at Cobie. "Um, yeah, I guess."
Cobie knew he was lying. His face was pale, his lips were dry, his fingers were digging into his palms, and Cobie wouldn' be surprised if IB ended up wetting himself soon. Cobie chuckled; IB had nearly done so on that first mission long ago, when they first found out he was only sixteen. Of course, Cobie had nearly wet himself too when IB had almost gotten himself eaten up. He was WAY too young for something like that. Since then, everyone had taken extra care to watch out for him, and this time was no exception.

"Relax, you'll do fine. Just remember to focus and concentrate."

"But what if I mess up again? I could end up blowing Legion World to bits!"

"No way that's going to happen." Cobie knew he was the one lying, this time, There was always a chance things could go horribly wrong; but there was no use letting IB know that. He was shaking enough already. "You showed pretty good control last time. And no harm was done; Nighcrawler's tail was only singed and the hole in the wall of the girls' locker rooms was easily reparable. And we had fun while it lasted." Cobie grinned at the memory.

So did IB, at least for a little while. Cobie lened forward. "Here, let me tell you something. Before I learned to control my powers, I was a walking disaster too, even worse than EDE. Once, three manhole covers flew right into me, and a knife nearly took my... equipment off."

IB winced. "No way!"

Cobie nodded. "Oh, yes. That's when I decided enough was enough. I trained hard everyday, and now you see where it got me? I could probably take on Cosmic Boy and eventually win. And you could, no, you CAN do just as well with your powers. You've come farther faster than most of us have in so little time. Heck, we've all had our moments." Cobie chuckled as he remembered the time Faraway Lad had gotten half the team stranded on Sadismus VII. Lash was the only one who had enjoyed the stay there! "You can do it, IB. I wouldn't lie to you, would I?"

IB actually smiled. "Thanks, Cobie. You'd make a hell of a big brother."

Cobie chuckled. He and IB shared a special bond; he had long since accepted that is children would all be cursed, and so had taken extra precautions. (His utility belt was full of protective stuff, and he had a special arrangement with the suppliers on Condomus III). I was probably the closest thing to a son he'd ever have, especially since NUmf was not only older but already completely independent. "Well then, get on with it, and don't screw up or I'll kick your ass myself. And I'll let the Empress have a turn too."

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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Cobie and IB peered down as Everyday Girl and Bugs Bunny ade their moves against the Rainbow Man. Bugs let loose a barrage of giant pies as a diversion, while Everyday Girl tried to get Pagan Lass loose.

"So, how is she supposed to succeed if she keeps pulling Pagan Lass's hair?" IB wondered.

Cobie just shrugged. He was already using most of his power to keep the two of them plus the Emerald Empress airborne amid the powerful solar winds and gravitational forces, not to mention the wind breaking from the Rainbow Man's Emerald Ass. "Maybe I should give them a little push..."

"No!" snapped the Empress. "You will give our position away! It is crucial that we wait for the right time to make our move!" She tunred her gaze down to the members below. Very nice, she thought. She lingered there for a while, shifting between the two spots of interest, then turned her gaze to the members even lower, and the two even more important points of interest. Never let it be said that the Empress cannot control herself when the time comes.

Bugs Bunny was doing pretty well; the big palooka couldn't even touch him. nd even if he did, well, it's not like he could die at all. Not easily, anyway. This was a nice change from the dreary dullness studio work had become. Using his zaniness to fight crime was starting to feel... fulfilling. He had signed on for the purpose of becoming the biggest cartoon in all history, of earning his place as the acknowledged greatest of all animated characters. But know... he was really feeling good about being a do-gooder.

Pagan Lass was starting to hate the long, flowing hair that had been one of her best assets. This little bubblehead, Everyday Girl, was screaming about having her place in the limelight taken, and Pagan Lass had no idea whether she planned to free her or tear her hair off and use it to beat her to a bloody pulp. She knew she shouldn't have signed that pole-dancing contract; Eveyday Girl must have been the unknown who was told to take a hike. Bloody amateurs and their temper tantrums.

"Hey, lie, cut that out already! I just washed my hair last night!"

"This should be my role, mine! I want to be famous!"

"Look, honey, this is no stupid movie! This is real life! All that squeezing has made me go down two sizes already, and I would rather not end up looking like a pixie. I have enough problems without you ripping my hair out of my skull!"

"That's what they all say! Nobody pays atention to me! But I'll make them! I'll make them!"

Pagan Lass sighed. She would have to use her last resort. She closed her eyes, searching memory for a simple spell which could help. She would have to think fast; her hair was already a big mess.

IB looked at the two gold rings in his hand. The two power inhibitors had been on his earlobes just moments before. He could feel the power coursing through him again, filling every cell of his being. It was... odd. He felt like he was dive-bombing through the air while curled up in Globe Girl's globes and at the same time being crushed under the weight of a mountain while trying to keep his footing in an icy river with a strong current while being blasted off into space in a rocket... And his was at just half his full strength. He had barely learned to control that much power... How about when his full power was let loose? He might end up blowing everything on Legion World into oblivion! But Empress said he would need full power for this job... Maybe he could...

A blinding flash of light flared up just below. IB, Cobie and the Empress turned to look. All three of their jaws fell to the floor, although the Empress picked hers up almost immediately.

Pagan Lass and Everyday Girl both lay unconscious amid the rubble of what had once been the Empire's Great Stiffy. The tall, straight, rock-solid building was just a shadow of its former glory; luckily, the two smaller building below it were still intact. As long as they were whole, the Stiffy could regrow itself. Above them, the Rainbow Man was clutching its hand. They couldn;t tell if it was bleeding or not; they didn;t even know if it could.

"Bugs! This is the Empress! Are you alright?"
"What's up, Doc? My furry hide's intact, thanks for asking!"
"It had better be, you and I still have... plans.
Cobie and IB looked at each other, and shook their heads. The Empress was one-in-a-million, alright. Next thing you know, she'd be going after Marvin...
"Never mind. Grab Pagan Lass and Everyday Girl now, and move out of there! We're about to start the final phase."

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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Pagan Lass groaned. Her spell had worked too well; she suspected that it had combined with whatever powers Everyday Girl had, causing its power to phenomenally increase. She had to pull herslef together... She was seeing fluffy little gray bunnies everywhere. And they were wearing white gloves, no less!
"You okay, Doc?"
Pagan Lass groaned. It just talked to her? She must be in worse shape than she thought.

IB nearly swallowed his tongue. He would be up soon... And his first time, no less! He closed his eyes and tried to focus, hoping he wouldn't vomit. He felt the rings gently flying loose from his fingers; Cobie was pulling them magnetically. He had to focus the power, let it build up... He felt like he would explode!

The Empress' mind was working feverishly. This had to be timed just right, or all would be lost. Part of her tried to reestablish mental contact with the Eye; the plan had been formulated from informaton the Eye had sent her, as it was struggling to free itself from the control of the Rainbow Man. They had a symbiotic relationship; together, their combined wills supported the other, making both more aware of themselves, increasing both of their strengths to the greatest level. The Empress was pretty much omnipotent now, and women all over envied the calm self-assurance and the endless sexual stamina that she had received from it. The Empress knew how lucky she was that it was this Eye, not its evil twin, that had found her so long ago...
She looked down again, this time not bothering to glance at her companions members. Bugs was opening up one of his famous rabbit holes, and all three were now clear of the blast area. The Rainbow Man was still reeling. She needed IB and Cobie's powers, working in tandem, to upset it long enough for her to regain the Eye and her full power. And then, she promised, the Master-Baiter would pay.

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Abin Quank
Except when I'm someone else...

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Eddie Tor's office door slammed shut just a few seconds ago, just after he answered a phone call on Phineas B. Fuddle's private line. So, naturally the rest of the "Ongoing LMBP Adventures Magazine" staff was huddled around Ms. Barlow's desk listening in to the boss's conversation.

"Eddie, how many separate story lines do we have going right now?" To their surprise Phineas's voice sounded cheerful.

"Five, I tink, Mr Fuddle, an' we gots a couple waitin' in da wings fer some o' da current ones ta finish up."

"Hmmm... and the readership numbers are up, right?"

"Well, dats kinda hard ta say, I knows dat in certain sections dey are, but we're not gettin' consistent like feedbak."

"So, how are you deciding which story arcs to feature and which to drop?"

"Well, rite now I'm jest kinda like goin' wit da flow, dat Inbisible Brainy kid is puttin up some real good stuff, specialty since he's started ta break it up inta paragraps, and dis new chippie, Pagan seems ta have some OK iders so I'm Letting dem run."

"Eddie, you mentioned five arcs but only two writers, is there a problem with some of the others?"

"Well, Numf-El is jest finishin up his latest, gettin da emotional like loose ends tied up, an I tink he's got annoder Blokebuster he's waitin ta spring on us. Cobalt kidder seems ta have run down a little, Kid just ain't ben da same since da Ranger blew up da stupid statue. Da Ranger gots a pretty good one going, but he needs ta wrap it like soon, I'm gettin tired o Trixie tellin Browneye jokes alla time. Harbinger keeps promisin ta lay a good one on us, but ya know what a tease dat goil is."

"Okay, What are you doing about Cobalt? And why didn't you mention that Abin Quank Character?"

"Well, I'm kinda jest hoping da Kidder breaks outa his funk on his own, It's not like dat wasn't da ugliest statue eber. An' Abin has been chippin in on several o da stories. Rite now he's kinda da fill em in guy. An I kina like dat, da kid ain't nebber had no original iders anyway."

"Well, okay Eddie, sounds like things are under control, but start thinking about a better way to determine how many readers we have. Oh and check out this new guy, MLLash, he's been doing some good stuff, see if you can get him and Danny B. to contribute a few lines."

"Okay Boss, talk atcha later"


"Trixie, Dierdre, get yer eavedropping butts in here we got some woik ta do."

--------Quaalude Wears Off--------------

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

From: Westerly Rhode Island | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Space Ranger smiled, seeing that Invisible Brainiac and Cobalt Kid had the Rainbow Man of Ekron well in hand. Hopefully this would be wrapped up soon and Stu would return, so that this continuous battle could be finished. The LMBers were all tired by now and months of constant fighting had made them yearn for something more fun, like a drinking binge and orgy.

The Ranger suddenly was blown backwards though, as a gust of wind knocked him to the ground. Large chains wrapped around him! From out of nowhere, suddenly came Grimbor the Chainsman!

With a full bondage mask, Grimbor leaped into the fray, catching several LMBers unaware, as they tried to deal with the more serious threat of the Rainbow Man of Ekron!

Grabbing Space Ranger, Outdoor Miner, Homecoming Queen, Poverty Lad, Marvin the Martian of the Brood and Arachne, the Chainsman suddenly teleported away, with his mysterious accomplice!

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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On Legion World, as the Rainbow Man terrorized the peaceful citizens who lived there, Lard Lad suddenly noticed the six LMBers mysteriously go missing. Unsure of what to do, Lardy considered whether he should try and help them, or help Cobalt, the Empress, IB and the rest of Legion World finish defeating the Rainbow Man.

Suddenly he remembered that he could care less and wanted a quick drink and a snack. Picking up Jailbait Lass, the young LMBer who had joined through shady means via Cobalt Kid, Lardy 'ported himself into the mansion giving a half-grin "they'll fuckin' handle it themselves" smile to himself!

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Eyrk Davis Ester looked out of his window, and considered what was happening: Invisible Brainiac was leading the charge against the Rainbow Man (which you can finish IB, althogh I'll try to help!), and Stu was missing with Nightcrawler and Icefyre (that's all you Chuck [Wink] ). He remembered Esk, the LMBer who could look into the future, telling him that four of the boys would be at Shameless Hussies soon, but figured that wouldn't happen until the Rainbow Man and Stu stories were all finished. He sighed a little, watching Lardy leave the battle for a snack, and decided the best thing he could do was stay away from the battle too, knowing he'd probably make it worse.

Turning to go to bed, he saw Dr. Lesbon, the doctor who followed him around in his room.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"Well, planning to use you until I'm thoroughly sated" she replied

"Jeepers! I can't, there's a battle going on outside, I'd never be able to-"

She cut him off by holding up her palm. "Save it. I know you don't want me Eryk Davis Ester, that you have another in your heart. That's why I've decided to make you my slave!!!"

Gasping, EDE watched as Dr. Lesbon turned out to be a large succubus, waiting to sexually ravage the body of the man she adored...!

[ January 14, 2004, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Marvin the Martian of the Brood awoke to seeing his fellow LMBers chained up in a dungeon. He made out the figures of Grimbor and a female accomplice in the shadows. He felt terrible, and noticed they were all knocked out and chained up still...and then...he fell back asleep.
From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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I thought it was time for a few more stories [Wink]

I think we should wrap up the huge saga occuring right now with the Rainbow Man and Stu back in time, and then we could move to Numf, Abin, Cobie and IB at Shameless Hussies.

Just to complicate things (the way I like it), I've added even more subplots and stories!

And will continue to do so [Wink]

*end interlude*

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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Rainbow Man will be wrapped up pretty soon, but I'll let the Master-Baiter story fester a bit. I think Abin Quank is having too much fun with that [Big Grin]

Any help with the Rainbow Man would be appreciated, I'm thinking of having a nice little twist first.

And endless subplots are FUN, FUN, FUN!

*end interlude*

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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The Empress was struggling, and sweat, or perspiration, whichshe kept insisting was the porper term for a royal, was cascading down her. She could sense something blocking her, parrying her every attempt to reestablish full mental contact with the Eye. She cursed to herself; she couldn;t believe this was happening. A long time ago, she had been possessed, taken over, by the Eye. But using her strong will, she had slowly resisted its mind-control, regaining a bit of control over herself each day. She could never have hoped to win her total freedom, but she did win something else: the Eye's respect. Her relationship with the Eye had changed forever, that very day.

She wanted it back.

But the Rainbow Man's collective will was strong; each of its parts, from head to foot, added something to its power. Even with both her and the Eye working together, straining both of their wills, their very souls, they could never hope to match that. It was time to break the Rainbow Man up.

She looked over her shoulder. Cobie was ready, as he always was. Pagan Lass had already recovered; she was definitely worthy of her place in the entourage. IB was fighting with the power threatening to tear him apart where he stood; he couldn't keep it in any more. If he used his power now, there was a sluim chance of survival. If he never used it, there was no chance at all.

She looked at all of them. One by one, they all turned to look at her, even Bugs Bunny, who was tending and fondling the unconscious Everyday Girl. One by one, they all nodded.

They were ready.

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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IB felt then power ourse through every atom in his body, building him up only to pull him down again, threatening to rip him up like a leaf in a tornado, like a shrimp in a waterspout. His every sensation was heightened; he could feel every drolet of sweat on his face, every guts of wind on his body, he could hear every random explosion and every scream (of terror or of ecstasy, whichever you want [Smile] ) from below. It had taken him the last twenty eight minutes just to focus the power within him, the power of a star, neatly packaged in his teenage body. It would only take him four to release it. And it would take him at least six days, ten hours and fifty three minutes to recover from a charge that big, with at least two of those days spent in a coma. But he was ready. He nodded at the Empress, and she nodded back. The signal would be given any moment now.

He hoped it was soon.

He was beginning to lose control. Above him, a star flared suddenly, then began losing brightness. Another star's energy being drained into him. He would burn himself out soon. His ears were full of the deafening sounds of the solar winds, and of the yawning emptiness of space. He concentrated, hoping he woukld hear the Empress' voice soon.


He recoiled. That might have been only a whisper, yetv every sound he heard was magnified a hundredfold. Only Cobie's magnetic pull kept him from falling out of the sky right there. He gulped. Once, he had nearly destroyed every single person he had ever loved in one single blast of light and heat. He knew he would risk doing so now, and definitely would, without Cobie and Pagan Lass to help him focus. But he trusted them, even more than he was beginnning to trust himself. He opened his clenched fists, and the power of half a dozen stars shot out of him, as fast as the speed of light. It wasn't fast enough.

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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Pagan Lass felt the ambient forces of the universe stir around her. Light, heat, gravity, sound, they were all being tossed around like vagu concepts, like a toddler playing with building blocks. Luckily, she had nothing to do with such forces. She quickly summoned earth, water, wind, and fire, and began to fashion a web of sorts, weaving a shining tube through which IB would funnel his strength into, just like Cobie had taught him. She further cemented it with a touch of Will, straining all her considerable powers into it. The risk to her was not as great as it was to IB, but it was still a lot. And she was almost as worried as he was. She could not imagine life without her powers. Because she would kill herself first before that ever happened.

Cobie gathered all of Legion World's magnetic pull into him. And that of Earth's. And Mars'. And Venus and Mercury and Jupiter and Saturn and Titan and Braal and Cargg and Naltor and Aleph and Aarok and Tharr. He even threw in the asteroid belt for good measure. He needed all that force just to make sure IB's blast hit true. He could feel it, coursing through the "tunnel" he had created. IB was doing pretty well; a bit sloppy, but not bad. With the proper focus, he could be...

Focus! Cobie chided himself. Now was not the time to let his thoughts wander. He hadn't even let himself think of the Empress or Pagan's ass, both standing within fondling distance. His own powers were being strained themselves. He quickly felt for more magnetic force which he could tap into and "borrow" for the time being. Luckily, this whole procedure would only last for a few minutes; there was no telling what disaster would happen on those nearby planets if their entire magnetic pull was depleted. As it was, he had only borrowed enough for the inhabitants to start feeling lightheaded from the decrease in magnetism and even a little gravity. (now you know who to blame next you fell nauseous! [Smile] ) He grabbed some from Winath. He opened another channel from Dryad. He pulled some from Hykraius, whose inhabitants were least likely to notice. He opened multiple channels from his body, funneling some from Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Somahtur, Talok VII, Durla, Kathoon, Zerox, Lallor, Wartworld and even Orgasmus Major.
Which was a mistake.

Every planet has its own individual magnetic signature. Earth's was a sweet "taste" of home, Starhaven's a sense of floating, Pluto a sense of bitter cold. Even Legion World had one, it being a sense of fun and enjoyment. Sense is definitely the proper word here, as it is a sense unique to magnetic beings only. Everything with a magnetic charge gave off soemthing which could influence Cobie, which explained why he was always so horny, being around other horny people all the time. And Orgasmus Major was no different. As Cobie tapped into it, he felt wild. He felt excited. He felt the greatest pleasure of his life. He couldn;t control himself, he was ready to thrash about right then and there. It was far too much for him to shut out, like he usually did. His "tunnel" began bending and bucking, and energy started shooting wildly. One of them grazed Legion World.

Cobie severed the line just in time. His undies (you DO wear undies, right? [Big Grin] ) were already wet, and the satellite system for all of Legion World's cable TVs had been destroyed. Nightcrawler was SO going to ban him this time.

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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Empress watched as the atack was pressed on. She was still struggling to regain control of the Eye, and everythong else around her was only a vague sensation. Which was a good thing for Cobie, as she would have been royally pissed off at not being able to access all those naughty royal channels which she always watched. She didn;t notice IB's beam searing away the area around the Rainbow Man's heart and its brain, tearing away the parts that kept the rest of it connected together. Yes, all that power was needed just for that. This attack would break up all the parts of the Rainbow Man, gradually weakening every part, except for the Emerald Eye, which had thrown up a shield to protect itself. It still had enough free will to do that, and it had sprung it just in time to avoid the brunt of the blast, but not so soon that it would end up warning the rest of the parts. She did, however, feel the pressure, the blocks, on the Eye melt away. And suddenly, she felt a consciousness on the fringes of her own, bidding her a fond welcome.
"Eye? Eye!"
"Eye'm back, Empress. Did you miss Eye?"
"Of course Eye did, Eye!"
"Eye'm pleased. Eye missed you too."
"You know, Eye would hug you if Eye could."
"Eye know. But we have no time to waste. The rest of meye "family" are still down below us."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's give them all black Eyes!"
The Empress took off. She didn;t care that this was virtually a suicide mission. She was whole again. And the universe would know that the Emerald Empress was back.

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

Titans Idol - vote for your favorite Titans members!

From: Wouldn't you like to know? | Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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IB was freefalling through the air, blissfully unconscious. Cobie flew after him, and reached out with a tendril of magnetic pull to catch him. He quickly returned thre of the four power inhibitors to their nomral places, leaving out the one on his left earlobe. They would need some of IB's power for the battles to come.

Every human has his or her own magnetic signature too. Lash Lad's is a sprinkling of comedy and insanity. Fat Cramer's is a dash of wit and intelligence. Harbinger's is trust mixed with some motherliness. Lardlad's was almost pure horniness, which was why Cobie liked hanging around him so much. Invisible Brainiac's though, was one of the more complex ones. Fear, envy, trauma, happiness, silliness, friendship, anger, sadness, rapture, a zeal for life, all tied together with hope and love. Cobie drank it in like a drug. His "sensations" were so simliar to telepathy. He nearly gasped from surprise, too. IB's magnetic patterns were unlike any he had ever seen before! Odd, that. His mind began working on analyzing it. There was still some innocence, lined with a surging horniness of his own. Fear was kept locked together with courage. There were many other paradoxes in IB, and it would take a while to "read them all".

Suddenly, another surge in IB's magnetic patterns jerked him out of his daydreaming. IB was dying.

Cobie quickly did the only thing he could do in time; he cast his mind around for a magnetic signal strong enough to revive IB. But what? He needed a planet. A strong planet, with enough positive energy... Of course. Orgasmis Major.

He quickly tapped into it, a channel strong enough to revive a Super Moby Dick. It passed through him, then onto IB. It was working; IB's body was jerking. Suddenly, his eyes flew open.

"What? What happened Is the Rainbow Man dead? I was falling, I remember..." IB suddenly turned around. "Cobie you saved me! But, how did you... I was so weakened... And... why are my pants wet?"

Cobie felt his own pants. He felt like he had just gone swimming while wearing a sponge. Not an unpleasant feeling, though. "What, you didn't think I'd think of something? I did soemthing which would revive any hot-blooded young man like you or myself. Bright idea, huh?"

IB's eyes widened. Any young man could tell what that substance was. "Oh, Cobie, you didn't? I'm grateful, and all, and it feels really good, but... Well, I don't know how to say this..."

"Huh? Didn't you enjoy it?"

"I did, yeah, but I was unconscious! What did you do to me then? I mean, I'm sorry, Cobie, but... well... I'm not gay!"

Cobie nearly dropped IB then and there, and his cheeks felt on fire. "What are you talking about? I didn't TOUCH you! I just used some magnetic pull from Orgasmis Major! Don't get ay wrong ideas here!"

IB's cheeks reddened. "Oh! Okay, okay! I'm sorry! But... I didn't know you could do that."

Cobie shrugged. "I don't talk about it much. I figure, people are all going to want me to do the same for them, and I won't have any time of my own. Plus, it's kind of weird, too, having my magnetism "read" the essence of things or people they touch... Magnetic powers are still pretty cool, though. Hey, maybe I'll do it again for you, sometime. But it's gonna be our little secret, okay?"

A slow, wide grin spread across IB's face. This kid was after his own heart. "Deal. But we've still gotta stop the Rainbow Man, you know. Hey, let's hurry, maybe we can go for the Sun-Tanned Breasts before someone beats us to it."

It was Cobie's turn to grin. "Attaboy, you're starting to think like I am! Let's go and change or pants first, though, it's starting to get way too drafty down here."

[ January 15, 2004, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]

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