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Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592453 03/08/06 10:44 AM
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<span style="font-size: 30px;">Year Six</span>

<span style="font-size: 25px;">Outdoor Miner’s Term</span>

June 29, 2004 – September 30, 2004

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592454 03/08/06 10:47 AM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part I: High Activity in the Summer of 2004

Throughout the history of the LMB and Legion World, there have been a variety of periods that have seen immense posting activity. The summer of 2004, which roughly coincides with the leadership term of Outdoor Miner and Reboot, is undoubtedly one of those time periods. The level of activity on Legion World, particularly the Mission Monitor Board section, which was usually LMB-related, was incredible, and would often fill the entire first two pages day in and day out. It became increasingly harder and harder to keep track of what was occurring.

Much of this had to do with the amount of time people were spending on the boards during the summer, as well as being a period when lots of people were around for a variety of reasons—including new posters, older posters recently returned, as well as the mainstays of Legion World and the LMB. The activity created a breeding ground for further activity as other posters who usually did not post as much were encouraged to do so.

These trends, when viewed in a historical context, usually were the result of a period of lesser activity that suddenly built into a sudden heightened sense of enthusiasm, usually triggered by a variety of reasons. One such reason that may be considered is that Legion World underwent ‘Titans’ Month’, which will receive its own section in this narrative. This event was so well-received and generated such a strong level of enthusiasm that post-counts for the early weeks of the event were double and triple what they usually were for people. Posters who traditionally were already very active on the boards had post-counts shoot through the roof.

In addition, the MMB became incredibly active during this period, and a group of posters became more and more involved in LMB neo-traditions and just general talk about their everyday personnel lives. Threads like ‘Everyday Chat Friends’ became centers for this type of activity, and recently returned posters like Loser Lad and Abin Quank mixed with newer posters like Miss Terious, [new to a lesser extent] Kent Shakespeare and KinetixZoeGreen (aka High Priestess Viviane), as well as longtime posters like MLLASH, Varalent, Eryk Davis Ester and others.

Of course, as such things go, the high level of activity would be cyclical in that it would be followed by a low one, as people became burnt out for a variety of reasons. But in terms of the summer of 2004 and the LMB leadership term of Outdoor Miner and Reboot, the high level of activity was enormous.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592455 03/08/06 10:52 AM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part II: Life on Legion World

The Legion Forum
Titans Month Although all forums felt Titans Month, it was the Legion forum that was mostly effected. During September 2004, Legion World dedicated the Legion aspects of the board to a combined Legion/Titans theme to coincide with the Titans/Legion crossover that was being produced by DC at the time. A board-wide event, the founders highly encouraged participation and the board responded in kind, as the entire LMB and Legion World populace at large participated in a plethora of Titans-related threads, changed their avatars and usernames, and had fun in a variety of other ways to celebrate the event. It was highly popular and successful, and will receive its own section later in this narrative.

Legion Love Lives Project Begun by Eryk Davis Ester in the Legion Forum, this thread set about cataloguing the various love lives of the Legionnaires, both pre-boot and post-boot. Acting as a very in depth reference tool on this subject, it was eventually added into the Encyclopedia Galactica forum.

The Mission Monitor Board
Flirting Flirting on Legion World had always been incredibly common, to the point where one might even consider it a ‘cultural norm’ of the board. However, this was one of those periods were flirting was far more common and prevalent than during other periods. Flirting of all kinds, both real and in character was very common during this period.

Saturday Night Chat Friends Begun by Miss Terious, this was a thread in the Mission Monitor Board that became a long-standing part of the Summer of 2004, particularly during August 2004. Most prominent within the thread were Loser Lad (recently returned), Abin Quank, High Priestess Viviane, Miss Terious, Actor Lad, Kent Shakespeare, as well as Cobalt Kid, Eryk Davis Ester, Princess Crujectra, RTVU, MLLASH and others.

The Spaceopoly Forum
During this period of time, a new forum was created entitled ‘Spaceopoly’, which housed the various ‘game’ and ‘trivia’ threads throughout Legion World. Previously, these types of threads had been in all the forums, particularly the Legion forum and MMB. They had become so numerous that Nightcrawler created a new separate forum to house them, and the Spaceopoly forum became incredibly popular for a time, and still exists to this day.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592456 03/08/06 02:18 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part III: Anecdotes during Outdoor Miner’s Term

Real History—there are an incredibly amount of real anecdotes during this time period, so they’ll have to be split into a few different sections. Further, there will be ‘fake’ adventures added in, so those LMBers that weren’t as active on the anecdote side can have some spotlight time in this narrative.

In continuity

The New Government Following the elections, Sanity or Madness? was believed to be the official leader of the LMB, while Outdoor Miner was the Deputy Leader—all of the LMB were unaware that there had actually been some tampering in the polls and the real leadership should have been the other way around. Opening up the ‘ The SoM/Outdoor Miner Governmental Building ”, the new government filled positions with Captain Dallas as Minister of Paranoia, and positions for Actor Lad, Kent Shakespeare, Future and Frostfyre (the most distinguished Minister of Flirting).

- Very early on in Outdoor Miner’s term, KinetixZoeGreen and Future becoming extremely active within the ranks of the LMB.

- Following her run for leader in the previous election, Thora became a more public figure. She opened up a flogging chamber on Legion World, and erected a statue of herself. Surprisingly, she found some support among various sectors of the male Legion World population.

- Umber and the recently returned Space Tart moved in together following Umber’s run in the election, and Space Tart began to take on the role of a mentor to Umber.

- SHAKES remained the epicenter of the LMB social scene, and Semi-Transparent Fellow and Varalent maintained their active status among the LMB and Legion World.

Glorith A new face arrived on Legion World, named Glorith, who believed herself to be the true queen of Legion World, and demanded obedience from the LMB. Quickly, a rivalry began between Thora and Glorith, as many of the LMB found Glorith to be very distasteful. Despite herself, Thora found some unexpected support from some members of the LMB.

- Doctor One and Obadiah Oldbuck are seen less and less among the LMB and take on inactive status, although both return periodically to pitch in when needed.

The Glorith/Government Controversy Glorith’s threats and demands grow increasingly out of control, as she threatens Eryk Davis Ester. As Triumvir, he begins assembling his armies, feeling he may need them. At the same time, Faraway Lad has a passionate love affair with Glorith. Sanity or Madness?, Kent Shakespeare and other figures in the LMB government question Faraway Lad’s conduct with Glorith, causing hurt feelings and a schism. SoM? then threatens to have Faraway Lad’s title as life-long Ambassador to Faraway lands removed, causing some people to question whether he’s over-stepping his bounds as LMB leader, while others think this is a good pro-active step. Faraway Lad, now also feeling threatened, begins assembling his army. He contacts his Triumvir Cobalt Kid, as he is the Primus Pilus of Cobalt Kid’s armies, and Cobalt does nothing to curtail this activity. A growing sense of a split in the LMB begins to come to light, as the various players begin maneuvering and mobilizing their various tools, should the need arise. This effectively begins the schism between Cobalt Kid & Faraway Lad and the SoM? Government, which will lead to further divides.

- Former LMBer Snowsparkle returns to Legion World, taking the moniker Flannel Lass.

Hrun the Barbarian One of the most dynamic personalities the LMB has encountered in years arrives on Legion World in the form of an invading conqueror: Hrun the Barbarian! His presence is immediately felt, as he begins wreaking all kinds of havoc, the least of which is the constant pillaging and looting of the various treasures of Legion World. It soon becomes apparent that something will need to be done, especially after Hrun robs the magnificent statue of Lash Lad, and then proceeds to do the same to all the other fine jewels embedded in other LMB statues. As luck would have it, Hrun begins to worship the statue of the legendary poster known as Cobalt Kid like a religious idol, since Cobalt Kid is known throughout the cosmos as a great warrior and general. Thus, Cobalt Kid is able to become quick friends with Hrun, and accepts worship of a fellow warrior in the form of the missing jewels—thus securing them for Legion World. However, Hrun’s inclination to loot and enslave others leads to other LMBers stepping in, such as Varalent, whose holds the likeness of a senatorial rank on Legion World. Varalent then invites Hrun to his Villa and in response Faraway Lad dispatches a squadron of Varangian Spearmen to serve and protect Varalent in anything he may need. These Varangian Spearmen continue to serve Varalent at his Villa to this day. Varalent and Hrun become quick friends, and it is hoped that between he and Cobalt Kid, the two can help calm Hrun (it is also feared that Hrun might have more of the opposite effect on Cobalt Kid). Varalent continues to regain any items stolen by Hrun and return them to the general populace.

A Question of Mobilization Faraway Lad, Sanity or Madness? and Kent Shakespeare all work to iron out their problems so that the government can function normally again. As an act of good faith, Faraway demobilizes his armies, and Eryk Davis Ester does the same for the good of Legion World. Ironically enough, the culprit to start all the schisms, Glorith, disappears from Legion World. Cobalt Kid's armies remain mobilized, as he had turned his attention to Hrun the Barbarian, and begins formulating a plan to use his army to win Hrun over.

- Gina Robotgirl journeys to Legion World and joins the LMB, using the moniker Continuity Cop.

- Bicycle Repair Man opens up a Bicycle Repair Shop . He asks that this not be a place with constant comings and goings. Naturally, everyone on Legion World showed up.

The Body Switching Madness of the LMBP Craziness ensues one night on Legion World, as rumors of gender-reversal germs continued to grow through the grapevine, and the new influx of wenches and warriors brought by Hrun create worry of new STDs. Suddenly, Cobalt Kid somehow found himself in the body of Eryk Davis Ester. Previously, EDE once found himself in the body of Lard Lad--now it seemed an even deeper mystery began. EDE suddenly found himself with no body, becoming "The Spirit of EDE". The madness spread as Kid Prime became "Kid Prime in Lash's Body" and Pov became "Poverty Lad in Nightcrawler's body", where he was unable to stop bamfing around. Cobalt Kid next became "Cobalt in Faraway Lad's body" and Varalent, arriving on the scene, quickly became "Vee in Cobalt's body". The madness raged on. Varalent immediately went to SHAKES, where he and Semi threw a huge pool party. Using Cobalt's body, Varalent made sure to have a blast. Poverty Lad continued to bamf uncontrollably. Cobalt suddenly ended up in the body of a brunette woman he had never known, although he found it to be very hot. Kid Prime in Lash's body found this hysterical and made sure to get Space Tart on the scene. After a minute of awkwardness, Space Tart and Kid Cobalt in ?'s Body (a girl) experimented in lesbian love. While Space Tart was asleep, Cobalt suddenly changed into Outdoor Miner's body. Fearing she would freak out when awaking next to a large bug, he fled. Finally, everyone was restored to their old bodies, although Cobalt's had gone threw the ringer so much under Varalent’s control, that he had to go to the sick-bay. Then Outdoor Miner found himself in Liza Minelli's body. Note- these events actually happened one crazy night on the MMB in the Summer of 2004

Hrun Versus Lash Lad Hrun opens up his Hall of Vallhalla , inviting guests. He brings in a massive amount of slaves, wenches, bards and hordes of gold. Many are invited there, and some are specifically honored, including Arachne, Fat Cramer, Varalent and Cobalt Kid, who also brings in many of his top lieutenants. Meanwhile, Lash Lad finds out what Hrun did to his statue, and immediately looks for revenge. Dressing in only a loincloth, he challenges Hrun to a duel. All of Legion World prepared for...Lash unleashed! A dual ensues between Lash and Hrun although somehow Hrun slips a mechanical collar on Lash's neck. Instantly, Lash becomes Hrun's slave! Hrun returned to his Hall of Valhalla with Lash as his slave. EDE and Cobalt looked on, unsure why Lash would submit so easily. Eventually, Lash had a moment of breaking control of the collar and yelled for help from EDE and Cobalt. Cobalt ripped off the collar and carried Lash safely away, leaving Eryk Davis Ester to fight Hrun alone. Hrun immediately put a collar on him, and captured him as his slave. Because of EDE's funny hat and good singing voice, Hrun made him his Bard. While he was supposed to be recuperating, Lash seemed to get jealous of EDE and Hrun's new found relationship. EDE eventually said "Jeepers", summoning the luck-lord of Earth-4 that mysteriously serves him, which allows him to free himself. Lash entered Hrun's Hall and the two embraced as old friends. They were on much better terms now. Cobalt Kid called in a thousand wenches (male and female) to serve them all, and the party echoed throughout Hrun's hall, until carrying over to Vee's Villa. Using this opportunity to build a better relationship between Hrun and the LMB, Cobalt Kid takes his army to join Hrun and his army, and they go on a viking expedition. After, Fat Cramer, Future, Cobalt, EDE and others offer Hrun membership to the LMB, as long as he did not continue his inclination toward slavery. He accepts, and Hrun the Barbarian becomes the newest member of the LMB.

-During all this madness, Quislet, Esq. contacted a bad case of gender-reversal germs and became Quiselette, Esq.

Hrun and The Tiger God Avatar Although Hrun now served as an active LMBer, he proves to be more wild than LMB had expected. He begins a large 'pussy hunt', attempting to capture various felines on Legion World, with Stoopid Cat seeming to be his primary target. During the course of this, Hrun also damages Cafe Cramer, much to Kent Shakespeare's chagrin. He also damaged SHAKES, although the Emerald Empress fixed it for Semi-Transparent Fellow before he could see it. Joined by Queen Connie and Jinx, Stoopid Cat then undergoes a huge transformation into The Tiger God Avatar, to gain more power to battle Hrun—a huge fight then ensues, as Cobalt Kid and the Security Office attempt to break it up (after some serious urging by Harbinger to create peace on Legion World). Cobalt Kid offers Hrun and Stoopid Cat jobs at the Security Office, even attempting to draft them as partners. While Hrun accepts this new found glory, Stoopid Cat, using his feline power to not have to ever do anything he doesn’t want, declines. However, during this crisis, Cobalt Kid, seeing the lack of current staff at the Secuity Office, asks legendary crime-fighter Matlock for assistance. Matlock agrees and the two work so well together, that Cobalt Kid invites Matlock to be Senior Security Officer in the Security Office, and the two often work together from there on.

- The LMB welcome the newest addition to their ranks, Miss Terious who quickly becomes a very prominent member of the group. Miss Terious soon opens her Dreamataria, which receives rave reviews. She's also 'captures' Kent Shakespeare for his part in Hrun's 'pussy hunt'.

-Wondering about such a large influx of Legion World ladies (Miss Terious, Infectuous Drura, Flannel Lass, etc.), Eryk Davis Ester and others wondered if there would be another Revolt of the Girl Legion Worlders. Quickly, Thora announced that she was willing to lead another one. While Pagan Lass and Arachne denounced this, Leap Year Lass and Miss Terious did not object to the idea... It also becomes public knowledge that Thora seems very taken with Outdoor Miner's green bulbous eyes.

- A renewed focus on the Legendary Statue known as Cobalt Kid occurs following Hrun’s worship of the idol, causing Abin Quank and Sanity or Madness? to continue to destroy it, and Emerald Empress to continue to fix it. Miss Terious commissions a new statue built, which is wrecked, then causing her to build another—this time one of her and Cobalt Kid, which ends up in a volcano in the middle of Legion World via Sanity or Madness?

The Return of the Ratmage Iron Rat returns to the LMB, although he does so with the new moniker ‘UTS’. Many fear this bizarro change might be related to the ‘Dark Stu Saga’, and become suspicious.

The Stinging Newcomer of the LMB! The LMB meet a self-proclaimed Lurker, who tells them they inspired him to de-lurk. He quickly impresses them and they offer him membership, thus The Red Bee becomes the newest member of the LMB!

-Dr. Mayavale announces he'd like Acolytes for unspeakable evil. The citizens of Legion World, many of whom have grown fond of the doctor hope this evil does not happen.

Return of the LMB’s First Lady The LMB are beyond delighted and overjoyed when a longtime member returns to their ranks: Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass. Although not becoming an active member again, Shady returns and the LMB are overjoyed to see their former founder.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592457 03/08/06 02:29 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part IV: Adventures during Outdoor Miner’s Term

Real History Note – these adventures take place in tandem with the previous section’s anecdotes and the following sections adventures & anecdotes.

The Plight of Chivas Regal The Royal Family of Scotchland apparently becomes extremely ill, and the LMB are called in to investigate, as Scotchland is technically still within the Kathar Empire. Semi-Transparent Fellow, Varalent and Arachne use their espionage skills to uncover the plot, while Quislet, Esq., Abin Quank and Pagan Lass act as ambassadors during this time. It is soon found out that Chivas Regal, a Kathrian Diplomat, is the one responsible.

The Katharization of Space With the Triumvirs attention on Legion World and the plight of Chivas Regal revealed, the Kathar Empire hopes to make intrusions into UP space. The LMB respond in kind, as an away team of Actor Lad, Poverty Lad, Space Tart, Lightning Lad, the Red Bee and Lash Lad answer the call. Eventually, a space-wide war breaks out, as the Kathars use their natural powers of Katharization against the heroes. A surprise appearance by Grey Birdboy and his army help even the odds.

The Winter Soljer The Super Red Army of Space uses this open warfare in space to reemerge as a power on the galactic radar, hoping to have one final charge. Being an army with no planet, they invade the planet Cuddle, under the leadership of Soljer, a quasi-dictator. Once more, it falls to a team of LMBers—Lucien Lad, Beagle Boy, Kid Vudoo, Invisible Brainiac, Princess Crujectra and Sketch Lad—to answer the call and defend the planet. Soljer eventually proves to be too dictatorial for the Super Red Army of Space, who after countless defeats, begin to question their beliefs. The battle ends with the army so enamored with Princess Crujectra that they change their names to the ‘Super Absolute Monarchist Army of Space’, and vow to be peaceful after a direct order from Crujectra.

The President of the Cutelings Following the LMB leaving Cuddle, the resident race there, the Cutelings, decide that they need to reformat their government, and thus wish to elect an LMBer as their president. Using the random chance machine, they elect Numf-El to be their president, and request that the join them. Numf, seeing this as an amusing way to spend the weekend, agrees, and it falls to various LMBers to persuade the Cutelings that this is a bad idea, including Captain Dallas, Iron Rat, Stoopid Cat, Kent Shakespeare, and of course, Harbinger.

The Day Legion World Stood Still This adventure slowly unravels involving Cobalt Kid, Eryk Davis Ester, Future, Miss Terious, Lucien Lad, Dollyputo, Loser Lad and others, as Poverty Lad apparently goes evil, the Hostess Fruit Pie Deity is attacked, and it becomes increasingly apparent that this is all the work of Middlefinger VI! Cher introduces herself to the LMB, who discover she is a hero from the past who can teleport and use a soulsword, taking on the moniker ‘Magik’…and she is indeed the famous singer of the 20th Century! Middlefinger’s plot, in addition to killing the previous Middlefinger (of course) is actually a cover for a massive alien invasion, of tiny little creatures that sucked the life-force out of people through their fingers. Their plan is foiled once it is apparent that they were using the famous moniker of Middlefinger as nothing more than a cover, although it is the alien that actually was disguised as Middlefinger that does them in, unable to control his desire for substance and thus sucking the life-force out of his allies/fellow invaders. He is sent to prison. Note- this was an actual Tag Team Thread entitled “The Day Legion World Stood Still”.

As the Legion World Turns Given current events on Legion World, drama becomes increasingly real, as Miss Terious, Cobalt Kid and the general population have to deal with the knowledge that another child is on the way—and Miss Terious must face the horror of what has gone before. Soon, the Arch Duke of Time, one of Cobalt’s children, journeys backward into Legion World to kill them all in response to their being yet another progeny of Cobalt Kid, although he is ultimately beat by Outdoor Miner, Stoopid Cat and the various Alt ID children of Miss Terious. Note- this was an actual Onevision entitled “As the Legion World Turns”

Unwanted Applicant A new applicant journeys to Legion World to try out for the LMB, by the name of Polymer Shield Lad. Unfortunately, Nightcrawler does not wish to erect a polymer shield over Legion World, much to the applicant’s chagrin, who decides to proceed anyway. Nightcrawler, Leap Year Lass, Umber, Saturn Girl, Kid Prime and surprisingly Doctor Mayavale help stop the insane youngster from completing his quest.

The Talking Gorilla Tribe of Legion World While exploring the outer boundaries of Legion World, which is actually an entire planet, a team of special tunnel diggers led by Rhino and Lash Lad discover the lost gorilla city! Soon, the gorillas attack outwardly, causing whatever LMBers that are on Legion World to come help them—which includes Fat Cramer, Ultra Matt and Senior Widebottom, and because of the need for special help, Thora and Mekt Ranzz! Soon, the LMB bring their trump card, Monkey-Eater Lad, who becomes similar to a deity to them, and he encourages them to settle and live in the old Statue of Large Handsome, Middlefinger II, which the LMB had brought to Legion World when they moved there, although the statue accidentally broke off and landed in the outer jungles.

Hunters and Hunted On Legion World, Deathstroke Kid still remains at large, following the adventure in Universe Aflame. As Deathstroke Kid gets further and further out of Legion World and into space, the Security Officers of Legion World attempt to hunt him down before he can escape. A team of Matlock, High Priestess Viviane, Future and the newly reinstated Space Ranger use various means to stop him at every turn, until finally they are led to a secret hideaway for galactic pirates, which they are forced to bring down, allowing Deathstroke Kid to escape.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592458 03/08/06 06:17 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part V: The First Anniversary of Legion World

July 4, 2004

During the term of Oudtoor Miner and Reboot, a Major anniversary was celebrated by the LMB: The First Anniversary of Legion World

On July 4, 2004, it had been exactly one year since Legion World opened its doors, and the LMB and Legion World celebrated as much have they could, taking in the notion that they had been on Legion World for a full year. Lots of memories were brought back, and the same sense of pride and relief that they had finally had found a true home came rushing back all over again.

Once more, thanks were exchanged to Nightcrawler and Lightning Lad, as well as Saturn Girl, Crusader/Princess Crujectra and Kid Prime. The founders had given a gift like none other before or most likely ever after, and smiles and laughs were felt extra hearty that day.

Legion World had come at a time when the community was in dire need of a home. A year later, it was with them still, and a true home it had become. It was now a matter of delight and easy amusement to consider where it was going next.

In Continuity

The one year anniversary of Legion World kicked off, and the LMB celebrated as joyfully as they had ever done. All LMBers were called in from their missions for the ceremony, and the love of one another was felt stronger than ever.

As a gift, the Triumvirate revealed their gifts to Legion World: Statues of Nightcrawler , Lightning Lad , and Lash Lad —the former two the Legion World founders and the latter one of the most prominent of all the posters ever in the history of the LMB (and Legion World).

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592459 03/08/06 06:22 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part VI: Titans Month

September 1, 2004 – September 29, 2004

Real History

In September of 2004, DC had followed the cancellation of their Legion of Super-Heroes comic book with a Teen Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes crossover One-Shot special, which would lead the launching of a new three-booted Legion of Super-Heroes in the following months.

To coincide with these happenings at DC and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Nightcrawler considered using the Legion World website to celebrate this Titans/Legion crossover event, by having a Titans-themed month during that September. The idea was matched with enormous enthusiasm as the LMB and Legion World population at large seemed to be very in tune with the idea.

Thus, on September 1, 2004, Legion World underwent ‘Titans Month’, an event that allowed the entire website to also celebrate the Titans and Titan-history, along with the history of the Legion of Super-Heroes. The Reaction was over-whelming. Scores of Legion World posters, which included the active LMB, participated in a plethora of topics and threads in the Legion forum, celebrating all eras of Titans history, as well as how those eras related to Legion history.

Many posters took this opportunity to change their usernames to a more ‘Titans-esque’ type of name (for example, Nightcrawler was ‘Nightchangeling’, Numf-El was ‘Numfwing’, etc.). In addition, other posters changed their avatars to Titans related avatars, so that the images of Speedy, Changeling, Deathstroke and nearly every other Titans character could be seen. Other posters did not actively make those changes, but made their presence felt in the plethora of active Titans threads.

Over all, the event was a smashing success, in that it was met with high approval and enormous amount of fun ensued. Further, it bred such an incredible level of activity that the enthusiasm and sheer quantity of posts spilled into all the other forums of the board. Undoubtedly, part of the reason for the immense amount of activity during this era stems directly from Titans Month.

In Continuity

Universe Aflame Archeologists on Earth discover an ancient pyramid with the bodies of the legendary Olympians, heroes of old. Soon, a variety of drugs and illusions draw the LMB in and give them the sense that some of them are these heroes of old, or even an amalgam between the two groups. Eventually, the effect begins to fade away, although it is impossible to tell if the Olympians actually survived to the present day because of this. One side effect, however, is that the old Olympian’s enemy Deathstroke Kid somehow is able to survive to the present day, and becomes a new enemy for the LMB. Note- this is an actual tag team thread, although it never made it past a few posts

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592460 03/08/06 07:57 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part VII: More Anecdotes during Outdoor Miner’s Term

-Faraway Lad continues to have problems with Sanity or Madness? and his government, and is eventually ‘forced’ out of his position as Ambassador to Faraway Places. He then publicly stands in opposition to SoM’s leadership.

-Blockade Boy takes a leave of absence from Legion World and the LMB for a time.

-Minesurfer opens up his ‘ Workbench ’, a place to talk shop on Legion World.

- Flannel Lass, Continuity Cop (aka Gina Robotgirl), Bicycle Repair Man and Queen Connie become less active in the LMB, and prefer to be taken off the 'active roster'.

An Old Friend’s Return Longtime LMBer and former *major* poster Loser Lad returns to Legion World and rejoins the fold of the LMB. The returns of both Shady and Loser Lad cannot be emphasized enough, since both were prominent LMBers for so long.

-Icefyre returns to Legion World, once more with the moniker Icefyre, where he sees newcomer Miss Terious engaged in all kinds of flirting. Hearing stories about her amazing flirting abilities (since he, himself is the most legendary of all flirts), he confronts her in the streets of Legion World. A major misunderstanding occurs and a battle rages on for days on end as other LMBers such as Eryk Davis Ester, Kent Shakespeare, Cobalt Kid and Outdoor Miner are caught in the middle of this furious battle.

-Miss Terious becomes enamored with Security Chief Cobalt Kid and the two date for a brief period, resulting in her announcing her pregnancy to Legion World. Much later, she would claim that she had a chip in her head (per the Reboot scheme), but this has largely been disproved. Cobalt Kid, famous for his children being demons, robots and future world conquerors does not react in the same way as Miss Terious. Outdoor Miner enacts the “Cobalt’s Children Protocols” as established by StuRat and Poverty Lad years earlier.

-Harbinger uses the LMB Mission Monitor Board for the funniest shout of all time, begging the question: ‘Sonnie, got milk?’

Miss T’s Legion of Alt ID’s Miss Terious’ pregnancy ends, as she suddenly gives birth to a huge amount of children, all becoming full-grown very quickly. Apparently, her connection to her dead sister Mysa, who was preordained to come back to life, combined with the demon-seed of Cobalt Kid (the curse by the Time Mouse Trapper and Dr. Albert Hoffman) led to this explosion of children onto Legion World. These children soon became dubbed “Miss T’s Legion of Alt ID’s”.

Doctoral Advice Attempting to learn the nature of these events, Miss T journeys to the realm of Dr. Mayavale for assistance. She asks that Cobalt take care of the children, but he fears his track record with children is too poor for such a responsibility (in light of Elagabolus and his own kids) and he puts them in the hands of the [perceived] deputy leader, Outdoor Miner. OM maintains that while Cobalt Kid stated he would give him the kids to watch, he never actually dropped them off.

The Return of Space Ranger Freeing himself from the dimension Stoopid Cat trapped him in, Space Ranger returns to Legion World after a long period of time away. He is welcomed by his friends, who want to trust him but are wary. He is placed on a probation period at the Security Office. Also, he begins a relationship with Trysexual Girl, one of the Legion of Miss T’s Alt IDs.

One Vu for You A young hero named RTVU ventures to Legion World and to join the LMB, and quickly impresses them. He takes on the moniker Kid Vudoo

-Cobalt Kid uses his Triumvir funds to erect the “ Statue of the Random Lurker ” as a tribute to the lurking class of Legion World.

-Vee’s Villa is hit by a hurricane, and many Legion Worlders pitch in to help keep the Villa restored and repaired.

-Many posters see a large increase in their activity and begin chatting at the same time every night. Dubbed the “ Every Night Chat Friends ”, these posters consisted of Miss Terious, Loser Lad, KinetixZoeGreen, Abin Quank, Actor Lad, RTVU, Kent Shakespeare, with others joining in, such as Lash Lad, Eryk Davis Ester and Cobalt Kid to name a few.

-Future begins a Legion World marketing campaign by producing some of the most ingenious Bumper Stickers ever seen.

Priestess KinetixZoeGreen retires from the LMB and Legion World. To fill her spot on the roster, she contacts an old friend, the High Priestess Viviane to take her place. Living on the Holy Isle of Avalon, the High Priestess Viviane agrees to help the LMB, and in doing so, she moves her floating Holy Isle of Avalon from its former dimension, so that is floats over Legion World. NOTE- KinetixZoeGreen and the High Priestess Viviane are the same person in real life, and are also known as ‘Luna’

-Rhino begins the new slogan “Feh! To Fataphobia!” to counter rampant discrimination against the obese.

-Dr. Gimlet, a new arrival on Legion World, opens up Medicus One to help the sick. Dr. One, the LMBer who is more a scientist than a doctor, had previously been on a leave of absence, so this role is filled nicely.

Miss T’s Alt ID Conundrum Miss Terious’s Dreamataria is destroyed by a bombing, while she is away. It becomes clear that she is in danger. Because of this, High Priestess Viviane joins the Security Office as an officer to help hunt down the culprit alongside Cobalt Kid, Matlock, Future and the newly returned Space Ranger. Outdoor Miner and Miss T’s Legion of Alt ID’s also pitch in. Finally, Miss Terious returns to Legion World, with a clearer understanding of her Legion of Alt IDs, which she learns are not her children at all, but an extension of herself. With this newfound understanding of the connection, she learns that she is able to tap into each ID and use that body when she needs to. Thus, she has a legion of over a dozen ‘bodies’ that she can use in battle, although only one at a time. She then changes her moniker and takes the name Myriad.

The Growing Schism of the LMB During a minor altercation that began as playful joking but turned into wild accusations, Sanity or Madness? threatens to kick out Cobalt Kid from his position as Security Chief, which is a position that he holds for life, causing Cobalt Kid to point out that he does not have the power to do so. Soon, SoM? begins manipulating the Legion World treasury to hurt the Security Office’s budget. Cobalt then uses his own funds as Triumvir to supply it. SoM? then tells Legion World that he found a chip in his head, with “Cobalt Kid” written on it, claiming that the Security Chief tried to control him. Cobalt, outraged, denies this ever happened and points to his heroic resume as proof he’d never do such a thing. Eventually, SoM? claims that Princess Crujectra also has a chip in her head for supporting Cobalt Kid, and this takes away a lot of the legitimacy of the claim. It becomes apparent that Cobalt Kid did no such thing, although SoM? still claimed to have a chip in his head, although he did not know who placed it there. Seeing an opportunity, Myriad uses this scandal to explain her previous relations with Cobalt Kid, which had become public knowledge, by saying she had a ‘Chip in the Head’. This latter claim was subsequently proved false. At this point, there is a definitive schism between the Security Office and the Government, stemming particularly between Cobalt Kid and Sanity or Madness?, as well as one between Myriad and the Triumvirate.

- Thora’s influence continues to grow, as she begins attracting more followers. Her most loyal followers remain Icefyre and Rokk Steady.

-Eryk Davis Ester, an authority on famous lurkers, erects a statue of the lurker Grendel on Legion World with Triumvir funds, in hopes to draw the notorious lurker out.

The Infamous Lurker called Grendel For quite awhile, rumors had circulated about the legendary lurker called Grendel, who was said to stalk the streets of Legion World. During this period, he became of special interest, and many LMBers wanted to draw him out. Led by Eryk Davis Ester especially, as well as High Priestess Viviane and Lash Lad, a new focus was put forth on Grendel.

- Other statues erected by the Triumvirs include a Statue of Sketch Lad , for his work in beautifying Legion World, and Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass , to celebrate her return.

-Loser Lad and Princess Crujectra re-spark the old flame and ‘enjoy each other’s company’ again.

-There is an even greater increase in flirting than ever before on Legion World, as desire and jealousy run deep. Priestess, Loser Lad, Future, Myriad and Kent Shakespeare all flirt a great deal, although Myriad also flirts with Cobalt Kid, Eryk Davis Ester, Numf-El and others. Rumors of Eryk Davis Ester and Leap Year Lass’s romance remain rumors, while it is clear that Cobalt Kid was romantically linked to Thora, Tiffany Spiffany and Myriad in addition to his wife Space Tart. Space Tart responded by flirting with Faraway Lad and Eryk Davis Ester. None of these affairs can be either confirmed or proven as not happening. Not to let the strait community out do them, a renewed gay flirting on Legion World ensued, as Lash, Quislet, Kid Prime, Semi-Transparent Fellow, Kid Vudoo, CJ Taylor, Ultra Matt and others showed Legion World how flirting was really done. Throughout this period of immense flirting, many wondered if Lash Lad, forever sought after by lustful men and women, truly had a crush on his good friend, Eryk Davis Ester.

-The Red Bee begins posting more, and becomes more actively involved in the LMB.

- For reasons that remain unexplained, Kid Prime, Lash Lad and Cobalt Kid all ended up in a bathtub together.

- Medicus One is destroyed as a result of gross negligence on the part of the employees there.

- After a brief probationary period, Space Ranger is reinstated as Deputy Chief of Security on Legion World, after regaining the trust of the LMB and the Security Office. A remaining animosity exists between him and Stoopid Cat.

- At this point, the growing animosity on Legion World between the various factions begins to build to a boiling point.


Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592461 03/08/06 08:02 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part VIII: The Legion World Civil War and the Great Compromise

- Following their recent social scandal in the public, Myriad begins an anti-Cobalt Kid propaganda campaign. Most believed it to be for reasons that were more personnel than anything.

-Sanity or Madness? allies with Miss T during this campaign, following his own ongoing grudge with Cobalt Kid which involves whole other separate issues, including the Government, the Triumvirate, and a possible ‘Chip in the Head?’ scheme which SoM? blames on Cobalt Kid.

- Myriad threatens to overthrow Eryk Davis Ester and threatens his life. This causes Chief of Security, Cobalt Kid to warn her to stop, because it’s against the law. Believing this to be some sort of show of Triumvir unity, Myriad accuses them of being an oligarchy and threatens to overthrow them. Eryk Davis Ester and Cobalt Kid reply that there is nothing to overthrow, since they are not in an elected position and their functions as Triumvirs do not relate to daily life on Legion World.

-SoM? sees this as an opportunity to put a stop to the Triumvirate, a function he has never agreed with and joins in on this campaign and even begins threatening his own violence.

- Myriad begins dividing Legion World down the middle into a potential Civil War, continuing to prepare for a violent revolt. Eryk Davis Ester and Cobalt Kid continue to broker for peace, although Eryk Davis Ester is forced to defend himself. SoM? accuses the Triumvirs of oligarchy, and EDE and Cobalt reply that they have done more for Legion World than he ever has, and that he has acted as a tyrant. They make mention that many LMBers have waited for his term to end quietly, fearing his insanity. Now accusations of tyranny and oligarchy begin to run rampant.

-Abin Quank joins Myriad’s group and has a violent confrontation with various Security Officers. He and Cobalt Kid duke it out over the skies, with the full use of their powers.

- More violence and battles begin to break out over Legion World, as the LMB becomes increasingly split down the middle. LMB officials, such as Actor Lad and Kent Shakespeare, prefer to side with SoM?, while others, including long-time LMBers like Faraway Lad, prefer to side with Eryk Davis Ester and Cobalt Kid.

-Space Ranger opts to sit this Civil War out, since on one side he would be opposing his brother, Trysexual Girl and Myriad’s Legion of Alt IDs, which he could not do as spiritual leader of alt Ids. On the other side, he would be opposing the Security Office, which he himself helped form.

- Myriad’s use of her alt ID’s then brings into question the Alt ID/Legion World split, which still had many tensions left over from the short-lived, but never resolved ‘Alt ID Rebellion’. The feline community quickly joined Eryk Davis Ester’s side, as the previous tensions there were brought up. Thus, the feline/Alt ID split becomes apparent again.

-Kid Prime, a front-running candidate to win the next leadership elections, asks Legion World for peace.

-To learn more about SoM?, Cobalt Kid initiates a Security investigation into his election as Leader, which reveals surprising information: there was tampering in the last election by an unknown source to spread disunity among the LMB (this would later be revealed to be the enemy in “The Good, The Dark, and the Dead” saga, nearly eight months later). Thus, Outdoor Miner is the real leader, and SoM? is the deputy leader.

- The two Triumvirs call upon their third Triumvir, Grey Birdboy, who joins them. They prepare to confront SoM? and depose if possible.

- During this time, SoM? finds the specimen “Glitch”, which still remains somewhat of a mystery. This ‘Glitch’ joins SoM? in a symbiotic way, that totally ‘reboots’ SoM? into a different being, with new powers. The “Sanity” side of SoM? remains, and with the new changes, SoM? takes on the name Reboot. The Madness side is finally released from him, which runs rampant on Legion World. Thus, the three Triumvirs, now joined by Reboot, take down the madness side, although it is able to somehow escape through means that are quite mad. Reboot then defers from his position of leader of the LMB and elevate the true leader, Outdoor Miner to that position. The record books now show that Outdoor Miner was leader all along, since he won the election through fair means. Outdoor Miner is thus LMB leader, and Reboot is Deputy Leader.

- Seeing the Triumvirs willingness to use violence against him, however, does nothing to hinder the hard feelings felt between the two. Reboot and Cobalt Kid continue to have strict animosity towards one another.

- Meanwhile, Cobalt Kid and Eryk Davis Ester, who remained true to their guns and never stopped brokering for peace, continue to push Myriad to do the same. Cobalt Kid then suggests that Myriad, who feels like she has no power in the LMB or on Legion World, could become the next leaders liaisons to Alt ID’s, since she has so many. Further, Cobalt Kid proposes that they open up an Alt ID Cultural Center to do so. Eryk Davis Ester, impressed with his friend’s idea, immediately ends his role in the Civil War. Outdoor Miner suggests that they use the old blown up Dreamataria, and, as his first act as leader, signs the papers needed to create such a center and position for Myriad in the government. With peace so close in reach, Myriad compromises and agrees to the terms, seeing the benefits of the Alt ID Center.

“The Great Compromise” takes place, as Eryk Davis Ester, Cobalt Kid and the High Priestess Viviane use their funds and Eryk Davis Ester’s Construction company to build the Alt ID Center, dubbed ‘The Giant Squid Memorial Center for Alt ID Culture”, in honor of the alt ID who fought and died in the Dark Stu Saga. The long time tensions of the Alt ID Rebellion are finally laid to rest. Even further, Cobalt Kid uses his money to build Medicus Two, on the suggestion of Myriad. Also, Myriad is named official Alt ID Liaison.

- Finally, Eryk Davis Ester and Cobalt Kid agree to a nude Greco-Roman style wrestling match per the final terms with the Compromise with Myriad for the good of Legion World. In a strange twist of events, Eryk Davis Ester picks up a strange lavender kryptonite that gives him super-strength and speed, and wins. This lavender kryptonite becomes a very large mystery, that remains open-ended, and Cobalt Kid assigns Matlock to try and uncover its secrets.

- The Giant Squid Memorial Center for Alt ID Culture opens as a smashing success, and Space Ranger becomes part of the three major advisors there, which greatly pleases the Alt ID community. The third advisor (in addition to Myriad and Space Ranger) is a surprise and shock to all, as Lucifer Lass, longtime LMB villain, enters Legion World and assumes this role. Her true intentions remain unrevealed, despite speculation that she may have villainous plans. Surprise guest Stoopid Cat, the first Alt ID Deputy Leader, gave a memorable speech on the day of the opening.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592462 03/08/06 08:10 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part XI: Final Anecdotes and Adventures During Outdoor Miner’s Term

- Loser Lad begins training with the High Priestess Viviane on the Holy Isle of Avalon. They also appeared to be enamored with one another.

- Hrun the Barbarian returns to Legion World from his Viking Campaign, and Cobalt Kid and Hrun make a public promise to capture Glorith should she reappear again.

-CJ Taylor pledges his allegiance to the Triumvirs as their Bard, although this appears to be suspect.

Thora’s Sadie Hawkins Dance To promote herself, Thora hosts a ‘Sadie Hawkins Dance’, which turns out to be a smash-success. Many attend and have a great time, and Thora earns lots of respect and support among LMBers who never had it for her before. Various LMBers attend, including Loser Lad, Myriad, Future, Eryk Davis Ester, High Priestess Viviane, Abin Quank, Policy Pam, Lash Lad, Cobalt Kid, Icefyre, Kent Shakespeare, Kid Vudoo, Space Ranger, and others. After the dance, the High Priestess Viviane and Abin Quank, both a little tipsy, hook up and engage in a sexual encounter. Viviane’s goddess channels through her, and passion follows. That night, Viviane’s daughter, Opal Jannel, is conceived (Abin Quank’s daughter).

- The following day, Pagan Lass goes on a tear through Legion World, demanding she find her husband Abin and Viviane. Viviane explains that it was the will of the goddess and Pagan Lass grudgingly admits she understands. Abin hides out at the Loser Cave with Loser Lad, while Pagan Lass recruits Cobalt Kid to help her. Knowing it would get on Abin’s nerves, she erected the ‘ Second Great Statue of Cobalt Kid ’, and used her feminine charms on him to get him to help her. Eventually Pagan Lass finds Abin Quank and the two have a ‘long talk’. Abin’s closest confidants, Stoopid Cat and Space Ranger, wish him luck.

- With the approaching elections, Café Cramer becomes a center for Legion World politics, as Kent Shakespeare, Semi-Transparent Fellow, Space Ranger, Future, Fat Cramer, Matlock and others wondered what was in store next for them.

- Winema Wazzo briefly returns to the scene, to the dismay of Varalent, Kid Prime, Reboot and others.

- Matlock continues the investigation of the Lavender Kryptonite and its origins, which is still an open case. He begins to wonder if this is related to a recent case—that of missing gender reversal germs, and even the case of the election tampering.

- Once more, the LMB has to get accustomed to daily interaction with Hrun the Barbarian. At SHAKES, Semi-Transparent Fellow relies on his wit and Giant Robotic Lesbian to deal with Hrun, while Fat Cramer and Matlock also try to figure out how best to interact with the Barbarian.

- The Sorceress Morgause enters Legion World and begins plotting against the High Priestess Viviane. The Woods of Lothian magically become part of the surrounding areas of Legion World. StuRat, Loser Lad and Cobalt Kid venture into them one day but are forced out, although Loser Lad and Morgause have some strange connection.

-The annual LW Homecoming Dance occurs, although it is not as popular as Thora’s Sadie Hawkins Dance. However, the dating to prepare for the dance becomes very interesting: Myriad tried to get both Eryk Davis Ester and Kent Shakespeare to take her. Pagan Lass, still mad at Abin went with Cobalt Kid, his known rival. Space Tart, reacting to Cobalt’s decision, then went with Faraway Lad, while Lucien Lad, Princess Crujectra and CJ Taylor all attended together. New LMBers Eiishuu and Mearl Dox went together and Dr. Mayavale showed up, as Future and High Priestess Viviane double dated with Loser Lad and Thora. To prepare for the dance, Bevis re-opens his old Boutique (which may or may not have been a center for the anti-Stu resistance), and shows off his designer skills.

- The Homecoming Dance marks the entrance of two new members to the LMB: Mearl Dox and Eishuu . While the latter remains relatively inactive, but there in times of need, the former, Mearl Dox, quickly becomes a prominent member of the LMB and Legion World.

- The High Priestess Viviane gives birth to her daughter, Divine Opal Janell. It becomes apparent that the child is a nexus for magical energy. The LMB and Legion World celebrate this event, especially those who had grown very close to the High Priestess. In the Woods of Lothian, the Sorceress Morgause prepares a dark plot.

- Outdoor Miner finishes out his term as leader in relative peace and quiet, an absolute first for this entire term. In doing so, he announces that he'd embezzled everything from LW in an effort to save it. In typical Legion World fashion, nobody picked up on that.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592463 03/08/06 08:12 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part X: The Election of Kid Prime and the Boy with Ultra Powers

Real History

Keeping up with getting the elections back on track, the next election process began at the end of September 2004, as a nomination period began, and then a campaigning period with the usual amounts of creativity and threads.

With the new trend of ‘self-nominations’, other things directly resulted: first, many newer posters (and even lurkers) were encouraged to nominate themselves, which led to RTVU2, Creativity Kid, Valor the M’Onel and others getting involved. Also, self-nominations ensured that the Alt ID section of Legion World maintained a large presence in the elections, which led to some lesser known Alt IDs, like Bizarro No.1 and Computo Jr. running, as well as Thora, although she maintained a support base that was unusual for Alt IDs. It also meant that there was a plethora of candidates, instead of a small amount.

Some prominent LMBers also nominated themselves but dropped out of the election race early on, including Lash Lad, Eryk Davis Ester and Myriad.

As the voting turned out, Kid Prime was elected the Leader of the LMB, and Ultra Matt the Deputy Leader. As Kid Prime was essentially the poster responsible for bringing the election process to Legion World, this was a fitting tribute to him.

One damper on the situation was that once again, a poster was caught cheating in the elections by using multiple Alt IDs—although this did not change the results significantly. However, this revealed that there were now two times that tampering occurred, leaving many posters feeling dismayed with the entire notion of an LMB Leader, which is why there would not be an election for over a year.

The following nominated themselves for leadership:

High Priestess Viviane
Actor Lad
Kid Prime
The Boy with Ultra Powers
Valor the M’Onel
Creativity Kid
Comet King
Portfolio Boy
Computo Jr.
Bizarro No.1
Tijulk MrAsz

In Continuity

The LMBP enjoyed another round of elections, including a second nomination period where self-nominations are the only ones accepted and a campaigning period where the various nominees set up a variety of ways to encourage votes. Other members became involved by seeing what the various nominees could offer them.

The elections closed and Kid Prime was elected leader of the LMB and Ultra Matt was elected Deputy Leader.

A second instance of vote tampering, however, came to light, and once more the LMB considered whether leadership elections should be continued.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592464 03/08/06 08:13 PM
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Year Six: Outdoor Miner’s Term
Part XI: The LMB at the End of Outdoor Miner’s Term

Here is the active LMB roster at roughly exact time that Outdoor Miner’s term as leader came to an end:

Outdoor Miner (Leader)
Reboot (Deputy Leader)
Lash Lad
Cobalt Kid
Mystery Lad
Princess Crujectra (aka Spellbinder)
Grey Birdboy
Beagle Boy
Loser Lad
Sketch Lad
Lucien Lad
Space Tart
Faraway Lad
Iron Rat (aka Stu)
The Boy with Ultra Powers
Poverty Lad
Leap Year Lass (aka Thriftshop Debutante)
Kid Prime
Eryk Davis Ester
Quislet, Esq.
Fat Cramer
He Who Wanders
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl
Tromium Crystal
Star Boy
Portfolio Boy
Semi-Transparent Fellow
Abin Quank
Invisible Brainiac
Monkey-Eater Lad
Captain Dallas
Kent Shakespeare
Actor Lad
Stoopid Cat
Pagan Lass
CJ Taylor
Probability Pete
Gigglebot Girl
High Priestess Viviane (aka Luna)
Hrun the Barbarian
The Red Bee
Kid Vudoo (aka RTVU2)
Mearl Dox

LMB Reservists
Senior Widebottom
Triad Nuetral, Triad Orange, Triad Purple
LMB Spectre
Kid Gender Reversal Stereotype II
Marvin of the Brood

Honorary LMBers
The SMB of Earth-4
Hummer Lass
The Phantom Stranger
Santa Claus
Everyday Girl
Something else else Amazing

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592465 08/21/08 12:06 PM
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<span style="font-size: 30px;">Year Six</span>

<span style="font-size: 25px;">Kid Prime’s Term</span>

October 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592466 08/21/08 12:07 PM
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part I: Changing of the Times

During the previous two administrations, from roughly April 2004 to the end of September 2004, Legion World and the LMB saw a time of such immense activity that it can generally be remembered as the most active posting either has ever seen in their history, at least at this date of August, 2007. There were so many posts each day on the MMB, that entire new threads would be pushed to page two, so that a poster looking to catch up would have to reread all the last posts on page two and page one in order to do so. There was also a variety of different posters that had become active on the Mission Monitor Board, and thus directly to the LMB mythos, including relatively new posters that were quickly becoming so immersed in the LMB mythos that they were hardly new (Future, Kent Shakespeare, High Priestess Viviane, RTVU, etc.), older posters from past LMB years (Princess Crujectra, Cobalt Kid, Poverty Lad, etc.) and then the Legion World mainstays that helped initially give Legion World’s MMB so much traffic. There were no less than 30 very active posters on the Mission Monitor Board at any given day during this time, with a handful of about a dozen with immense posts. As previously mentioned, a few examples are Abin Quank, Loser Lad and the High Priestess Viviane’s post counts soaring up by 3,000 or 4,000 posts within a matter of two months. MLLASH and Lightning Lad were hitting astronomical numbers at the time, approaching 10,000, which was previously unheard of. These were also not due to threads were rampant posting was being done for the sake of post-counts, which had long been turned off, but just normal examples of how the sheer amount of posting was reflected by the large post counts of the active posters of this era. Much more obvious was the fact that the previous month, September 2004, was Titans Month, a time when Legion World celebrated the Titans/Legion crossover by having a variety of Titans inspired threads, avatars and usernames, which created an amazing amount of posting and activity on both the Legion forum and the MMB. This event was so successful that the sheer traffic in September 2004 was astounding at the time, and the enthusiasm for Legion World itself hitting a tremendous high.

However, around November 2004, this would all begin to change. Proving once again that there is a cyclical nature to posting activity on message boards, the incredible explosion of posts during this time was naturally followed by a lull for quite a few months thereafter. While November showed a steady decline, December was even more so, and then the early months of 2005 hit an all time low of posting activity on quite a lot of Legion World forums, but particularly the MMB. There are many reasons for this, the most obvious being the notion that there is almost always an annual slowing down of posting during the Winter months though the exact reasons of that aren’t one hundred percent clear. Also, after such a period of immense posting, there would naturally be an inclination to slow down, as not everyone could keep up such a rabid pace, and some might be slightly burnt out. Most likely, quite a lot of Legion World mainstays within the LMB shifted there interest towards the variety of other forums on Legion World, which often happens after a period of such activity, shifting back towards analyzing and discussing the actual Legion comic books or other hobbies. There also appears to be some truth in the notion that people became genuinely busy with other things at relatively the same time. It also should be mentioned that during this time, there were two unfortunate incidents where some posters became problematic or some posters had problems with one another, both resulting in moderator involvement. The goal of this narrative is not to discuss the awful aspects of the past but to move on, and they hardly relate to LMB history at all, so I see no reason to focus on them. The immediate side effect, however, was a decrease in posting activity among specific posters on Legion World who were temporarily dismayed by this. Whatever the case, a very acute trend of a slow-down in posting began to occur during this time period, though not quite apparent at the beginning of Kid Prime’s run, but definitely there by its end.

One of the most obvious characteristics of this trend was a decrease in posting by quite a lot of mainstay LMB posters on the LMB (and I generally refer to the ones that continually contribute to the LMB mythos). While there was still a steady influx of new blood, many of the major posters of the previous half year decreased their time on the MMB and Legion World significantly. Two to do so, were actual the LMB deputy leader, Ultra Matt (the Boy with Ultra Powers), and then later, Kid Prime, the LMB leader. By far not the first to ever do so, this happened at a time however, when the general posting among the LMB was down anyway, combined with the fact that there had been some trouble on the previous three LMB elections (which will be covered later in this narrative). The effect was that there was not another election and the precise date for the end of this term becomes murky. All of that will be dealt with at the end of this section. But it further underlines a changing of the times.

It should be noted, however, that a decrease in LMB activity did not necessarily mean a decrease in Legion World activity. If anything, the Legion forum saw an increase of activity during this time, as many posters that previously had been a major presence on the MMB began posting there more often. This shift in interest, of course, generally meant new posters on Legion World would be more inclined to go there first rather than the MMB, which meant less emphasis on LMB-type matters. Similar things happened in Dr. Gym’lls and the Anywhere Machine. Such shifts remain interesting to see trends on posting activity in the forums over the years.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592467 08/21/08 12:07 PM
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part II: Life on Legion World

The Legion Forum
The Threeboot Legion During this time, in the Fall of 2004, the first solicitations for the new Legion comic began to come out, and then the series itself first appeared. Of course rampant speculation and then reviews ensued, as Legion World geared up to see what the new Legion was all about. Immediately, the moniker ‘threeboot’ came into use, following the previous internet creation of ‘reboot’. Also, the term ‘WaK’, implying ‘Waid/Kitson’ was created by Legion World, similar to how the old DCMBs (and the very first LMBers) created the term ‘DnA’ to infer ‘Dan Abbet and Andy Lanning’.

The Mission Monitor Board
MMB Directory Though she left soon after its creation, the poster Myriad began a thread attempting to be a directory for the Mission Monitor Board. This thread serves as a good way to navigate some of the active threads during 2004 on the MMB, though it remains relatively incomplete.

Discontinuation of old trends and decrease in posting - As mentioned previously, there was a high decrease in posting in the MMB during this time period. It should also be noted that there was a decrease in various trends as well. For example, statue threads were discontinued (as mentioned below) and also during this time welcome threads became less prevalent. Other threads continued in the MMB, some even being replicated, such as ‘Inane Type’ threads and ‘Supergirl Robot’ threads, but none were common enough to be labeled a ‘trend’.

Bits O’ Legionnaire Business
Future\'s Bumper Stickers – Though it began roughly at the end of Outdoor Miner’s term, the beginning of Kid Prime’s term saw one of the most creative onslaughts of genius in the Bits section of Legion World, begun by Future. Throughout a very long thread, Future created a series of marketing bumper stickers that highlighted various LMBers, LMB events, Legion World aspects, Alt IDs and other things, each more ingenious than the next.
[Linked Image]

The LMB in Comic Book Form – During this time, Faraway Lad commissioned a brilliant LMB comic featuring Faraway Lad, Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid, and Legion World was able to see what an LMB comic book might look like.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592468 08/21/08 12:08 PM
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part III: Anecdotes during Outdoor Miner’s Term

- Kid Prime and Ultra Matt assume their positions as LMB leader and Deputy Leader. Faraway Lad is reinstated as Ambassador to Faraway lands For Life.

- The ongoing Schism between the Security Office and the LMB Leadership that was prevalent throughout the previous Outdoor Miner/Reboot term officially comes to an end, as Kid Prime extends the offer to work hand in hand with the Office of Security, if it will work with him. However, there is some degree of hard feelings between Reboot and his old supporters and the Office of Security, notably Cobalt Kid.

Kid Prime creates the The Metroplex , his mobile headquarters, which is large enough to house the entire LMB if need be. The Metroplex also has the ability to become a full-on fighting transformer in case of dire emergency.

The old Governmental Building of Reboot and Outdoor Miner is turned into “ The Mainframe of the Reboot ”, and Outdoor Miner’s old campaign headquarters is turned into “ OM\'s Pool Hall

New member ParisCub joins the LMB.

A Statue of Future is erected by the Triumvirate in response to his enormous participation within LMB public life in recent months. Future continues to be highly active during this time.

Tiffany Spiffany begins spending the majority of her time on Legion World. She becomes fast friends with Space Tart.

Stu turns his Mansion into “ STU\'s Haunted Mansion ,” to celebrate October.

Eryk Davis Ester and Cobalt Kid bump a vast amount of ‘Outdoor Miner’ threads, and by proxy create ‘Outdoor Miner’ Day on Legion World. Outdoor Miner just shakes his head and enjoys a drink with Semi-Transparent Fellow at SHAKES.

Many LMBers are still very wary of Lucifer Lass, who now resides on Legion World as head of the Giant Squid Memorial Center for Alt ID Culture. She does little to make them less so.

Kid Vudoo (aka Vu) opens up ‘ The Vudoo Lounge ”, which becomes a popular hangout place on Legion World.

Loser Lad continues to train with High Priestess Viviane in minor magic, although he begins to secretly train with Sorceress Morgause also.

Princess Crujectra reopens her old headquarters from when she was the first LMB leader on Legion World, and renames it The Princess Crujectra Center[/b] . The Princess Crujectra Center is now dedicated to supporting the arts and culture on Legion World, and is funded by a mixture of public donations and the Crujectra Trust. Included within these walls are theaters and the United Planets Museum, which features exhibits from across the galaxy Both Space Tart and Gigglebot Girl sign on to work as the staff there. One charitable event was the production of the play ‘A HoverCar Named Desire’ which featured Cobalt Kid and Foxy Roxy. Both were nominated for Bucklach’s, resulting in Foxy Roxy winning, although Cobalt was just beat by Kharlack the Khund for his performance in “Springtime for Zaryan”.

[b]Darblieds - The Loser Lad/Morgause/Viviane Saga
- The Sorceress Morgause enters Legion World and steals Divine Opal Jannel, who was hidden in Cobalt’s Security Office and journeys to “ Darblieds, Realm of the Dark ” with her. High Priestess Viviane follows her on her own power to confront her evil sister. There, she learns that Loser Lad has been training with Morgause, although it is apparent that Loser Lad did not realize he was betraying her. The previous Abin Quank/Viviane affair only serves to heighten the situation.

- Morgause kills Viviane! In a show of her magical strength, however, Viviane is able to transfer her power and the divine spirit of her Goddess into her baby daughter Opal. As a result, Divine Opal Janell suddenly ages to her mid-teens, and is able to claim this power. A sorceress of her own, Opal is able to beat back Morgause and trap her for a brief period in Darblieds.

- Opal and Loser Lad return to Legion World, to a confused and shocked LMB, as Cobalt Kid, Future and Outdoor Miner try to figure out what happened. A lingering animosity exists between Opal and Loser Lad, for Loser’s seduction to evil magic. Loser Lad swears off all magic. Cobalt Kid, feeling guilty of Opal being stolen from his office, offers her a job at the Security Office and a place to stay. Opal joins the LMB officially, and then journeys to the Holy Island of Avalon to assume her role as Priestess there. Legion World officially meets High Queen Igraine and Morgaine of the Fairies for the first time.

Cobalt Kid creates The Third Great Statue of Cobalt Kid as a joke on Lash Lad and Loser Lad, who subsequently lock it up so the public cannot view it—the joke was on Cobalt Kid.

Former LMBer Yellow Kid returns to the fold after a lengthy absence! Finally journeying to Legion World, he quickly jumps back into the fray of being an LMBer and becomes a very active member. Various members of the reformed Primary Colors Gang also try to work their way into Legion World society.

Princess Crujectra creates ‘
Founders\' Park
’, a beautiful piece of property that celebrates the Founders of the LMB (Lash Lad, LardLad, Cobalt Kid, Tsarin Kid, Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass, Engine Joe) and the Founders of Legion World (Lightning Lad, Nightcrawler, Saturn Girl, Kid Prime). This was received with rave reviews, although a large public outcry from the citizens of Legion World, including both LMB founders and Legion World founders, asked that a bridge be erected between the two in the honor of Princess Crujectra, in honor of her symbolic position as a ‘bridge’ between the LMB and Legion World and her relative founder status of both.

The Five Richest inhabitants of Legion World band their fortunes together and buy up the majority of un-bought land, roughly 84.6% of commercial and private real-estate (that can be sold, that is, not the direct property of the Legion World founders). This includes the three Triumvirs, Princess Crujectra and the Spiffany family. Thus, The Real Estate Offices of Ester, Greybird, Cobaltus, Jectra and Spiffany officially open, with the new initiative to encourage new ventures, build the economy and continue to spread the borders of the great cities. The Farming community, an essential part of the Legion World economy is rightly taken into account and kept virile. Tiffany Spiffany becomes the official Spiffany representative at the office. Eryk Davis Ester’s construction company “The Architecture Company for Museums, Statues and Wondrous Architecture is the advised company to use, while the Legion World Bank (owned by Princess Crujectra and Cobalt Kid) offers better loan services for these new ventures. Grey Birdboy’s Transportation business is given a considerable discount.

The opening of the new real estate offices does not find all of Legion World pleased, however, as Reboot and others begin to wonder about even more power, this time economical, being placed I the hands of the Triumvirate and their closest allies.

Roughly around this time, there was a decrease in posting from Space Ranger, Stoopid Cat and Pagan Lass.

The Emerald Empress continues to be a deep-cover operative for the Security Office on far off missions. Though this causes her to not be an active LMBer, it provides invaluable service. Queen Connie, who also had retired to private life for a time, watched her estate. Both the Empress and Queen Connie remained Reserve LMBers.

Opal Rising - The Second Part of the Opal/Morgause Story
- After a brief time of Divine Opal Jannel being an active LMBer, Sorceress Morgause breaks free of Darbields, and once again challenges Opal.

- At roughly the same time, Future and Outdoor Miner find themselves transported below Legion World in the sewers via Stoopid Cat’s terrasact. Space Ranger suddenly finds himself also down there. The three end up battling a magical monster. In the end, they are transported to a dark realm, which they learn is Darbields, realm of the Dark.

- Following Opal Jannel, Cobalt Kid, the Red Bee and Matlock journey to Darbields to help her.

- After some problems along the way, they all meet up for a showdown with Morgause. A lengthy battle ensues—in the end, Opal steps in. In order to defeat Morgause, she gives up her life, but in doing so, is able to resurrect High Priestess Viviane, who may live again! Thus, Opal Janell dies and Viviane lives. The Heroes return to Legion World and Viviane distraughtly decides to retire to the Holy Isle of Avalon. She strips Legion World of the Holy Isle of Avalon and opens up the Avalon Liason Office in its place. She considers asking KinetixZoeGreen (the former LMBer) to run this Office, but decides on a sentient named Pizzazz. Pizazz journeys to Legion World and joins the LMB, though they are reluctant to have her so do, since she is a hothead. Pizazz is joined by her allies Rapture and Minx.

Looking for someone to help run his army, the Triumvir Eryk Davis Ester enlists the help of Pizzazz as his Primus Pilus (aka ‘First Spear’, the second in charge). She begins helping him restructure his armies.

Ultra Matt, worried about his increasing absences, considers giving up his Deputy Leader Status. Immediately, the various LMBers convince him not to, telling him they’d rather he serve his term when he could, rather than step down.

Empresses, Kings and Heroes? - Faraway Lad finally reveals some of the secrets that led to how he became Ambassador to Faraway Places, a position he holds for life, during STU’s term as LMB leader. One version of how Cobalt Kid became Chief of Security for Life is included within the story, though the much larger story remains mysterious.

New member Ferro Boy appears on Legion World and quickly joins the LMB. He becomes rather prominent very quickly and immerses himself in a variety of the art reviews that the LMB is involved in.

Lucifer Lass interacts with Pizzazz, Minx and Rapture on a more regular basis, furthering the worries of the LMB. Faraway Lad, Kid Prime and others look on waiting for something horrible to happen—but surprisingly, it never does.

The Triumvirs show their newest statue, “ The Collosus of Prude ”, a tribute to Mearl Dox, who had recently become very prominent in recent months. Meal Dox continued to be very active in the LMB, while secretly, her true nature remained mysterious, only that she was somehow active on a much larger scale than Legion World and the LMB.

”The Statue Controversy of 3004” - Statue-Making is relatively discontinued after a discussion with other members of the LMB. Although things become heated initially, the Legion World Founders were able to intervene and bring a pleasant solution to the table. The Triumvirs decide to direct their funds to other operations, including securing the rights to various monuments and classical art throughout the galaxy.

- Myriad takes a leave of absence.

Hrun the Barbarian leaves on his Dragon Boats with his army to scour the universe once more, feeling the constant drive to do so. They enter the Barbarian Horde galaxies that once plagued the LMB and give the inhabitants there a taste of their own medicine. Staying in touch with his two close friends Varalent and Cobalt Kid, Hrun steps down as an active member of the LMB.

Eryk Davis Ester takes a very brief absence and his new Primus Pilus Pizzazz leads his armies for a brief period of time. He returns shortly.

Alt IDs as a whole are largely unseen for a time starting at this point, as they begin to spend time building new lives for themselves now that the longstanding hostilities that were left over from the Alt ID Rebellion have begun to be rubbed out.

Two major members of the LMB and Legion World, Lash Lad and Lightning Lad, become so active in promoting the welfare of the community, that they find themselves opening up to an all-new cosmic awareness that many citizens will never reach. It is called ‘Time Trapper Status’, and they are able to see the universe in a whole new light. Note – at this time, both MLLASH and Lightning Lad became the first two members of Legion World to reach Time Trapper status, aka 10,000 posts, and did so at the same time together.

Space Tart and Ferro Boy become close friends, as she tries to turn him to ‘her’ side, despite his normal preferences.

Mearl Dox finally reveals her secret to the LMBP and announces that she is Supreme Ruler of the Universe to the LMB, and they quickly come to realize that she actually is. Many quickly accept this notion and enjoy hanging out with Her Supremeness. Though some initially doubt this claim, she quickly proves this to them by revealing her homemade cupcakes, the most pleasing form of food in all of existence. Though Mearl’s temperament is usually extremely light-hearted and playful, the LMB learn that she is not without wrath, as she frequently fires her enemies through a cannon into the sun.

The High Priestess Viviane and the Royal Family of Avalon are successful in fighting back the Primal Force that drove them away from Legion World in the first place. She and her family return, and the Holy Isle of Avalon once again enter Legion World, floating above it. High Priestess Viviane rejoins the LMB and the Security Office—as she has not been seen since she was murdered by Morgause. Pizzazz steps down from the LMB and returns to her home with Rapture and Minx, closing down the Avalon Liaison office, as it is no longer needed.

Cobalt Kid becomes entranced with the idea of creating a Supergirl Robot. He has one built immediately, and it quickly falls in love with him.

High Priestess Viviane meets with Loser Lad and the two have a much needed heart to heart. She forgives him for his indirect betrayal and the two remain close friends. Loser Lad swears off all magic forever.

Semi-Transparent Fellow, Harbinger and Outdoor Miner notice that Cobalt’s Supergirl Robot become immersed in an alien culture that makes has the custom that she must wear a face-covering piece of clothing that he does not understand via his Ggrrggian upbringing. Later, she feels she can no longer love Cobalt Kid, as it is against her customs to be with a man such as him. Thus, their different customs pull them apart.

With Halloween over, Stu changes his Haunted Mansion into ‘Stu’s Surreal Estate’, which attracts many LW patrons. Cobalt Kid and Space Tart move into one of the rooms.

Longtime member of the community and former Deputy Leader of the LMB, He Who Wanders, takes a leave of absence from the LMB, choosing to spend a sabbatical away, wandering around the stars. Sorely missed, he is awaited by the LMB to return for some time.

New LMBer Jorg-Em enters the scene and quickly becomes immersed in a variety of the art review and archive activities the LMB perform. He becomes quite prominent in this aspect. Note – Jorg has generally been a very active poster within the Legion Forum, Gym’lls and the Anywhere Machine forums, though not so much in regards to LMB lore. Thus, I felt it fitting to include him in this timeline, and others with similar posting histories.

Matlock and the Office of Security continued to search for leads on open cases throughout this time, such as the missing gender reversal germs, the mystery of the Lavender Kryptonite used on Cobalt Kid and Eryk Davis Ester and the missing murderer, the Royal Inquisitor, who had previously been responsible for the ‘Chip in Head Tech’ controversy.

Reboot continues to have his differences with some longtime LMBers, and his public feud with Cobalt Kid continues, although the two occasionally show signs of being able to work together. Reboot places a tomato with wheels in the middle of the business section of Legion World to make a point, and it is quickly made a national landmark.

LMBer CJ Taylor, whose identity had caused both mystery and wonder, finally was given a codename, though he remained unaware of it for a time. Enigma became his new call-sign, though most LMBers still just called him by his real name, CJ.

Faraway Lad and Gigglebot Girl continued to be a new shining couple on Legion World, and often the Legion World press reported on them and Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl, especially when to compare and contrast with other relationships that seemed to vary from week to week.

Cobalt Kid has another Supergirl Robot built, and this time she does not become enamored with any alien customs. She does, however, become enamored with Cobalt Kid (per her programming), and he becomes found of her. She moves in with Space Tart and Cobalt Kid at “Stu’s Surreal Estate”, although her ‘special’ programming to have father issues, fits of jealousy, problems holding onto money and emotional/dramatic outbursts begin to overstay their welcome. Rumors circulate about ‘one wild night’ between Cobalt, his Supergirl Robot and Giant Robotic Lesbian—although they remain strictly rumors.

Cobalt Kid also has robots created in the image of Captain Marvel Jr. and sent to Ferro Boy and Quislet, Esq.

Danny Blaine returns to Legion World and rejoins the LMB!

Thora takes on a new personality to see how it effects her interacting with the LMB. She ditches the femizazi shtick and becomes a comedian, though many doubt her intentions. However, she sticks to this new change in personality.

New member Lad Boy becomes active within the LMB after joining Legion World. His revealing costume quickly endear him to the majority of LMB membership.

Other new members Brainiac 5, Querl Dox and Lantern Lad become active for a period of time. All stay prominent for awhile, but become less active by the end of Kid Prime’s term.

A few LMBers become less active and are no longer although they continue to appear occasionally: Captain Dallas, Umber and Icefyre.

Towards what would have normally been considered the end of Kid Prime’s term of leader, there was a gradual decline of activity among a great deal of LMBers, including Kid Prime himself. Ultra Matt had already been absent for some time. Other LMBers to decrease their activity were Beagle Boy, Space Tart and Stargazer. Iron Rat (STU) also disappeared from Legion World for a period of time, only rejoining the LMB in times of their most dire need, or otherwise at the most unusual times.

Longtime old LMB member Dedman returns to the fold! He is quickly welcomed by his old friends and reaffirms his moniker as “Cannon-Fodder Kid”. In a show of love, High Priestess Viviane rips his arms off, although Dedman quickly comes back to life.

The Holiday Season once more happens for the LMB. The mistletoe is put back up by StuRat and lots of fun subsequently occurs. Space Tart, Ferro Boy, Lad Boy, Quislet, Cobalt Kid, Viviane, and even Outdoor Miner jump in for the fun! Kent Shakespeare makes an excellent toast .

A Bright Superstar Leaves the Fold – though many LMBers were leaving and decreasing their activity during this time, one stood out among them, because there was a sense of not knowing when he would be back. Future left the LMB during this time to pursue his academic career, and the LMB whished him well, hoping their friend would return to them someday, sooner than later. His rise from a long-time lurker to one of the most active and central members of the LMB was an example of a common theme that occurred with the LMB on Legion World, as he quickly became greatly associated with all things LMB. Eagerly, his return is anticipated.

Shoes, cheese and ?!! In a series of events that seem to warp reality, Harbinger, Abin Quank, Lucien Lad, Stoopid Cat, Faraway Lad and Eryk Davis Ester find themselves in a story constantly changing in a way that causes the eyes and ears to bleed! Note – this was originally an actual tag team story entitled “The All New (Rebooted) Ongoing Tag Team Thread!

With the absence of many LMBers, including the active leader and deputy leader, the LMB became more and more spread out, and most were spending more time on Legion World to deal with day to day issues, fearing that too many away on missions could be dangerous. Still, they got by as normal, pulling extra shifts.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592469 08/21/08 12:08 PM
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Bold Flavors
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part IV: The Eight Impossible Super-Missions

Real History
During the Fall of 2004 and the Winter of 2004/05, Cobalt Kid planned to create a massive onevision event that followed in the footsteps of the (then ongoing) Grant Morrison ‘Seven Soldiers’ project at DC Comics. This would include eight mini-onevisions, with several interludes, and then one larger onevision at the end. Though three of those onevisions were posted, the rest were never written and the project remained somewhat abandoned. However, a summary of each story, as it would have appeared, was finally posted in the Bits section, here . The purpose of this event was to give the active roster of LMBers during this time a major part in an adventure during LMB continuity in Kid Prime’s term, because most of the active roster was not participating in the daily LMB continuity and would therefore not be appearing as often in the timeline.

In Continuity:
Here is the TPB version of “The Eight Impossible Space Missions”.

Mission 1: Danger Damsel and the Bag of Bones

Danger Damsel, the former LMB academy student, is about to embark on changes in her life that involve leaving Legion World and the LMB. However, she suddenly come directly into the path of Deathstroke Kid, who is on Legion World, stealing items from the LMB’s Repository of Lost Artifacts. Nightcrawler enters the fray to help her, as there’s only really Nighty and Abin on Legion World among the LMB at this time, after Deathstroke Kid has rendered Ferro Boy, who was on monitor duty, helpless. Further, something is happening at the end that remains unclear—purple flares and the beginning of something much larger on Legion World. Danger Damsel has come a long way since “ Villains and Victims ”, and has progressed into a confident, tough young woman, after a period in the LMB academy and training by Harbinger and Numf-El. Though not an LMBer, since she has no powers, but she’s someone who actively looks forward to controlling her life, and is sucked into the fray, when Deathstroke Kid attacks. It is here that we first see the beginnings of the Black Sun, which may or may not be a secret society or cult.

Mission 2: The LMB Space Wedding!

While on a return home from a mission, the team of Space Ranger, Reboot, Actor Lad, Outdoor Miner, Cobalt Kid and Kid Vudoo (RTVU) encounter a band of space-pirates looking for food and robbing a very wealthy cargo ship. This leads to an argument between Cobalt Kid & Space Ranger and Reboot & Actor Lad. However, this argument is interrupted by the arrival of Princess Tarina, the princess of Kerissia, whose planet is long at war with Ggrrgg, Cobalt Kid’s home planet. However, it becomes clear that there is dissention on her home planet, because there is no heir apparent, and she must marry. Because her people have technology as such a prevalent part of their lives it is almost to the point of worship, she surprises them by choosing Reboot to be her mate. It is apparent that Tarina is not a bad person, and is essentially stuck being in a bad spot by being Princess to a planet intent on going to war. Suspecting more to this than it seems, the LMBers decide to play along and the ruse eventually ends with Actor Lad being married to Princess Tarina, though it will eventually be rendered illegal. However, the LMB and Tarina soon learn that one of Tarina’s oldest friends, Livia, is actually a Daxamite, who kidnaps her for the Black Sun after a lengthy battle.

Interlude #1
On Earth-4, the SMB Satellite is relatively empty, except for Ratmage and Seahorse, enjoying a nice romantic evening together during monitor duty. Suddenly, they are alerted to something odd—the Beacon from Earth-1 has suddenly gone off! It should usually remain lit at all times, as a symbol of the allegiance between the LMB and the SMB, and a way to transmit messages between groups. Ratmage senses trouble…and SMB leader Seahorse debates on whether a team should be called in to investigate.

Mission 3: The Devourer of Children
Future and Grey Birdboy, coming off a recent journey (as well as showing some scenes among the Triumvirate) learn of a mystery that soon begins to unfold as the monstrous creature known as the “Devourer of Children” has made its way to Legion World. The Devourer, formally an enemy of STU, is set on Legion World by the Black Sun, who inform them that Elagabolus resides there—and this would be the first mention that the Black Sun have knowledge of the LMB, Legion World, or even Elagabolus. Future and Grey Birdboy deal with the creature, quickly bringing in High Priestess Viviane for help, given her and Future’s friendship. When even that is still not enough, they get Stu to join them, hoping Viv and Stu’s combined power can drive the creature out. However, the four are effectively removed from Legion World via a magical seal, made by the Devourer, keeping them all in the Green. The Devourer remains undefeated and the battle rages on. Only now, Legion World is further at risk.

Mission 4: Meanwhile with the Diplomats
A team of LMBers visits Weber’s World, the hub of intergalactic diplomacy in the United Planets including Princess Crujectra, Lucien Lad, Faraway Lad, Umber, Quislet Esq. and Poverty Lad. Here, a large group of ambassadors and politicians have gathered for the two year anniversary of an attack by a Sun-Eater into a galaxy, which destroyed the sun there, and all the planets within. This was during the period of the Corporate takeover of Earth, LMB Lost and the Barbarian Invasions, when the whole galaxy was in disarray and the LMB were not around to help. Because of Earth’s withdraw, this solar system was virtually left undefended and helpless and billions died. The diplomats have gathered because they want to pay respect to that and hope that maybe they can once again push for peace in the galaxy, despite some large barbarian kingdoms still existing (the ongoing enemy of the Triumvirs) and the evil Corporate Earth where the LMB is outlawed. Princess Crujectra takes the lead as the LMB uncover the enemy, and learns of a group of terrorist attempting to disrupt the proceedings. The LMBers show their stuff, each getting a chance to shine, and then are shocked to see: a massive army invading Weber’s World! It soon becomes clear that the Black Sun is more than just a religious cult—it’s a massive operation with huge numbers of enlisted soldiers, able to create whole armies. And Weber’s World is under attack. At this precise moment, Legion World communication goes down, Livia the Daxamite steals Tarina, the magic-based LMBers are sealed out of LW and the Black Sun’s plan goes into effect.

Interlude #2
The Light Brigade enjoy a fun training session, trying to maneuver in and out of blasts by Boy of 1,000 Feces, the newest member to joint heir squad. Suddenly, Captain Lightbulb breaks into the danger room—and in a panic! “Stand fast Light Brigade!” he yells, “the LMB beacon has just gone off, and that’s never happened before!” As the Light Brigade ponder exactly what they might mean, a newsflash goes off…Weber’s World is being invaded by a massive army of unknown foes.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592470 08/21/08 12:09 PM
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part IV: The Eight Impossible Super-Missions (cont’d)

Mission 5: Matlock’s Midnight Mystery!
Things seem quiet on Legion World for Matlock, Senior Security Officer—too quiet. A serious of odd, albeit minor events, lead him to connecting together a much larger mystery and puzzle, and through his great skills as a detective, he discovers that things are seriously wrong! A group of sentients have slowly and quietly infiltrated Legion World, and have timed things so that a large portion of the LMB are no longer on planet, off fighting in the Praying Mantis World Civil War. With almost no one on duty, the villain known as Deathstroke Kid has broken into LMB headquarters and stolen the bones of the Forsaken Bard, in the process rendering two LMBers incapacitated, while keeping two more occupied: Nightcrawler and Abin Quank. Further, Grey Birdboy, Future, High Priestess Viviane and Stu, all the remaining active LMBers on Legion World and the magic-users, have been transported off Legion World. Matlock, through computer files and old holo-clips, is able to piece together the gradual growth of the Black Sun, a cult of some sort on the outskirts of UP Space, next to the galaxy that was destroyed two years earlier by a Sun-Eater. A great purple flare has been shot into the sky, and suddenly, a gigantic shield, not allowing anyone in or out of Legion World has surrounded the planet. Matlock is able to peace together a few clues to learn it’s a subversive group called the ‘Black Sun’, and one of their leaders is apparently on the Space-Train with the Bones of the Forsaken Bard. He sends a distress signal warning the far away LMBers of this, and goes out into the city to discover if there is anyone left to help him. It comes down to the other inhabitants of Legion World that aren’t LMBers that might be his only allies: Thora of Taltar! Dr. Mayavale! Lucifer Lass! Cobalt’s Supergirl Robot! Jailbait Lass! Joined also by Dr. One, the last active LMBer on Legion World, they search further for clues and learn the shocking truth: the three most reviled of all banned enemies stand before them, joined with the Black Sun: Meteor Monarch! Conundrum Queen! The Reaper!

Mission 6: Identity Crisis
Six LMBers break off from the LMB at large, who are returning from a super-mission in Praying Mantis World, in order to pursue a long-time enemy of the LMB (even though its her first appearance), Nurse Light. Note - This character is based on and looks like Dr. Landro’s Hot Nurse. Lightning Lad, Lash Lad, Space Tart, Fat Cramer, Yellow Kid and the Red Bee are informed that Marvin of the Brood, a Honorary LMBer, has been reported kidnapped, and they are aware of the night Nurse Light kidnapped Cobalt and Invisible Brainiac years past. It appears Marvin may have been murdered. They follow, and soon a huge battle breaks out between the six LMBers and Nurse Light. She mentions rumors of a betrayal within the LMB, but all six scoff, especially the Red Bee. However, the battle is suddenly interrupted by the Black Sun—who appear on the scene. The Black Sun engages the LMB, and then surprise them, capturing Nurse Light themselves, to use as their own hostage. They make mention of a much larger invasion in a three-pronged attack, and of revenge for the Sun-Eater’s destruction, and finally, of something or someone called ‘Sol Invictus’. The LMB chase them down, and are led to the body of Marvin of the Brood. As they check on their ally, he turns to them and blasts them all—betraying them! He announces that he too has converted to the Black Sun, and all six LMBers are taken prisoner. While Yellow Kid calls Marvin traitor and Spacey laments, Fat Cramer wonders if they will be taken to the headquarters of these mysterious enemies…

Interlude #3
LardLad, away from Legion World still, quietly searches for his own answers, though he has been informed to look for word on the boy Elagabolus, following an agreement he made with Cobalt. Word is scarce of a young magic-user with the power to destroy everything. He does learn, however, that another group of people have been asking the same questions he has. Their name was the Black Sun.

Mission 7: Five Tickets for the Space Train
Continuing from the 1st Space Mission, a mystery assailant leaves Legion World aboard the space-train, complete with the bones of the Forsaken Bard. Matlock’s signal (from Mission 5) has gone out, and a group of LMBers set out to investigate, unsure of what they’ll find: Eryk Davis Ester, Kent Shakespeare, Harbinger, Varalent and Mearl Dox. On Legion World, as Nightcrawler and Abin Quank attempt to discover the truth to what is happening there, Danger Damsel leaves the sick-bay against their orders, and makes it aboard the last space-train that can leave—before the magical barrier put up in Mission 3 goes into effect! Quickly, she takes a super-Express to Grand Central Space Station, thereby allowing her to cut off the train the mystery man took, so she can hop aboard it, using her super-agility. The group of 5 LMBers find they are being followed by a two men in purple suits reminiscent of the 1950’s (a la ‘North by Northwest), causing Harbinger to beat them senseless, and Mearl to utter the classic phrase “What is this, Grand Central Space Station?”. Up ahead, Kent and Vee discover the mystery assailant: what appears to be the leader of the Black Sun! His name is Caracalla, and he is super-smart, devious and cunning, Caracalla calmly tells them they can sit and join him for lunch. He then explains the origin of the Black Sun: Two years earlier, the World at large became embroiled in a tide of disarray and turbulence. Internally, the UP faced division, as Earth ceded from the UP, now controlled by the Corporation there. Externally, Barbarian hordes invaded space all over, conquering planets, killing millions, and almost destroying the advanced civilization they had known for so long. Eryk counters saying they know all this—indeed, much of the LMB’s story the last two years has been a reaction to this. Nightcrawler and Lightning Lad formed Legion World, and the LMB came to live there, forming a much larger conglomeration of heroes, since the Corporations of Earth were no friends to the LMB. Further, the very existence of the LMB Triumvirate is to battle the barbarian hordes, which, for the most part, have been relatively successful in pushing them back to their original boundaries, and liberating the conquered planets. True, says Caracalla. But, during the time of great turmoil, the time when the universe was at its lowest, the LMB was no where in sight. They had done nothing. Vee explains to him that the LMB was lost! Stuck in the Anti-matter universe, they had no way of helping. Indeed, many of them like himself, were separated for some time from their allies. Caracalla laughs in disbelief. He points to the events two years ago this day, when a Sun-Eater entered the Tharcarthian Galaxy, in within mere hours, snuffed out the sun. Trillions, upon trillions, of sentients died. The death and destruction was on so massive a scale, that it was impossible to comprehend. Earth did nothing to help, not even offering aid, content to let their corporate growth make them independent. The UP had become useless, and was too busy saving what they could, building Weber’s World to house their diplomats, and attempts to stop the Barbarian Hordes. And the LMB was gone. One man did not die. An astronaut, spending his time studying the Tharcarthian sun was right at the epicenter of the chaos, and watched with his own eyes as the Sun-Eater devoured his galaxy. He closed his eyes and wished his death would come quickly. And it never came. The man’s name is a memory, lost to time. But when he awoke, he felt something truly amazing—undoubtedly a miracle from the old gods, sending him immense power to make the universe pay for its lack of help. He had been imbued with the entire power of a sun itself…of a million suns. He could destroy all who stood by and watched. He was Sol Invictus. The Unconquered Sun. The Black Sun rose up around him as followers, slowly growing aware of his existence in the far off Barbarian galaxies. Caracalla was the first, and joined Sol Invictus immediately. Now, he smiled, they would meet him. The train slowly came to a halt, as an intense light flashed through. The doors open. Before them stands a man, bathed in light blue, intense fire. He blasts! Only Vee is able to dodge it, shrinking and holding onto Mearl, while the others are nailed back, and subdued. “It is time”, says Sol Invictus, and Caracalla joins him, the agents of the Black Sun gathering EDE, Kent and Harbinger. Everyone else on the train is burnt to ash. As they leave, Vee and Mearl remerge to see Danger Damsel joining them. She saw we’re they’re heading, and can track them. Suicide mission or not, the three follow.

Interlude #4
Leap Year Lass concentrates hard, and uses her gift to read anagrams, to sense what lies in store for the LMB at the beginning of their sixth year. Anagrams reveal…and she is unsure if it bodes ill for them…

‘E SOL INVICTUS’ appeared before her.


This boded ill.

Mission 8: AMBUSH!
Kid Prime and the large majority of the LMB head back to Legion World, as Kid Prime (LMB Leader) and Ultra Matt (LMB Deputy Leader) discuss all of the current LMBers who have broken off form the main team for one reason or another. They arrive at Legion World, with only Kid Prime, Semi and Mystery Lad staying behind. The team descends on Legion World en masse, ready to go back to their common lives: Numf-El, Invisible Brainiac, Icefyre, Mattropolis, Sonnie Bloke, Saturn Girl, Gigglebot Girl, Emerald Empress, Pagan Lass, Stoopid Cat, Hrun the Barbarian, Lard Lass, and the rest of the LMB, both active and reserve. Immediately, the ambush is sprung, and the Black Sun attacks! Soldiers everywhere, joined by Meteor Monarch, Connundrum Queen and the Reeper, assault the LMB, catching them unawares. In the green surrounding Legion World, the Devourer of Children continues to hold off the magic users and the LMB. Kid Prime, in orbit, receives word that Weber’s World is under complete attack, now joined by Livia the Daxamite and Marvin of the Brood, former Honorary LMBer. The news hits: Earth is being invaded by an unknown source! It blames the UP and prepares for galactic war. Missing in action are the various away teams—of which no word has been received. Down on Legion World, no LMBers are able to communicate off-planet. One by one, the LMBers, caught unaware in their home, are taken down. Invisible Brainiac, who does not go without a fight, is captured, but specifically sent to join Sol Invictus and Caracalla as an important part of their plan.

All appears lost.

8 Missions. 8 failures. 1 outcome.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592471 08/21/08 12:09 PM
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part V: The Unconquered Sun: The Eight Impossible Super-Missions (cont’d)

The Unconquered Sun – The Eight Impossible Super-Missions (cont’d)

The world is quite suddenly plunged into chaos.

Huge armies, who most previously did not know existed, move across space under the banner of the Black Sun. Far more than a cult, the Black Sun is a massive military force. They have unleashed a three-pronged attack, centering on Earth, former home of the UP, Weber’s World, the new diplomatic center of the universe, and Legion World, home of the LMB.

Leading the Black Sun is Caracalla, a devious mastermind, and Sol Invictus, who may possibly be more powerful than the LMB combined. Their allies are as impressive as they are evil: the (3) most reviled members of Legion World ever to be banned, Meteor Monarch, Conundrum Queen and the Reeper, Livia the Daxamite, Marvin of the Brood (who has betrayed the LMB) and the resurrected Forsaken Bard, an undead monster that can slaughter scores of sentients at will. Worst of all is the beast known as the Devourer of Children, who has created a magical barrier keeping anyone out of Legion World that the Black Sun does not want in.

Kid Prime, the LMB Leader, immediately begins the planning stages while orbiting Legion World, and gets into contact with the rest of the LMB that still have open channels of communication. It comes down to Faraway Lad, who is on Weber’s World, to once more attempt to use his powers accurately, which is immensely hard to do, to bring himself to the ship near Kerissia. He does so, where he can collect Outdoor Miner and Reboot, and move on. With Outdoor Miner, the two are able to combine their teleporting powers in a very experimental way (which may still go wrong), and journey to the ruins of the space-trains, where they collect Mearl Dox. The four then join Kid Prime, who is with Semi Transparent Fellow and Mystery Lad. With the two geniuses (Dr. One being unavailable at this time) and the great tactician Mystery Lad (formerly Tsarin Lad), they develop a plan to fight back against the Black Sun.

Weber’s World
Weber’s World is left to its own, as the Black Sun forces continue to invade en masse. Princess Crujectra takes command, as the UP fleets battle back. The Army of Eryk Davis Ester, which was in a nearby galaxy offers its aid, as fellow LMBers that are present (Umber, Lucien Lad, Poverty Lad and Quislet) battle them back. Umber sees Marvin of the Brood up ahead, and battles him on one.

It’s the arrival of the LMB’s allies that does the trick! The Light Brigade and a small squad of the SMB of Earth-4 arrive just in time to turn the tide, and others join them as well, including Something else else Amazing and Time Boy (young HG Wells), who comes from the 19th Century to led a time-traveling hand. As more heroes hear the call and join them, Weber’s World becomes the first planet to be victorious.

Marvin of the Brood is captured, and the LMB sees the full extent of the Black Sun’s brainwashing, taking pity on their friend when they realize he is not quite in his own mind.

Earth War
Not only is Earth on the verge of being overrun by the Black Sun, Earth itself is promising to execute any LMBer or non-Terran who steps foot upon its soil. It’s left up to the old guard of the LMB, the ones who had made Earth their home for many years when it housed LMB headquarters, to led a helping hand there. Loser Lad, Sketch Lad Dev-Em, Furball, Rhino, Shark Lad and a little surprise help from Shady and Seahorse enter Earth, and use the innate knowledge that spies Lost in Lust Lad (Terrence) and Dial H for Homo (Mart) have of the native planet, to battle back both Earth’s forces and the Black Sun.

Livia the Daxamite leads the charge for the Black Sun on this front, and at first it seems the LMB have virtually no chance—until Loser Lad is able to convince the woman that she is in fact a traitor and a useless human being. However, he is shocked by her reaction, as she decides to use herself as a suicide kamikaze that dives headfirst into the Black Sun fleet orbiting Earth, which obliterates a large portion of their army. Shady then steps forward with her power and convinces the Black Sun members that there is more to life than war and death, causing many to relinquish their ties to the cult itself.

Earth, however, takes this moment to lay the blame completely on the UP and the LMB.

Legion World War
The Black Sun armies, much of which has infiltrated Legion World, begin attempting to harass the everyday townspeople, city dwellers and communities that exist beyond the cities, which are commonly referred to as the lurking class. However, a small group of sentients, led by Matlock begins a resistance, as Lucifer Lass, Thora, Dr. Mayavale, Cobalt’s Supergirl Robot, LMBer Dr. One, Tiffany Spiffany, and others battle back. This becomes a central problem that gains the attention of the Black Sun, causing Abin Quank and Nightcrawler to work together to free the LMB’s that are imprisoned, which is over half the team’s strength, for the real battle to begin. Soon, the Reeper, Connundrum Queen, and Meteor Monarch are beaten and captured, to be hauled to prison.

Meanwhile, on the green outskirts of Legion World, Future, Grey Birdboy, High Priestess Viviane and Iron Rat battle the Devourer of Children, beating him back and ultimately banishing him to another plane of existence far away. It takes an immense amount of activity however, and causes a ripple effect that every magic-user in the universe feels. The main goal, however, the destruction of the magical barrier of Legion World, is completed.

The rest of the LMB venture into Legion World, and the home of the LMB is quickly secured.

Sol Invictus
Nine LMBers awake, captured by Sol Invictus, chained before him: Lash Lad, Lightning Lad, Fat Cramer, the Red Bee, Yellow Kid, Space Tart, Eryk Davis Ester, Kent Shakespeare and Harbinger. They can feel the raw power emanating off of him, and he once more explains his horrible story and the plans he has for the world. He has three additional prisoners: Princess Tarina, the princes of Kerissia, Nurse Light, the enemy of the LMB, and Invisible Brainiac, the youngest and possibly brightest LMBer of them all! All three have immense light powers, and he plans on using them by firing them into the sun of the galaxy that houses the core planets of the UP, thereby rendering the same exact effect a Sun-Eater would have, as the sun explodes and all life ends within. Meanwhile, Varalent and Danger Damsel continue to track Sol Invictus, until they are suddenly picked up another crew of LMBers: Space Ranger, Actor Lad, Kid Vudoo and Cobalt Kid. The six then journey to the headquarters, which exists on the border of a Barbarian Galaxy and UP Space. Quietly, they enter. Sol Invictus surprises the LMB, by suddenly freeing the nine heroes—he hates them that much, that he will give them a fighting chance in beating him. They oblige him, suddenly fanning out and using their power to drive him back, attempting to use the most strange of their powers (luck lord and pulling objects out of asses) to subdue him. It has no effect, and he uses his incalculable power to blast them back, on the verge of death, although not killing them yet. Little does he realize, however, that Fat Cramer and Lash Lad had snuck past him, and begun to free the three prisoners. Turning, he prepares to kill them all—but not before the rescue team of six LMBers shows up!

Once more, a battle erupts, and once more, however, Sol Invictus is victorious, simply being too powerful to be defeated. Actor Lad, at last, admits that he knows the true story of how a Sun-Eater destroyed his galaxy. Sol Invictus is flabbergasted, and is shocked to hear this, demanding to know what it is. Actor Lad laughs, announcing this was a ploy, done by his super-acting abilities, as Sol Invictus was so unaware of his surroundings, that Danger Damsel ran her sword completely through him, hoping to kill him!

Instead, her piercing his hide seems to have the effect of a nuclear meltdown, as raw energy begins to rush out…and the LMBers realize their cooked! It’s only through the ingenious use of Varalent’s mass shrinking powers, Cobalt’s magnetism and Space Tart pulling out a small energy reactor from Yellow Kid’s ass, that they are able to contain the massive explosion.

With that…the LMB realize they have won!

Despite relative victory, some things have changed, whether for worse or better:

- Weber’s World is saved and becomes the new center for diplomacy in UP space. However, Legion World emerges as a second center, as most UP planets (and some that aren’t in the UP) decide to have a delegate become an active living resident in Legionnopolis in the diplomatic sector that has evolved out of the area surrounding the original Psyonian Embassy.

- The Magic-User ripple effect is felt throughout the universe, and a young boy named Elagabolus is affected, as he grows sick and comes close to dying. He has been on the run for over a year now, and feels lost, lonely, and ready to die. A small group of cultists find him. The call themselves the Black Sun. Taking him to their home, the boy comes under the Tutelage of a man called Caracalla.

- Danger Damsel opts to not join the LMB, given that she has no real super-powers to speak of. She is surprised, however, when Cobalt Kid approaches her with an offer—to act as a espionage agent answerable directly to him, outside in universe at large. It is now undeniable that there are some very real threats in the universe that need to have an eye kept on them: The Black Sun, the Barbarian Galaxies, Earth and plenty of others. She would be invaluable in this regard, and she has the skills to do so. She thinks about it for a time and then agrees. Their agreement remains a secret to the rest of the LMB.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592472 08/21/08 12:09 PM
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part VI: The Question of Leadership

Towards January 1st, 2005, Kid Prime and Ultra Matt’s leadership should have expired per the standard three month term of leadership (though as previously mentioned, in continuity terms are four months, causing “the real time/in continuity overlap”). However, a variety of reasons halted the next election and leadership that both can be explained as both ‘real life’ and ‘in continuity’ as in this instance the two are virtually identical in regards to the reasons why.

First, both Kid Prime and Ultra Matt had not been seen in quite awhile. This was not uncommon at this point in time, as suddenly a great many posters hadn’t been seen in quite awhile and some had virtually disappeared, including Abin Quank, Icefyre, He Who Wanders, Future and quite a few others. However, it is generally the outgoing leadership’s job to conduct the next election, and indeed, at this point in time, that is truly the only ‘standard’ job that the leader had. With no one to conduct the elections, it became more of a question on how to proceed.

However, answers to this question were not easy by a long shot. For the last three elections, there had been some serious problems. Problems, that is, that were to the point of causing very real friction among the LMB and on Legion World. First, there was the election were five posters tied for leader (Varalent, Quislet Esq., Poverty Lad, Icefyre and Cobalt Kid) that caused a full-scale argument and debate among posters about how this could have come to be. This argument was not between just one or two, but over a dozen, most of whom were friends, and despite a general pleasant outcome, the notion of ‘election’ remained tainted ever since, specifically now that they were on Legion World among a population of so many. Further, it was the next two elections specifically that caused even more dismay towards the election process, as both of those elections were revealed to have had vote-rigging, via the Legion World polling system and use of Alt IDs. The latter of these, actually caused a change in the outcome, and both of them were only revealed after the fact.

Though the problem obviously lay in the election process itself, there was a very real debate now about the notion of an LMB leader and if it should exist. Many believed it should not and there was no cause for it. After all, most LMBers were leaders themselves among the group and the leader really didn’t have any real powers. Further, there was a sense that such a thing is nothing more than a popularity that served to cause stress and tension on Legion World. Of course, many others argued against these things and liked the leadership and the way they mirrored the tradition within the Legion of Super-Heroes comic book. Though both sides argued well, there was no easy answer. Other solutions were presented, such as the potential leaders undergoing a series of challenges and trivia questions, but this was abandoned. One clever poster offered that the Legion World member of the moment was the LMB leader.

At the end of the debate, which raged throughout January, there was still no clear solution and no one really was prepared to budge. In fact, the argument itself began to die out, though the sentiment still lingered among the posters. As a smaller group of posters became the central LMB on Legion World, due to the decrease in activity and membership, other solutions would continue to present themselves in the following months. These solutions would specifically fall into the ‘in character’ aspect of the LMB, in order to generate the sense of easy-going fun that the elections and leaderships were traditionally known for.

Therefore, at this time, roughly January 31, 2005 (the year is 3005 in LMB Continuity), we can roughly estimate that Kid Prime’s term came to an end, though it officially continued on in the record books. A new leaderless era continued on very briefly, before some other interesting things began to occur, which will be covered within the next section.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592473 08/21/08 12:09 PM
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Year Six: Kid Prime’s Term
Part VII: The LMB at the time Kid Prime’s Term Expired

Here is the active LMB roster at roughly the time that Kid Prime’s term as leader should have expired:

Lash Lad
Cobalt Kid
Spellbinder (aka Princess Crujectra)
Grey Birdboy
Loser Lad
Sketch Lad
Lucien Lad
Faraway Lad
Yellow Kid
Poverty Lad
Leap Year Lass (aka Thriftshop Debutante)
Eryk Davis Ester
Quislet, Esq.
Fat Cramer
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl
Outdoor Miner
Star Boy
Semi-Transparent Fellow
Abin Quank
The Ghost of Numf-El
Invisible Brainiac
Monkey-Eater Lad
Kent Shakespeare
Actor Lad
Enigma (CJ Taylor)
Probability Pete
Gigglebot Girl
High Priestess Viviane (aka Luna)
The Red Bee
Kid Vudoo (aka RTVU2)
Mearl Dox
Ferro Boy
Lad Boy

LMB Reservists
Mystery Lad
Iron Rat (STU)
Emerald Empress
Queen Connie
Senior Widebottom
Triad Neutral, Triad Orange, Triad Purple
LMB Spectre
Kid Gender Reversal Stereotype II

Honorary LMBers
The SMB of Earth-4
Hummer Lass
The Phantom Stranger
Santa Claus
Everyday Girl
Something else else Amazing
Lard Lass

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592474 08/21/08 12:22 PM
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<span style="font-size: 30px;">Year Six</span>

<span style="font-size: 25px;">The De Facto Yellow Kid & Harbinger Term</span>

February 1, 2005 – July 1, 2005

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592475 08/21/08 12:22 PM
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Year Six: The De Facto Yellow Kid & Harbinger Term
Part I: Leadership & the Good, the Dark and the Dead

There is no real date that can accurately be given for when Kid Prime’s term as leader ended and the ‘De Facto’ leadership of Yellow Kid and Harbinger began, but February 1st, 2005 serves the best date possible, given the activity in the debate over the leadership. As presented in the chapter after this, it becomes clear that the LMB moved forward with leadership in a way totally new to LMB tradition. This would mainly occur ‘in character’, rather than a debate ‘outside the LMB’, and would have some very real story consequences for many LMBers.

But what marks this term specifically from Kid Prime’s and the era immediately following, is the role-playing saga known as ‘the Good, the Dark and the Dead’. There will be many sections devoted to this, as it was the largest, all-encompassing event that Legion World had seen since the Dark Stu Saga, and an argument could be made that it was even larger. It lasted for months on end, and incorporated a variety of sub-plots that tied to past continuity. Most of all, it shepherded the LMB and its activity in the MMB into a new era. It was so prevalent, that virtually any talk of this era must focus specifically on this event for the majority of the discussion, unlike many other such sagas that acted in unison with other trends during those eras.

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592476 08/21/08 12:22 PM
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Year Six: The De Facto Yellow Kid & Harbinger Term
Part II: The Question of Leadership in the LMB

Real Life
As the debate among how to proceed in regards to LMB Leadership and elections began to die down among the LMB internally, many seemed to lose interest or begin to believe there could be no real solution. Therefore, with some sentiment still lingering over this issue, the topic began to pop up ‘in character’ rather than as a real discussion outside of continuity. Throughout the course of February 2005, a gradual shift began to occur as some solutions were presented and then subsequently put by the wayside, until one seemed to stick, though not all agreed with it.

In Continuity

Again the question of leadership and elections was broached at another LMB meeting and again, the debate led to no solutions, but only a further rift among the LMBP. At this time, it became evident to some posters that they may have to work politically behind the scenes to get something accomplished.

Kid Prime and the Boy with Ultra Powers continue to be missing, with no communication to the LMBP.

A small, often overlooked clause in the LMB constitutional tradition reads that the LMB, when in times of no leadership, shall be shepherded by the LMB founders. At this time, given that Lard Lad, Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass and Mystery Lad are largely absent from all LMB meetings, this would refer to Lash Lad, Cobalt Kid and Spellbinder. With this in mind, Lash Lad begins to consider appointing an LMB leader without an election.

Spellbinder begins to come up with her own idea of how to proceed, and begins to muse over an old idea of hers of a LMB/Legion World Senate. She approaches Cobalt Kid with this idea, who finds it to be brilliant.

Dedman, Ferro Boy, and other LMBers consider offering the position of LMB leader to Mearl Dox, since she has a long history of such a role as Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Before such an offer could be made, Mearl Dox infoms the LMB that she has no intentions of ever leading them, since she rather enjoys her much less stressful job of ruling the universe.

Lash Lad discusses his idea with Eryk Davis Ester who finds it appealing given recent history. However, Reboot is able to overhear this, and immediately dislikes the notion. Already, a schism begins to grow.

Cobalt Kid and Spellbinder prepare to present the idea of an LMB Senate to the membership at large. However, a change in schedules causes Cobalt Kid to go ahead and present the idea without Spellbinder, perhaps too soon. The LMB gathers in the LMB/Legion World Senatorial Forum to discuss how to proceed with the Legion.

Immediately, some in-fighting and politicking takes place, as sides are drawn. Kid Vudoo (aka RTVU) begins to feel powerless, so he changes his name to ‘Count Vudoo’ and secedes from the Senate . Reboot joins him. Reboot and Count Vudoo then try to elect Grumpy Bear, the Care Bear, as LMB Leader.

Lightning Lad, Legion World Founder, threatens to destroy us all in response to the Grumpy Bear Campaign. The Grumpy Bear Controversy continues as The Triumvir Grey Birdboy and others join Lightning Lad in threatening to ban all Care Bears from entering Legion World space, through violent means if necessary.

The Red Bee asks that the LMB Senate address the Lurking Class and consider their point of view. Ferro Boy, in an off-handed joke not meant to be overheard accidentally offends the lurking class at large, causing more controversy.

In the confines of the Senate, Faraway Lad is assaulted. Following this, the LMB Senate officially disbands. The mysterious assailant is never found despite an investigation by the Security Office. Much later, during ‘The Good, the Dark and the Dead’, it becomes evident who the attacker was and how he remained undetected.

Throughout all of this, Fat Cramer and Quislet attempt to broker a peaceful solution between all factions. Outdoor Miner watches on with keen interest and good jokes, while Semi-Transparent Fellow reminds everyone that there are no politics in SHAKES.

A small group of LMBers, led by Lash Lad, who is backed by Kent Shakespeare, Eryk Davis Ester and others draft newly returned LMBer Yellow Kid and outspoken woman of the people Harbinger into the position of new Co-Leaders of the LMB. This becomes their ‘unofficial’ position, as some members of the LMB recognize this, while others do not.

Cobalt Kid and Varalent immediately throw their support behind Lash Lad’s idea. Dedman, fearing that the grumpy bear faction may endanger Mearl Dox because of her role as Supreme Ruler of the Universe, also lends his support.

Immediately, the Grumpy Bear faction, led by Count Vudoo and Reboot are against this. Other LMBers with them include Actor Lad and Ferro Boy. The High Priestess Viviane, via a side deal with Reboot against Cobalt Kid, also vehemently takes their side.

Mearl Dox settles the Grumpy Bear Controversy by firing all the Care Bears out of her cannon into the sun. Lightning Lad looks on in agreement and thereafter threats of retribution from him cease.

Using the old clause, Lash Lad and Cobalt Kid create a ‘transitional government’ where they are leader and co-leader, to the applause of some LMBers and the chagrin of some others. Lash Lad then drafts Yellow Kid and Harbinger as Co-Leaders, with no deputy leader. Thus, Yellow Kid and Harbinger are ‘Unofficial De Facto Co-Leaders of the LMB’.

At last, many LMBers go along with this as a way to try and reconcile the membership at large. Working towards a united LMB, Fat Cramer, Quislet, Spellbinder and others are able to create a peaceful dialogue with Count Vudoo, who returns his moniker to ‘Kid Vudoo’, but remains on probationary status in the Security Office for the duration of this term from then on.

The first thing Yellow Kid does is offer to retire from the position, an excellent tactic in ancient rhetoric. By offering to retire, he essentially affirms that he has the position. Yellow Kid and Harbinger then host a toga party and have a Legion World Parade .

Re: A Written History of the LMBP
#592477 08/21/08 12:22 PM
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Year Six: The De Facto Yellow Kid & Harbinger Term
Part III: Anecdotes at the start of the De Facto Term

Harbinger and Yellow Kid’s first order of business to give everyone proper foot-wear and to restructure the entire ‘shoe program’ on Legion World. This endeavor is lead by Harbinger specifically.

In protest to the non-elected leaders assuming office, Reboot, who is displeased with the lack of democracy in this decision, has his status with the LMB turned to ‘inactive’, despite remaining a very public figure on Legion World. Coupled with his long-standing grudge with Cobalt Kid, the Security Office and the Triumvirate, this creates a further schism.

Outdoor Miner and Cobalt Kid journey to Reboot’s Mainframe to try and get him to stay within the ranks of the LMB. The proceed to begin rearranging his furniture , as they set up a microbrewery, a picture of the Super-Pets playing poker, a giant sized version of ‘Hungry, Hungry Hippos’, a Hal Jordan tribute a Jeph Loeb tribute, and a life-size Perpetual Talking Mark Waid Hologram. Annoyed, Reboot kicks them out of the Mainframe and creates an Unreality Barrier preventing anyone he has not invited from entering. Although Reboot did keep the Hippos game he then turned all the rest of the stuff into stale custard and flooded the Security Office with it.

Polar Boy becomes an active member of the LMB.

The long-standing case of the Lavender Kryptonite continues to be investigated by Matlock. Matlock asks Reboot for his help, who examines it in his Mainframe Lab. The initials “LOMBSV” are found on it.

The effects of the Lavender K turn Cobalt Kid into a female mermaid, although Matlock and Reboot are able to change him back. Matlock takes the Lavender K for his own reasons.

The Red Bee begins questioning LMBers what they know about the Legion of Message Board Super-Villains.

Around this time, Probability Pete and Ferro Boy leave the active roster of the LMB.

Mearl Dox, suddenly busy with her other job as Supreme Ruler of the Universe, is forced to take an absence from the LMB. She wishes the LMB well and they do the same, and she promises to return to them when they are at their gravest moments.

During this time, Lard Lad secretly sends a message to Cobalt Kid, informing him of the information he has regarding Elagabolus and the Black Sun.

Danny Blaine changes his moniker to Mattropolis

The LMB celebrates their 5 year anniversary and Legion World celebrates the 2nd Annual MLLASH Day.

Cobalt Kid becomes the third Legion Worlder to reach the honored ‘Time Trapper Status’ which gives a deeper understanding of the universe and time.

To Catch a Space-Thief – The master thief and former nemesis of Eryk Davis Ester (from his Light Brigade days), Dip-Thong enters Legion World in order to steal Monkey-Eater Lad’s manipulations and art. Eryk Davis Ester immediately rushes to the scene, where he encounters the Legion of Super-Slugs. Deathstroke Kid, still on Legion World from his last battle with them, attempts to blow up the Statue of the Random Lurker to incite the lurking class, who are still discontent over off-handed comments made in the LMB Senate. Matlock is able to quell the crowd, as the LMB must battle both Deathstroke and Dip-Thong.

Touston, Eryk Davis Ester’s home world, perfects their disconator ray, and are able to use it on an alien invader. Eryk Davis Ester and his army gain direct access to this.
[Linked Image]

Using her abilities to read anagrams, Leap Year Lass suddenly comes up with Winath Killer Bees . Many would later believe that this anagram was Teed’s prediction of the entire saga known as ‘The Good, the Dark and the Dead” because of its reference to the Red Bee.

A few weeks into the co-leadership of Harbinger and Yellow Kid, Harbinger quietly goes missing among the LMB, due to a mission to neighboring galaxies which remain of utmost importance and secret. This leave of absence comes to the LMB a few weeks later by Yellow Kid and is met with dismay and some shock.

Cobalt Kid sees the confusing time of leadership in the LMB will afford him a chance to secure some money (causing Reboot to accuse of embezzling), and gains a large sum of money. He uses to build a The New (Second) Office of Security Building . There, the only active Security Officers for some time, Cobalt Kid, Matlock and the High Priestess Viviane begin holding tryouts for new officers.

Though always very close, Cobalt Kid and High Priestess Viviane grow even more fond of each other during this time period. Their problems and aggression towards each other the previous few months begins to turn towards a more positive aggression, much to Matlock’s dismay.

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