Legion World
June 1st means it's the grand opening of the Wildfire Wing here at the Museum of Legion Arts!

Submit creative work featuring everyone's favorite energy containment unit!

We love brand new submissions (stories, poems, prose, novels, paintings, drawings, photomanips, action figures, statues, busts, micros, etchings, etc.) but we certainly want your existing work posted in the galleries too! Come join us all month long starting on the 1st for the shindig!

Please go here to vote for the next gallery:
Click here to vote!

Check out past galleries:
Legion of Supporting Characters Wing
The Selected Works of Sun Boy
The Golden Age Legion Gallery
The LSH + LMB Collection
The Power Team Up Exhibit
The Persuader Gallery
Andromeda & Shadow Lass/Umbra: A Retrospective
The ProFem/ProDude ProWing
The Back To School Collection
The Swimsuit Collection
The Royal Wing of Princess Projectra
The L Word Wing (Leeta 87 & The Lallorians)
The Hate Face / Love Karate Kid Wing
The Gallery of the Legion of Super-Villains
The Chemical King and White Witch Wing
Cupid\'s Wing - The Couples Gallery
The WaK Wing - On Deck Circle
The Post-Boot Original Legionnaires Wing
The Halloween Gallery
The Gim Gallery
The Substitute-Heroes Collection
The Founders\' Wing
The Wing Wing
The Timberwolf Wing
The Luornu Durgo Collection
The Mano Wing

- The Curatorial Staff of the Museum of Legion Arts
I'm prepared this month! Well okay so I already had this done, but still, I'm prepared!
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Yay for WILDFIRE month! You know I got stuff to post...

I'll kick this off with a bunch of old stuff you've likely seen already...
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And now for some new stuff...
Here's what Wildfire might look like in the new Legion cartoon series:
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Wow! Some awesome stuff already... laugh Great work guys.
Here's one that I too did a while ago and some may have seen.

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Great stuff so far! DrakeB3004, this is certainly your forte. I've done lots of Wildfire images over the years, but I think I'll do something new for this exhibit.
Well, I guess I'd rather show an older photomanip I did....

[img] [img]http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/3342/wildfiremanip6rh.jpg[/img] [/IMG]
Wow cool pics guys makes me want to start drawing again.
Here's an alternate version of the Drake...
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Drake, like you Wildfire has always been my favorite Legionnaire, and I really love seeing your pics of him.

Great stuff!
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
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This is my fave!

Dean & Wayne - great manips!
And part one of a four-part series entitled: "Wildfire: Legionnaire No More!"
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Part 2
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love the kirby dots! and you used one of those chickeny-headed aliens!
Just want you to know that I think the pages look fantastic. Looking forward to the whole set being complete. You're totally pro level!
Those are fantastic Drake! *awed*
Keep them comin' Drake! Great to see Wildfire in action again!
Part 3
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eek Why didn't anyone tell me Drake was doing a new Wildfire set? These are absolutely gorgeous! Better than some of the back-up art we get on the current series. Makes me want to break out Paint Shop and start coloring. Any chance of getting some larger scans to play with the color?
Ooo, the story's really coming along. Can't wait for the conclusion!
Here's the conclusion (finally!)

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I'm kinda bummed though that I'm the only one who supplied new images for this gallery! shake
That's a superb short story, and it's so clearly told that it almost doesn't need dialogue. (I'd love to see someone try color for it, though.)

You've been so adept at portraits that I genuinely didn't expect this sequential art. With a bit even left hanging (whither the ring on the floor?). A vivid bit of a tale for two of my favorite Legion people!
Nicely done, DrakeB3004!

Yeah, you know, I was really busy in June or else I would have contributed something. Maybe I will now that things are mellowing out for me....
Here's a quick colored sketch. My critique of my own work would be that I think this would be better if I showed his arms, with the image centered better. Otherwise, I felt like this was a pretty dynamic image.
[img] [img]http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/3375/wildfiresketchvp2.jpg[/img] [/IMG]
And another...
[img] [img]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/7308/wildfiresketch2ax3.jpg[/img] [/IMG]
Fresh off the photoshop:
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Ha! Great job ME Lad - he's so cute!

And Dean, you continually impress me with how effective you can be with a quick sketch and a little bit of color!
Looks like I haven't posted this yet:

From back in 2003

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I put a Cockrum head and chest insignia on a Perez body but it needs to be recolored.
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fan commision by James Sherman
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fan comission by Mike Netzer
Here's the original cover the above image is based on.
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You know I've never read that story.
Posted By: razsolo Re: Museum of Legion Arts: Wings of Wildfire - 07/11/10 07:05 AM
Great DOFP homage, and I love the Wildfire/Dawnstar pic above it too....gives Dawny a touch of narcissism which doesn't surprise me in the slightest.. wink
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
You know I've never read that story.
I was 15 when it came out & it rocked my world!!
Kingdom Come did that for me, at least in my case.
Cockrum Wildfire.

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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
You know I've never read that story.
You can find it in Essential X-Men. I really enjoyed those issues.

I like this parody cover. Wildfire definantly fits in Wolverine's place.
Erg 1 no more, the name is

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Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
[b]You know I've never read that story.
I was 15 when it came out & it rocked my world!![/b]
Yes, it changed comics.
After this story, Marvel came up with lots of ways to kill the X-Men and still keep them.

I asked Claremont about the results of this issue and he got angry.
Then, later, he apologized and said (paraphrased) that he never intended or foresaw the resulting bloodbaths.

At least, that's how I remember the conversations.
© Legion World