Legion World
It's July and it's time for you to play super-stork...of space! Create/imagine/design the offspring of Legion characters. Be it children with two Legionnaire parents, one Legionnaire and one proty, of otherwise, submit creative work featuring what the Children of the Legion might be like.

We love brand new submissions (stories, poems, prose, novels, paintings, drawings, photomanips, action figures, statues, busts, micros, etchings, etc.) but we certainly want your existing work posted in the galleries too! Come join us all month long starting on the 1st for the shindig!

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Check out past galleries:
The LoSH/JLA/JSA Team Up Terrace
The Mythic Menagerie
Emerald Exhibit
Mon-El\'s Zone
Cockrum Hall
Holiday Hall of Art
Legion on the Run Wing
A 70s Legion Retrospective
The Servants of Darkness Exhibition
The Shrinking Violet and Atom Girl Gallery
30th Century Magic & Fantasy Exhibition
Wings of Wildfire
Legion of Supporting Characters Wing
The Selected Works of Sun Boy
The Golden Age Legion Gallery
The LSH + LMB Collection
The Power Team Up Exhibit
The Persuader Gallery
Andromeda & Shadow Lass/Umbra: A Retrospective
The ProFem/ProDude ProWing
The Back To School Collection
The Swimsuit Collection
The Royal Wing of Princess Projectra
The L Word Wing (Leeta 87 & The Lallorians)
The Hate Face / Love Karate Kid Wing
The Gallery of the Legion of Super-Villains
The Chemical King and White Witch Wing
Cupid\'s Wing - The Couples Gallery
The WaK Wing - On Deck Circle
The Post-Boot Original Legionnaires Wing
The Halloween Gallery
The Gim Gallery
The Substitute-Heroes Collection
The Founders\' Wing
The Wing Wing
The Timberwolf Wing
The Luornu Durgo Collection
The Mano Wing

- The Curatorial Staff of the Museum of Legion Arts
From my Legacy Legion team;

First up;

Electrode (Graym Ranzz of Earth, tri-citizenship with Winath and Titan as well).

Powers - electrically augmented physiology providing enhanced strength, speed, agility and endurance, as well as the ability to convey powerful shocks by touch. He wears a pair of bracers, one of which unfolds into a shield, that he can use with his enhanced reflexes to parry even projectile weapons, and the other of which produces a long flexible metallic 'whip' that can conduct his electrical attacks at a 6 meter range.

Graym Ranzz is something like royalty on Earth, and particularly in Metropolis, as the Earth-born first son of Legion founders, Imra Ardeen and Garth Ranzz. He developed only the basest rudiments of his mother’s telepathic talents, as the powerful electrical currents surging through his developing body served to generate a kind of ‘psychic static’ that impeded the development of these abilities. Throughout his childhood, his mother taught him meditative skills, to help bring out his latent telepathic traits, being torn to be raising a child who was ‘mind-blind,’ by Titanian standards, a veritable deaf-mute, sealed away from the soothing tide of voices that all Titanians are enmeshed within from their waking moments and the warm embrace of the shared dreams that await them in the night. Still, the energies within him stunted his psychic growth, and he instead found himself excelling in all matters physical. Unlike his father, he could not generate lightning bolts to throw at another, his energies instead being internalized, and through his mother’s meditative focus, he learned to use them to vastly increase his various bodily processes, making him stronger, faster and hardier than any human. He could also release a stunning jolt of current, or even ‘amp it up’ to lethal frequencies, with a simple touch. His mother again challenged the expression of his powers, and with great dedication, he has managed to focus his electrical touch to supercharge another persons (or his own) bodily processes to stimulate healing and tissue growth!

While he never quite understood the nuances of their relationship, he knew that his mother was possibly the only member of the team to regard Brainiac 5 as more friend than ‘colleague,’ and it was something of a surprise to both himself and his parents when Brainiac 5 showed up at his sixteenth birthday (to which all Legionnaires were technically invited, but since he’d never shown up to any such event, ever, he wasn’t specifically asked to come, or even informed of the event) with gifts for the son of one of his oldest friends. While Imra was touched (and fairly shocked) at the thought, it was Garth who was more impressed with the functionality of the presents. Graym had long stated a desire to fight the good fight, like his parents, and Garth had been in his corner, with Imra wanting him to ‘live a normal life,’ whatever that meant. Brainiac’s gifts planted him on the side of Garth and Graym, much to their surprise (since Garth and Querl had never really gotten along), being a weapon and shield, specifically designed to circumvent the limitations in his electrical powers, allowing him at least marginal ranged offensive potential, and a form of defense, neither of which his powers granted him.

Imra took their surprise guest aside later, and Graym overheard the end of their whispered conversation, “You can’t talk him out of following the life you chose, Imra, anymore than your parents talked you out of it. Adjust to that inevitable fact, and train him to survive that choice.”

Brainiac 5 never gave him the time of day thereafter, but Graym realized at that point that he *was* going to be a Legionnaire, like his parents, and that he’d better take it seriously, if even the curmudgeonly inventor was accepting it as fact. At some point in the years after his birth, he had somewhat disturbingly ‘acquired’ a twin brother Garridan, former Fatal Five ‘heavy’ Validus, and his mother gave Graym her blessing, and began to focus more on Garridan, who had made perfectly clear his total disinterest in the whole ‘super-powered hero’ thing, claiming with his trademark understated humor to have ‘gotten that nonsense out of his system while he was still in diapers.’

Graym has spent years studying old Legion files, particularly the leadership tactics of his father, and every leader since, not intending at first to be any sort of leader (since he expected to be the youngest Legionnaire, certainly not the oldest!), but to simply do the best job of anticipating ‘standard Legion tactics’ and procedures as he could. Ironically, he is now the oldest Legionnaire, and the best suited to actually lead the team, on paper. It’s just the application of these principals he’s lacking, being somewhat overwhelmed by the reality of the situation.

He’s spent his life living in the shadow of his famous parents, and now finds himself thrust into their shoes, forced to fill their roles, and feeling that he is horribly inadequate to do so. Still, he smiles and speaks confidently and succinctly, trying to keep any public comments brief and to the point, as best not to hang himself later. On the personal front, he’s been best friends for the last ten years with his cousin Garm Ranzz, the son of Brin Londo and his father’s twin sister Ayla Ranzz, both also Legionnaires in their own right. His aunt raised her son on Winath, primarily, and ironically, growing up in Legion Headquarters, Graym had more day to day contact with Timber Wolf than his own son, as Ayla and Brin were not generally on speaking terms. Possibly the only source of contention between these two boys, who regard each other as brothers in spirit, if not in blood, is Garm’s relationship with his father, whom he has grown up believing to be a ‘jerk.’ Graym knows differently, having grown up around the man, and even been babysat by him on occasion. What is *not* a source of contention, perhaps surprisingly, is Graym’s current relationship with Wileza Wazzo, daughter of Jo Nah and Tinya Wazzo. It’s a tempestuous sort of thing that has involved raised voices on occasion, and that’s just the way it was when she dated Garm a few months before. The boys quickly came to the realization that that’s just the way she is, and it isn’t worth sacrificing a decade of friendship over, since she’ll likely move on in a few more months to someone else…

Garridan is currently living on Winath, which is something of a relief to all concerned. Graym feels guilty about it, but he has always been creeped out by his brother, which he attributes to the sudden change from ‘pampered only child’ to ‘one of two.’ Any sort of brotherly feelings he should have towards Garridan (whom he still unconsciously thinks of as Validus), have been shifted over to his cousin Garm. For his part, Garridan never felt particularly welcome in Legion Headquarters, feeling that everyone was looking at him sideways and just waiting for him to triple in size and start throwing mental lightning bolts around, so he’s quite content to never see the place again...
Brainiac Six (Nyarl Dox of Colu, a planet to which he's never actually been...)

Powers - twelth-level intelligence, command and control machinery by neural interface, force-field harness that can generate a powerful force field, or project repulsive blasts of force, a device (or perhaps power?) that allows him to become invisible

Nyarl Dox was grown in a tank, and then decanted only to be strapped into teaching machines, that quickly poured information into his developing mind. As with all Coluan ‘children,’ interwoven into his neural strata are molecular machines allowing him to directly interface with machinery in close range to himself. Finally unplugged from his teaching machines, seventeen hours after his ‘birth,’ Nyarl was told of his ‘function,’ to lead these new ‘Legacy Legionnaires.’

He looked at his ‘father,’ and processed a dozen possible reactions, finally choosing dispassionate compliance. The fledgeling Legacy Legionnaires discovered him working at the site of their parent’s former headquarters, alongside his ‘father,’ Brainiac 5. Using Coluan resources, they were lowering a new headquarters into place, and Brainiac 5 curtly explained to them that the Legion would never die, so long as their children chose to honor their legacy. They could never replace their parents, but they could still make them proud. He then departed for Colu, leaving his ‘son,’ Brainiac Six behind.

Nyarl waited until his ‘father’ broke orbit before discarding his instructions, and allowing the assembled youth to choose their own leaders, stating baldly that Brainiac 5 had intended him to guide and control them from within, and that he had far more important things to attend to, and frankly didn’t see that the team needed an official ‘leader,’ and suggested that they were all old enough to be able to handle themselves without someone telling them what to do.

This logic went over well with the fractious teens, and channeled their distrust towards his absent ‘father,’ whom many already had feelings of resentment towards (as he had returned, and their parents’ fates remained unknown).

As a result of his abrupt upbringing, Nyarl, to the extreme disappointment of his ‘father,’ is ‘wasting his time’ by studying behavioral sciences and mastering various social skills that his father never could be bothered with, as well as training his body through an intensive exercise regimen. His ‘logic’ is that any information that he needs about technology or mechanical processes he can look up as he needs it, unlike the ability to deal with people diplomatically, or deliver a precise attack into a churning melee. His ‘father’ is at least somewhat impressed (but will never admit it) that he has managed to modify the designs of his trademarked ‘Force Field Belt’ (which he required him to build himself, from the plans downloaded into his growing mind, as an object lesson) into a somewhat bulkier harness that can be tuned to project repulsive attacks of unstable force, or even a finely tuned cutting blade of force. (Brainiac 5 has already pointed out that he would have made the cutting blade able to function at longer range, the unstable fields of repulsive force far more stable and effective, and the whole assembly sleeker and less cumbersome, but there’s no pleasing the man, obviously...)

As a result of his outgoing nature, and hours in the gym, sparring with his team-mates, Nyarl is actually fairly popular with his fellow teens, although some still have a knee-jerk mistrust that he must be ‘up to something.’ Contrary to his father’s wishes, he isn’t really the mastermind sort, being starved for the sort of emotional contact that his sterile creation and lack of parenting didn’t provide. He’s displayed something of his ‘fathers’ stubborn streak, and after a string of humiliations at the hands of Zen, he refuses to spar with her any longer. He’s also not fond of Astral, as his attempts to quantify her powers give him a headache. Every time he thinks he’s got her figured out, she does something else, something that defies his current theory. He suspects that she’s doing it intentionally at this point, just to frustrate him...

Nyarl looks very much like his father, but tends to be in better shape, and dress more casually (in outfits that show off his arms, for instance), and has brown eyes and brown hair, which he explains as ‘epigenetic in nature, a fluke of expression and well within normal parameters, even for a clone.’ This is, of course, a blatant lie, but he really doesn’t see any need for anyone to know what other genetic material his ‘father’ used in his creation, considering it a family matter.
Shift X (Wileza Wazzo of Bgtzl)

Powers - shift into a phantom state, like most Bgtzlns, or into an 'Ultra-Energy' state, which is a humanoid form of destructive energy in which she can move as fast as a lightning bolt, and hit just as hard, or into an 'Ultra-Energized' state, in which Ultra-Energy saturates her body, making her many times stronger, faster and tougher.

The only daughter of Jo Nah (Ultra Boy) and Tinya Wazzo (Apparition), Wileza Wazzo is not happy unless she’s defying something. Raised on Bgtzl, groomed to be the heir to the throne by her domineering grandmother, Regent Winema Wazzo, ‘Wil’ spent entirely too much time sneaking off the palace grounds to hang out with ‘more fun’ people in the darker districts of the capital city. She fell in with far worse that thieves and hoodlums, but with actual revolutionaries, who sought to overthrow her grandmother’s rule, and the Bgztl’n system of government! Tricked into helping these rebels sneak explosives into the royal palace, she would be responsible for the fall of her own family, had one of her ‘friends’ not turned out to be a completely different kind of spy, infiltrating the Bgztl’n underground and keeping tabs on Wileza for her estranged father, Jo Nah, of Rimbor.

This aging spy, Jak Li, had grown up with her father running in a gang, the Emerald Dragons, on Rimbor, and slid like a shark into the Bgztl’n underground, surprised to find that his quarry, the young princess, was already associating with these people! Once he realized that she was being duped, and not actually working willingly with these people to overthrow her family’s hold on the Opal Throne, Jak foiled the plot from within and the royal guard managed to apprehend most of the insurgents.

Regent Winema Wazzo was outraged with the actions of her grand-daughter, and even accused Jak Li of leading her into the clutches of these rogues, intent on leading her astray, like her no-good father! She seemed on the verge of executing him on the spot, when Wil finally admitted her guilt in the situation. Jak was banished from Fourth Dimension, told that if he, or any other of Jo Nah’s ‘criminal friends’ showed their faces in her kingdom, they would spend the rest of their lives in chains.

Life with the Queen Regent had been intolerable before, and it only grew worse. Wileza took the first chance she got, six months later, to flee her home-world, and now lives on Earth, where she, as a UP citizen, has the right to live if she wants, and the Queen, while fuming about the situation, doesn’t want to risk an ‘incident’ by outright kidnapping the young heiress and dragging her back to Bgtzl…

Wil herself is deeply shamed about the whole incident, and has taken to blaming her father and his ‘criminal gang’ for the whole mess, at least publically. She is outraged at being played for a ‘rich spoiled brat’ and ‘naïve young fool’ by these hardened rebels, when she thought herself so much a rebel herself for sneaking out of the palace and dancing the night away with the hoi-polloi. She is equally outraged that the father she had been raised to believe a ‘good-for-nothing low-life’ had been the one to save her royal family, the family that she had endangered. She’s got a list of people she’s mad at, and it’s only getting longer...

On Earth, she has fallen into the same patterns, at least superficially, and spends her nights dancing and partying with all different classes of people. The major difference is that she trusts *no one,* and doesn’t get attached to people, so much as just ‘having fun,’ and walking away before anything gets serious. She’s trusted people before, and it ended badly, and now she’s too scared and angry about it to take that chance again.

Upon entering three-dimensional space, her body folded in upon itself, as is traditional for those Bgtzl’ns making the transition. But when it happened, something else was folded in and incorporated into her structures, a legacy that had been waiting here in the Third Dimension for many years, only to manifest now. Her body was infused with Ultra-Energy, and she found that it changed her forever. She can cause the Ultra-Energy to sink deep within her, supercharging her body and making her a virtual powerhouse. She can instead uncoil the Ultra-Energy within herself and cause her body to dissolve into hissing energy, destructive and fast like lightning. And when she attempts to phase, to unfold into her true Four Dimensional self, the energy goes wild and she seems to fly apart, becoming wholly incorporeal, and able to fly as a stroke of emerald energy at many times the speed of sound, even through the void of space!

As a result of her upbringing, Wil has been trained primarily in defensive skills, as a princess isn’t supposed to actually *fight,* and is expected to simply defend herself and perhaps throw an attacker to the ground, to buy time for her bodyguards to ‘save’ her. She went beyond this training to learn to strike the most sensitive areas, training that was supposed to be reserved to her guards. It’s about the only case of her exceeding her training, and despite endless hours of tutoring on deportment and diplomacy and the administration of governance, she has only vague recollections of these lessons, having spent most of that time daydreaming about her various tutors, whom she always made sure were attractive young men, arranging to get any not meeting her standards fired…

She has always been a wild child, playing the ice princess with her rough companions, and behaving like a smart-mouthed ruffian in courtly appearances, always making herself stand apart from whatever world she is inhabiting, but the addition of her new Ultra-Energy states, she has become even more uninhibited and contrary, veering precariously from violent tempered moods to dangerous thrill-seeking and out-of-control excitement. She’s a disaster waiting to happen, and hasn’t noticed that some of her partying fair-weather friends are just there to watch the show, and don’t care if she burns.

'Wil' is currently 'dating' (in a strictly not monagamous fashion) her team-mate Electrode (Graym Ranzz, son of Legion founders, Garth Ranzz and Imra Ardeen), who is best friends with her last 'boyfriend' Rampage, his cousin Garm Ranzz (son of Brin Londo and Ayla Ranzz). Wil has black hair, cut short and often spiked up, and brown skin. She has a 'generous' figure, and dresses in skimpy and skintight clothes to show it off, although never in anything that would restrict her movement, since she's a hyperkinetic blur of energy with the attention span of a Naltonian gnatfly.
Cool, these sound awesome set! Here's my first entry, Jon-El aka Super Kid, son of Mon-El and Supergirl. Named after Jonathan Kent, Jon-El is developing Kyrptonian powers as well as abilities that allow him to teleport by traveling through the Phantom Zone.

[Linked Image]

"If it weren't for those meddling kids from the 20th century, it would've worked!"

"I had the Legion under my control. Completely! The space-ark was built... the course mapped out... all was in readiness!"

"Curses! Foiled again!"

"Heh...heh...heh. But all was not lost. No, no. I *had* them! The powerful, beautiful Legionnaires... for *days* they were mine to toy with as I wished. And I did. Hmmmm."

"There was time enough to gather all the... material that I'd need."

"Thoughtful little humanoids. They even provided some specimens ahead of time. So considerate of them to include contributions of their dead."

"Good thing I thought ahead. As soon as those... busybodies (Damn them!) showed up, I sent the material... and my plans for it (Oh! My beautiful plans!) ahead to the Colony. My faithful retainers sent word to me during my imprisonment at Takron-Galtos that they'd initiated genesis."

"Years later, when the prison planet was in upheaval, I escaped."

"The fools never even searched for me! So insignificant, they deemed me! I'll show them my true worth! They'll kneel at my boots! Like the Legionnaires once did! Me! The Master!"

"Oh, to be fair... and I'm *nothing* if not fair... my sentence was up, anyway. I'd fooled them into thinking I was rehabilitated."

"How gratifying it is to see the mighty Legionnaires' genetic descendants playing before me. Soon, the day will come when the Legion will have to confront the children they never knew they had. From pairings they never would've imagined!"

"I live for that -- Uurrrrkkk!"

"The old toad's dead," a snarling voice rasped. "No more of his croaking."

"Did you *have* to *kill* him?" A gentler, anxious female voice asked.

"You know we did. We agreed." A third voice, this one calm and measured, stated.

"We're free now! Free!" The first voice lost its snarl and was now filled with hope... wonder, even.

"I'll get the others," volunteered the assuaged girl.

"They won't all be happy," cautioned the calm one.

"Perhaps not at first, but given time..." added the unsnarled one.

"Who was he speaking to? Should we be worried?", asked the girl, as she turned back.

"Just another entry in his endless "memoir"," sighed the calm one. "You know he hasn't communicated with anyone outside the Colony in *years*."

"Damn! The old bastard has more in the tanks!" The snarl was back.

"We knew that was a possibility." And so was the worry.

"Let's see who our brothers and sisters are going to be." But the calmness remained.


source material= Querl Dox "Brainiac 5" and Garth Ranzz "Lightning Lad"

"That's you, Garrel!" whispered the worried girl.

"I know, I know-- there's no way to skip ahead. We'll have to sit through the entire list."

third attempt successful... harvesting clone material from male donation before sexual differentiation begins, utilized as an interim 'mother' generation successful... result-- healthy birthing from axlotl tank... Garrel tests positive for intelligence and Ranzz electrical-discharge.

addenum: subject one displays unforeseen 'mental lightning' that serves as a particularly harsh form of telepathic communication. Also unforeseen is a weak discharge of energy, like a halo, that is emitted when 'inspiration strikes', as the subject put it. Childhood nickname 'Idea Boy' has been adopted, ironically.


source material= Brin Londo "Timber Wolf" and Lydda Jath "Night Girl".

"Well, we know how this goes for awhile. I'm off!" Said the worried girl.

fourth attempt successful... don't attempt fertilization using the Jath sample at night. Allow natural light into the lab for best result.
Stressful birth for axlotl tank, but within safety parameters. Result-- healthy birth... Bryd tests positive for night-related strength, speed and invulnerability and for lupine-related agility and lycanthropic transformation.

addenum: Bryd displays the unexpected ability of empathy with all animal life. By three solar years, he had collected a menagarie of species that were devoted to him. Species that would've rejected, if not killed, any other sentient. Bryd has adopted the name 'Nightwolf'.

SUBJECT THREE: source material= Nura Nal "Dream Girl" and Reep Daggle "Chameleon Boy".

Second attempt successful. Adaptive nature of specimen required gestation in purely mechanical creche. Psychological damage possible. Result-- healthy birth. In Nuri, Durlan shapechanging evident from conception. Tests for precognitive ability unreliable, but show positive trend.

addenum: Nuri's precog abilities a definite. With the surprising twist, that she displays a near insupressible drive to alter events; to 'change the shape of the future' as she puts it.

SUBJECT FOUR: Source material Tasmia///

\\\"Shut it off, 'Idea Boy'! You killed our Master and now you have to pay!" A voice as youthful as the first three interrupted, with twice as much snarl as Nightwolf's.

--to be continued--
Rampage (Garm Ranzz)

Powers - Garm has an enhanced physiology, granting him superhuman strength, agility and stamina, which can be vastly enhanced by his control of his internal gravitic field. Typically, he is notably stronger than any normal human, but when he concentrates on his gravitic manipulations, he can lift hundreds of tons, or leap many miles, landing soft as a feather, or striking like a runaway freight train, as he wishes.

History - The son of Brin Londo (Timber Wolf) and Ayla Ranzz (Sparx), Garm Ranzz was raised on Winath by relatives, with little knowledge of his father, other than his mother’s insistence that he was a jerk who didn’t deserve to be a Legionnaire. He was eight when his uncle Garth and aunt Imra temporarily ‘retired’ to spend time with their sons, Graym and Garridan, and Ayla chose to return to the Legion to take her brother’s place. She left Garm on Winath, with her own parents, while she spent a year as a Legionnaire. It seemed like the only times he got to enjoy himself is when his Uncle Garth and Aunt Imra would come over with his cousin Graym, who quickly became his best friend, for the brief times they got to spend together. And yet his mother kept leaving. It happened again, when Garm was 11, and again when he was 14. This last time, fed up with his mother constantly ‘abandoning’ him to work the farm, while she went to play super-hero, Garm ran away, hopping a freighter for the frontier and spending two and a half years ‘lost’ on distant worlds. Despite his age, Garm’s powers served him well, and he managed to remain safe, and ended up working alongside a private investigator on Rimbor (the last place his mother would think to look for him), first as gopher and sidekick, but increasingly in more direct capacity, as the aging detective foisted more and more responsibility onto the young man.

Garm got in a lot of fights in this dangerous life, and learned to take down the burliest goon as quickly as possible, quickly impressing the local low-life with his ability to throw down with the best of them. His inherent control of his own gravitational center allowed him to move faster than the nimblest acrobat, and yet strike with devastating force all out of proportion with his slender build. Seemingly impossible to shoot, he would leap out of an ambush and be a half-mile away within moments, only to return and strike someone with a gravitationally-charged punch that would send someone a dozen yards, or more!

His budding career nearly came to an abrupt end when a former client decided to cover his tracks by bombing their little ‘agency.’ Caught in a collapsing building, Garm focused his power to hold the entire building aloft, finally leaping clear when his mentor had crawled out into the street. It was this display that finally attracted the wrong sort of attention, and it was Jo Nah, currently living on Rimbor, who put two and two together and hauled the young man to Earth, where his mother had been haranguing the entire team for several months to drop everything and find her missing son. (Her own parents had waited six months before informing her, as it wasn’t the first time Garm had left without telling anyone, and they kept putting it off, expecting him to come back, like he had the previous times.)

On Earth, Garm missed the excitement and independence of his life on Rimbor, and yet, Legion HQ was a far cry from the endless drudgery of life on the family farm, and he finally got to reconnect with his cousin Graym. The two quickly became inseparable, two sons from a world of twins, lacking the sort of connections that defined their people and their culture. (Graym’s relationship with his own twin, Garridan, had always been distant.) For the next two years, Legion HQ resonated with the sounds of the boys getting into trouble, or Garm’s frequent and vociferous arguments with his mother. Indeed, the only way Ayla could ever get him to do anything is if she asked her brother to tell him, since he respected Uncle Garth, as opposed to the mother who, in his mind, had abandoned him to the same farm that she had been so desperate to leave behind.

After the loss of Legion HQ, and his parents, Garm found himself shaken. He had never known his father, only heard bad things about him, and never liked his mother, but now, he was truly alone, not like when he’d run away, always knowing that he could come home at any time he wanted. There was no way he was going back to Winath, and when Brainiac Six suggested a Legacy team, he was one of the first to leap at the opportunity.

He quickly, too quickly, ended up in some sort of wild affair with fellow Legacy Legionnaire Shift X, Wileza Wazzo. Months of arguing, fighting, breaking up and making up followed, before she moved on to his best friend Graym. It *almost* was a fight, but he and Graym talked it over and decided that ‘Wil’ was going to do what she was going to do, and it wasn’t worth losing their friendship.

Garm is unsure of his role on a team, too used to being on his own and doing other people’s jobs. He has a real problem trusting his team-mates to cover their own parts of a task, and ends up coming across as bossy and critical. At the same time, he’s also the most experienced, most ‘grown-up,’ member of the team, and there are times when his friend Graym is stunned by how confidently he handles a situation that most other teens would have no idea how to approach.
Zen (Wilhemina 'Shen' Voxv)

Powers - invisibility, vast array of quasi-mystical martial arts moves that target the mind, soul and body, allowing her to strike to wound, blind, paralyze, sicken, throw or even kill. With focus, she can even strike pressure points in such a way as to negate pain, slow the loss of blood and help another to resist the effects of poison or disease!

History - The daughter of Val Armorr (Karate Kid I) and Projectra Wind’zzor (Princess Projectra / Sensor), Shen spent her earliest years studying martial arts with her father, and after his death, with the half-dozen members of her mothers honor-guard who had befriended and sparred with her father, ending up with ‘many fathers,’ all trying to do honor to the man who died saving their world by passing on his teachings to his child.

Shen has very limited illusory skills, mostly allowing her to seemingly vanish into thin air, although she’s impossible to miss when she cuts loose with her fantastic martial arts moves, and all her feeble illusory tricks fade away like smoke. Typically, she takes great advantage of this talent to sneak up on an individual, spend a moment setting up a devastating blow (courtesy of her Improved Aim feat) and then unleashing whatever sort of attack she thinks will be most effective (often having used Assessment before ‘unmasking herself’ to best determine whether she should go for an Accurate Attack or a Power Attack, or one of her bewildering plethora of seemingly-mystically-potent martial arts strikes).

Shen has a gift for sensing the weak points in a person, structure or even organization, with a moments ‘moving meditation.’ She move gracefully in combat, evading attacks and analyzing for weakness and stylistic limitations, before using both her preternatural insights, her crafted mental manipulations and her unparalleled martial arts mastery to end a fight quickly and decisively, creating the ‘illusion’ that she was toying with her foe. If a foe keeps her off-balance, unable to analyze his weaknesses, or can adjust or mask his style and / or abilities, she may find him a far more challenging opponent…

She acts utterly confident of her abilities, and often ‘shows off,’ to maintain her illusion of invincibility. Deception and misdirection as to the nature of her abilities is an important part of her schtick, and she takes no chances when faced with a ‘real challenge.’ Despite her cocky attitude, she is the best ‘team player’ of the New Legion, most likely to set up a foe for a team-mate to take down, or to similarly surprise attack one of her allies opponents while he is thus distracted, and she maintains an encyclopaedic knowledge of her team-mates abilities, and weaknesses. She wears prominent armored sleeves, for blocking attacks (as well as other body armor), and often carries short staves and blades as weapons, but rarely actually uses them.

Shen tends to scare off potential friends or lovers with her intensity and tendency to get into loud arguments about their deepest fears and insecurities... Probably her closest relationship among her team-mates is with Shadowblade, the son of Umbra and Valor, as they spar together on a daily basis, which induces much (completely unwarranted) jealousy in his girlfriend Nightfire. She also gets along fairly well with Astral, daughter of Dream Girl and Star Boy, but her competitive relationship with Brainiac Six hit a sour note when she continued to thrash him during sparring, and he got fed up and stopped coming to the gym entirely.

Shen has the potential to be a stunning beauty, but she carries herself more like a fighter than like a princess, and has cut most of her brown hair, with it’s distinctive white streak, short, to keep it out of her way when she’s fighting. A single long ponytail, tied behind, is the sole reminder of the days when her hair cascaded all the way down to her waist. Ironically, she is more likely to learn to use her beauty to distract and deceive men when she realizes it’s tactical utility, than she is to actually acknowledge her appearance for any other reason.

While technically the Heir Royal to the throne of Orando, her mothers council of advisors seem to have the planet well in hand, and, truth be told, are very happy with letting her go play Legionnaire, far away from the important affairs of state that she never really took all that seriously. Someday perhaps, this will be a problem, but she hasn't really dwelt on that yet, and the 'advisors' are happy to send her money and glowing reports of how well things are going in her absence...
Shadowblade (Lamn Mallor)

Powers - Daxamite-equivalent powers, limited to function only in darkness or at night. Able to generate seemingly indestructible 'Talokkian Nightstone' from within himself, forming it into plate-like armor and an obsidian-edged blade, skilled swordsman and acrobat.

History - Lamn Mallor, son of Lar Gand (Valor / Mon-El) and Tasmia Mallor (Umbra), was raised on Talok VIII by his parents. His father found himself uncomfortable on Daxam, and, as consort of the ‘Champion of Talok VIII’ was a feted celebrity on his wife’s home-world.

Lamn’s half-Daxamite heritage turned out to be more curse than blessing, as he suffered from unusual seizures and night terrors that would cause him to wake screaming in acts of such violence and power that only his father could restrain him, and even then, their struggles would shake the earth and damage surrounding buildings. The fires of the stars would lash out from his fear-maddened eyes, and his father would have to fly him into the space around Talokk VIII until the fit subsided. His mother, consulting the wisdom of her people, found a way to take him into the dark heart of Talok VIII, and in a sacred rite, bound him to the dark stone at the world’s center that made up the mystical heart of her people’s faith. She performed this act without consulting her husband, but he ended up agreeing with it’s results, as Lamn’s Daxamite powers were bound away by the darkness, and his remaining childhood was uneventful, and indeed, his night terrors faded as well, and indeed, he grew quite fearless, having faced the source of all fear in the heart of Talokk VIII. He grew into a happy child, from one who had previously avoided traveling out of doors, for fear of accidentally destroying something, and spent years no stronger or faster than any other youth, playing, rough-housing, getting in fights, falling in love and having what would pass for a normal adolescence.

To some, Lamn grew up under what would perhaps have been crushing pressure, as a result of his parents’ lineages, and was given training in both the priestly teachings and martial skills required of the role of Talokkian champion. He paid as much attention as required to his studies, but found himself in love with the combat-arts of ancient times, spending what a less war-like culture would have considered an unhealthy amount of time in sword-play and combat-practice, under a variety of conditions. It was in his teen years that his powers began to resurface, as if even the dark heart of Talokk VIII itself could not forever contain his heritage, but his powers were re-interpreted by his transformed nature. Only in total darkness could he tap into his power, and even then, he is not as strong as in his childhood. The presence of any amount of light weakens him significantly, not just the radiation of a red sun, but even the flickering light of a torch, or the soft glow from a computer terminal. In the presence of sunlight, or artificial light of equal intensity, his shadow-strength is entirely absent, and he is no stronger than a healthy Talokkian male, albeit a healthy Talokkian male who has obsessively trained and competed against master swordsmen throughout his early years...

Lamn was on Talok VIII when his mother and father vanished on the final mission to Apokalips, and he felt something change. Unlike many of the other Legacy Legionnaires, he does not anticipate his parent’s miraculous return, as he watched his Uncle Grev sink to the ground as a wave of living darkness poured up from the ground to envelop him, marking him as the new Champion of Talok VIII. Lamn woke in the night, and following paths that he could not have possibly remembered, returned to the cavern where his mother had brought him as a child, where the darkness whispered to him. He did not understand the words, but the message came across clearly. Part of the world would always travel with him, the bedrock of Talok VIII was now a part of his heart, but he was not of this world, and his mother’s role of Champion was not to be his, at least, not yet. It was his time to take up his mother’s previous role, to travel among the stars, and bring understanding of the night and its’ chosen people to distant worlds.

The incredibly rare substance, known as Talokkian Nightstone, has absorbed into Lamn’s body, but can pour forth and crystallize into armor, shield and blade with a thought, and, unlike his shadow-limited Daxamite powers, are usable night and day, in any light-condition, allowing him to call up protection and offense in a moment. He can even fling jagged obsidian-like blades of Nightstone, light, yet stronger than steel, at a distant foe. These thrown blades dissipate into a cold mist in seconds, and he seems to be able to produce an endless amount of them. Despite his ‘armors’ bulky and angular appearance, it is light as spiders webs, and moves with him like a fluid coating, not in any way impairing his athletic ability, or even his ability to swim!

Arriving in time to see Brainiac Six hard at work constructing the new Legacy Legion Headquarters, Lamn offered his blade in service to the new team, to the amusement of some of his new allies, unaccustomed to such acts. The one who had grown up with such, Shen Voxv of Orando, found it particularly amusing, since she’d always thought that sort of thing particularly silly as a girl. In the months that have followed, Lamn has spent almost every day sparring with Zen, under differing conditions of lighting, relishing competition with a warrior of such skill. He also has begun a relationship with Peta Cullen-Krinn, daughter of Cosmic Boy and Kid Quantum II, a relationship that is the very model of poor communication, as he has developed a uniquely Talokkian perspective on romance, casual sex, gender roles and fidelity.

There are days that she feels that he isn’t taking the relationship seriously, and there are days when he wonders if she has any idea what she’s talking about, or is just making noise for the sake of making noise. Peta is very jealous of Lamn’s ‘relationship’ with Shen, which he finds ludicrous, since he regards Shen as a warrior, which, by Talokkian gender-standards, makes her a ‘man’ in his eyes. He respects her, he likes her, he envies her skills, but he simply doesn’t think of her as a potential lover or life-partner. She occupies a ‘male’ role, regardless of her physical gender, and so does he. In his eyes, there is no possibility of a relationship, and Peta is just being strange...

Lamn presents the facade of a very calm, focused and laid-back individual. While he could function as a voice of reason, he rarely finds petty interpersonal arguments worth getting into, and even tends to walk away from ‘discussions’ with his girlfriend when they get, in his opinion, ‘irrational,’ which does nothing for her mood. Of some concern to anyone actually paying attention is that he’s got a predator’s instincts, not just in matters of combat, but in matters of romance. He is very aware of the power of words, and appearances, to affect the outcome of a fight, and has been known to use both calculated deceptions and flattering poses to draw attention towards or away from something. For all that he doesn't think of Shen as a potential partner, he really doesn't think of Peta as long-term either, just a pleasant diversion, for the time being...

Since becoming a Legacy Legionnaire, Lamn has changed his code-name three times. First he was 'Shadow Lord,' then 'Nightblade.' He has since split the difference and now goes by Shadowblade, but since people have trouble keeping up with his changes, people still call him by the older names from time to time.

Lamn is a handsome young man, with blue-black skin, close-cropped and forward-swept black hair, and a strategically-placed 'rakish' gold earring (as well as gold bracers, etc.). He easily has the best physique of the various male team-members, and he often dresses to show it off, in the fashion of his violently competitive and passionate people.
Galaxy Girl, aka Jaed Cullen-Krinn daughter of Cosmic Boy and Kid Quantum.

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Awesome MEL! I was just about to post a child (children, actually) of Jasmin and Rokk! As much as I love Lydda Jath, I liked Jasmin even better. smile

Brightflame (Peta Cullen-Krinn)

Powers - generates a greenish-gold 'nuclear fire' that destroys the interatomic bonds of matter (and disrupts any sort of coherent energy) and disintegrates anything it touches, releasing a rush of warmths and a soft glow. She can wreath herself in an aura of this destructive energy (while remaining unharmed) causing incoming matter and energy to be 'torn apart' before it can harm her.

History - Peta and her younger brother Meph were born only minutes apart to current Legion leader Jasmine Cullen (Kid Quantum II) and Legion founding member Rokk Krinn (Cosmos). Growing up with a taste for adventure, Peta often dragged her brother into all sorts of trouble, often on the alien worlds their parents frequented, as they would take an occasional leave of absence to tour the galaxy with their twins, invariably running into *some* sort of trouble... Peta thrived on this lifestyle, while her brother was less impressed.

Not having any developed super-powers by her early teens, Peta decided that she would become an emergency services worker of some sort, perhaps even a doctor, because she couldn’t imagine not helping others, even if she couldn’t be a Legionnaire. She poured herself into research, even browbeating an exasperated Brainiac 5 into helping her find information on the cutting edge. (Finding the available data woefully inadequate, and inconveniently formatted, Brainiac 5 ended up spending a few hours designing a full-year lesson plan, one that saw Peta and Meph through the various emergency services exams with two of the highest scores ever recorded!). Paradoxically, her stay-at-home brother spent a lot of time out and about during their teen years, thriving in the urban environment among people his own age, just as she did ‘roughing it’ on alien worlds. Privately, she worried that he wasn’t pulling his weight, since he spent so much time slacking with his friends.

Peta and Meph had just turned fifteen when Dreamer showed up at Legion HQ and the next thing she knew, she was being bundled out the door by her parents, who were uncharacteristically dismissive of her questions. Meph was just coming home from a late night out when he got a confusing panicky call from his sister, and was just entering the plaza at a dead run when the crimson Boom Tube slammed down like a thunderbolt and took their parents, and the only real home they’d ever known, away forever, leaving only a smoldering crater in the center of Legion plaza, and an empty place in their hearts that would never again be filled.

Peta’s powers manifested only moments later, with golden-green torrents of nuclear fire pouring off of her in waves, disintegrating everything around her as she screamed for her parents to come back. It was synchonicity that Meph also manifested his powers at that moment, unconsciously repairing and shielding the surroundings from his sister’s grief, too caught up in trying to contain the waves of power pouring off of her to have time to confront his own feelings. Walking into the waves of energy lapping around her, he quelled the nuclear fires and repaired the damage that she had already inflicted with his own atomic forces, and held her while she cried herself out.

When Brainiac 5 returned, Peta was one of the first to force her way to his side, to try and find out what had happened to their parents, but he had no recollection of the Legion’s last moments, and indeed awoke as a greater threat to the city, one that she and Meph had to help to contain, using her newfound powers to blow rogue SP vehicles and construction mechs from the sky, while Meph healed those injured, and repaired and reinforced whatever structures he could.

When Brainiac 6 appeared, constructing a new headquarters where her home had once stood, seemingly defiling her parents’ memory, she was ready to blast it from the sky, but Meph held her hand and told her to wait, recognizing Graym, Garm and several others among the gathering crowd. When it was pointed out to her that this was a temporary structure, specifically designed to complement Legion HQ *when* (not if) it returned, her face tightened in resolve and she was among the first to volunteer. Noting that she had, as usual, volunteered him as well, Meph, as usual, went along.

In the months that the Legacy team has been active, she has found herself in a relationship with the frustratingly laid-back Lamn Mallor, son of Lar Gand (Valor) and Tasmia Mallor (Umbra). She likes him, a lot (and will never admit that he reminds her a little bit of her brother), but it gets hard to have a serious talk about where they are going as a couple when she’s in mid-making-a-point, and yes, perhaps she’s raised her voice, but he’s just sitting there with his arms crossed and *smiling,* the bastard. And then he shakes his head, grabs her up in his terrifyingly strong arms with that searchingly serious look in his eyes and kisses her. He’s just impossible to reason with!

The less said about her kid brothers’ relationship with that cradle-robbing creature of the night, Twilight (Lydda Jath, formerly Night Girl, now one of the Legacy Legion's adult mentors and teachers, along with the former Sub once known as 'Stone Boy'), the better. He’s all sneaking around, like *everyone* doesn’t know. She’s supposed to be a *teacher,* for grife’s sake, and it’s not like she was ever good enough to be an actual Legionnaire, and she’s *old,* and could it be any grosser to date someone who dated your father! What the hell is he thinking? It’s like a Greek tragedy, which you’d think she’d be old enough to know about...

Peta is in good shape, and works out regularly, always 'out-drawing' Meph on contests of speed, or out-lasting him on endurance races. She has lighter skin, more like her father, and dark brown eyes. She wears her black curly hair cut close to her scalp, to keep it out of her way and has a uniform that looks quite a bit like her mothers, but with leggings and in shades of dark metallic gold and jade green. (Her 'fire' is a brighter dazzling green, and sheds a warm yellow glow.) Their parents never officially married, considering it an archaic custom, and Peta and Meph have chosen to take both of their parents family names (in a slightly different order), rather than pick one.
Nightfire (Meph Krinn-Cullen)

Powers - produces a light and warmth absorbing violet-black 'flame' that repairs and reinforces anything it hits, even healing living tissue! While surrounded with a nimbus of this energy, he, or another person or object, is all but indestructible, it's own atomic structure reinforced to the point of nigh-invulnerability, and repairing itself almost instantaneously if it *is* damaged!

History - Meph was born about a minute and a half after his sister Peta, and she hasn’t let him forget it in the fifteen years since. She’s always chosen where they go, she’s always chosen what they do, she’s always the first to do anything, she’s always the best at everything...

It’s been a long haul, and Meph’s best times have been the times he’s out in the city, meeting kids his own age, far from his oh-so-supportive-and-understanding superhero parents, and his beloved pain-in-the-ass sister.

While Peta has lived for their times away from Metropolis, Meph has made a circle of friends his own age, and spends every moment he can on-planet out with those friends. He’s got more social aptitude in his little toe that his sister has exhibited in her entire life of bossing people around and stamping her foot and cutting people off and getting her way.

It’s just another of fate’s cruel jokes that his super-power is the amazing ability to clean up her messes. So typical.

Although, he has to admit, his power is only about a million times more useful than hers. Sure, she can point and stuff dissolves into a warm wet breeze, torn apart on the atomic level, but he can *heal.* He can touch a broken thing and it will just fly back together. And by surrounding himself (or someone else!) with the dark violet flames that pour forth from his skin, he can strengthen the interatomic energies that hold them together, making them seem as hard as steel, and any injuries they have sustained continuously heal, as their molecular pattern constantly refreshes itself. Sure, it’s a defensive power, but he’s particularly thrilled to be immune to his sisters disintegrating nuclear forces, since the whole notion of being torn atom from atom and dispersing on the wind like a wet fart really sounds kinda unnecessarily final... He’s just got to get the hang of this range thing. She can blow stuff out of the sky, and even with concentration and training and focus, the best he’s gotten is causing the flame to leap a few feet from his hand. Still, he's recently developed an offensive use for his power, reinforcing a target's molecular bonds so tightly that they are locked in place, unable to move!

Peta just doesn’t get Lydda. She just won’t get off the age thing, and she’s the one dating a Talokkian, and yet knows *nothing* about their culture. She’s gonna be in for a shock when he hacks off a finger and proposes, that’s for sure... Yeah, yeah, Lydda dated dad. That was before we were even *born,* it’s not even relevant.

Like his sister, Meph is in good shape, but not quite as nimble. He is a tad stronger, however. He's darker skinned, like his mother, and has dark brown eyes. He wears his wavy black hair long, in dreads that hang down to mid-back, and are usually tied together much like a ponytail, to keep them out of his way when he's working. Every now and then, he'll shave his head completely, and then grow it back with his powers, just for variety. He wears a skintight black costume that faintly resembles something his father would wear (with much less exposed skin), with oval or teardrop-shaped silvery metallic surfaces on shoulders, biceps, etc. that tend to 'show off' his muscles.
Quanta (no other name)

Powers - sentient meter-diameter globe of plasma energy, can fly at light speed, inflict damage on a tough, and has a wide array of electromagnetic sensory abilities

History - Quanta, the offspring of Wildfire and Shikari, was born from the ‘body’ of Wildfire after the pair ‘experimented’ in the alien energy-dimension of Teall. Upon being rescued from their exile, Wildfire began to exhibit strange mood swings and produce dangerous bursts of energy and radiation, requiring modifications to his suit to contain the unpredictable eruptions. A month later, the suit simply burst, and a tiny energy form spun off of his central mass and began zipping around the headquarters, burning small holes in anything it slammed into.

Even Brainiac 5 was speechless.

Since then, Quanta, as the new life-form named itself, has spent a year banging around Legion headquarters, apparently as mentally mature as it’s ever going to get, and showing no signs of physically changing in state. It’s prodigious intellect came as a surprise to Brainiac, ‘particularly given it’s lineage’ he noted ascerbically, and it spent much of it’s free time floating around his laboratory, ‘back-seat researching,’ as Brainy sourly called it. Quanta appears as a spinning ovoid construct of radiant energy, about a meter high and slightly less wide, although it can ‘spin itself out’ into a roughly humanoid form, when it is of a mind to do so.

While Quanta had a strong connection to its parent Wildfire, and was known to occasionally merge with his energy-form for a time, it seemed to have no rappor with its’ other parent, Shikari, despite an occasional attempt by her to connect with the strange little ball of energy. With absolutely no knowledge of human interactions, or Kwai interactions, or other sentient energy-life interactions, for that matter, Quanta is content to go about it’s way, apparently uninterested in bothering to learn why the ‘clumsy walkers’ behave the way they do.

To the horror of it’s team-mates, many of whom regarded Quanta as little more than a pet of Brainy’s, or some sort of team mascot, and not a sentient citizen in it’s own right, Quanta has begun research into asexual reproduction. At any given time, some unusual, and often short-lived, energetic life-form can be found buzzing through Legacy HQ, none so far with a mentality more advanced than that of a wild animal, and often with dangerous energy-manipulating abilities. So far, only two of them have proven to be stable, but they retain only animalistic mentalities, and are confined for their own (and, more importantly, everyone elses!) safety, in a section of the HQ that some of the team consider a zoo, but Quanta considers a nursery…

Originally, Quanta was inexplicably limited to human-equivalent senses, which Brainy theorized was because the mental structures he had modeled his sentience upon came from his ‘father’ (mother?) Drake Burroughs. Brainy had laid out a series of exercises that would allow Quanta to tap into many other sensorial, due to it’s energetic nature and non-humanoid form and Quanta followed these plans at it's own pace, to its 'teachers' consternation.

Currently, Quanta is quite interested in the whole ‘spawning a race’ idea, and the only other ‘training regimen’ it has followed up from Brainiac’s itinerary was a complicated series of mental exercises that allowed it to assimilate and ape the communications and translation functions of a Legion Flight Ring. Technically, this could be considered a non-physical ‘device,’ since Brainiac implanted the pattern into the small being, and yet, it really isn’t removable, so much as a series of mental exercises that Quanta has learned to reproduce almost effortlessly.
Mystery Lad's scenario is particularly cool, as it allows for all sorts of 'pairings' that would never have happened (such as Timber Wolf and Night Girl, let alone Brainiac 5 and Lightning Lad!).

Got any more of these crazy mash-ups coming, ML?
Some great stuff up there!
I've not had a chance to draw anything for the Legion Museum for ages, so I decided to whip something up tonight! I went for a modern version of a classic couple, imagining what happens when a lucky lass with the ability to spawn copies of herself hooks up with the boy who loves to bounce. smile
I give you... MULTIBALL!!!
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Larger Version available here: Multiball
Hah, that's awesome Wayne!
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Hah, that's awesome Wayne!
As are yours mon ami! smile
Who are your models? That SuperKid looks like the Colossus guy from X-Men?
Uh I remember the Jon-El is the guy who plays Aquaman on Smallville, but I forgot who I used for Galaxy Girl (model?).

Here's Brainiac VI (Brainiac 6), aka Lucent Lad. He's the 'son' of Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid - when Brainy sustains extensive neural injuries on a mission, Invisible Kid downloads part of Brainy's consciousness along with a disc containing some of his own cognitive intellect into a artificial Coluan form. The result is Brainiac VI.

Along with an intellect marrying the minds of Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid, Brainiac VI uses technology to render himself and others translucent. His symbol combines the "v" representing Brainiac 5 and the "i" signifying Invisible Kid into "vi" or "6".

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In a possibly controversial move, Nura Nal, High Seer of Naltor, enabled herself to become pregneant by the men of her choosing. She foresaw having five children, all with different fathers.

First born, Beren Kallor, son of Thom Kallor. Beren was named after Nura's mentor and predecesser to the High Seer title. Beren looks exactly like his father, but with a lighter shade of blonde hair. He has inherited his father's ability to manipulate gravity, and only has precognative visions when using that power, which aids him tremendously. He uses the codename "Stardreamer," and wears a costume that looks like a combination of his father's first and second Legion costumes. Beren lives on Naltor with his mother, but is in constant contact with his father. There is frequent visitation back and forth. Thom and Nura remain friends. Nura *adores* her oldest boy!

Second born, Kal Dox, son of Querl Dox. Kal was named after Kal-El of Krypton, the legendary Superman. He has been given the title Brainiac 6 and resides on Colu. Kal looks like his father, with pale green skin, but with his mother's platinum hair. As the first Coluan/Naltorian blend recorded, Kal is highly esteemed by both worlds. He is able to not only learn past and present facts, but future ones as well. Kal lives on Colu, and is under near constant observation. He feels most at ease when his father is one of the observers. He loves his mother, but has to struggle to remember that she is not as intelligent as his Coluan handlers. He appreciates the gift he inherited from her, as it elevated his status on Colu. When he visits Naltor, he is given the royal treatment, hence his ambition is to learn to respect that culture more than he might instinctively.

Third born, Mora Morgna, daughter of Dirk Morgna. Mora is a stunning looking girl with long curly strawberry blonde hair with platinum highlights. She is (unsurprisingly) extremely precocious. Mora is able to radiate heat from within her body, but not able to blast it out in a flare like her father. She is able to foresee the actions of sentients near her, but has so far not shown any other more general precognative skills. However, what she can do helps her a lot, because she gets a lot of attention from other sentients, especially boys! She calls herself Flare. Mora is actually a very sweet girl, but always on the lookout for something fun and exciting to do. Her parents lavish unreasonable amounts of affection and material goods upon her. She splits her time between Naltor and Earth.

Fourth born, Londa Londo, daughter of Brin Londo. Londa inherited the perfect combination of her parents' powers. She's able to predict the actions of her adversaries, and is able to physically react, with meta-acrobatic skill. Londa's hair is dark and straight, like her father's, but she has one twirling platinum strand right on the top of her head. Londa rarely sees her father, and longs for time with him. Her mother seems to try to compensate by being a tad overprotective.

Fifth born, Tia Stewart, daughter of Troy Stewart. Tia has not shown any precognative ability, but has shown the "Tyroc" skill of her father's culture on Marzal. However, Nura has insisted that Tia culitvate her skills into more beautiful melodies. Hence, Tia is able to sing out and create amazing affects. She calls herself "Siren." Tia looks exactly like her mother, except she has caramel toned skin and golden brown hair. Her eyes are an amazing amber color. Nura sadly relented to Troy and allowed Tia to live with him full time. Tia loves Marzal so much that she was sad whenever she was on Naltor. However, she loves her mother and sends her holo-recordings of herself singing. Nura now uses those songs to send her to sleep, and her aides note that Nura is able to sleep more deeply and dream more productively with her young daughter's aid.

Nura insists that all of her children are together at least once a sola-month, for at least a weekend. The family dynamics can be quite entertaining in the Naltor house full of large personalities.

Aunt Mysa has emerged as not only a wonderful teacher to these children, in every way, but also more fun than might be expected. This has made Nura eager to see her own neices and nephews!
I can't get over how much Multi-Ball and Brainiac VI space-rawk!
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Galaxy Girl, aka Jaed Cullen-Krinn daughter of Cosmic Boy and Kid Quantum.

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Originally posted by Star Boy:
I give you... [b]MULTIBALL
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Not as imaginative as the rest of these posts on this thread, but close to my heart:
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Art by Coipel
I don't know if this is in memorium or not, but they certainly should be represented here.

And these two are adorable and perfect without being touched in anyway, other than to present them:

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presented by pshiowattana
Oh hey, I never finished with the remaining members of the Legion Legacy team!

Astral (Jema Nal of Naltor)

Powers - Hexes and curses that quite often seem to have gravitational effects (causing attacks to fall short, foes to fall over, etc.). Precognition, which usually must be focused through astrological / mystical methods of divination.

The daughter of Thom Kallor of Xanthu and Nura Nal of Naltor, Jema Nal followed in the steps of her aunt Mysa, training first on Sorcerer’s World, and later on Orando (when relations with the Sorcerer’s World grew chilly). She returned to Earth in time to see the Legion Headquarters, and her estranged parents, vanish for all time, and then sat cross-legged in the plaza until Brainiac 5 arrived, at which point, she had arranged a medical team to be standing by, as she had foreseen his return.

She aided Brainiac Six and Electrode in gathering together the arriving children of the lost Legionnaires, assisted by her previous friendship with Shen Voxv, and engaging Lamn Mallor in persuasive philosophical arguments about the importance of maintaining their parent’s legacy.

Jema spent years in training on Sorcerer’s World, and some note that her training seems to have taken longer than she has been alive, as if the wizards of that world warped time itself, to force more training into their recruits! On Orando, her training was far more physical, with the Seers of Orando sending her into the wild, to discover the secret magics of wind and herb, of blood and soil, a far cry from the more esoteric dream-like education in the mystic arts she had received under her aunt’s supervision. It was Mysa who came to Naltor when her sister’s child began to exhibit unusual talents, and Nura was persuaded that only on the Sorcerer’s Word could she be trained to unlock these gifts, without bringing harm to herself or those around her, as gravitational forces warped in her presence, and those who upset her found themselves falling to the ground, while items that barred her path were occasionally crushed beneath a seemingly unending force…

True enough, on Sorcerer’s World, and later, on Orando, she learned to refine her gifts, in the practice of magic. She manipulates gravity, like her father, but learned to do so through the mechanism of spells and incantations, only through years of rote and practice developing the ability to manipulate mass with a simple thought. They had to un-teach her how to unconsciously inflict her whims on the world around her, before they could re-teach her how to just as effortlessly bend these colossal forces to her deliberate will.

The study of sorcery has greatly modified her expression of power, such that she is able to create warping fields of gravity around someone, to afflict them over a time, in some cases, over days! She can create different fields that ward away incoming attacks, shielding her, or those she ‘blesses,’ from hostile action! And in the ways of true sorcery, she has learned some rituals to empower herself and others with some basic wards against ill fortune, which her allies don’t really notice, due to their subtlety, but are effective nonetheless.

Jema is a stunningly beautiful young woman, surprisingly young of body, and yet old of soul, and alternately is unnaturally mature and insightful, and at times as whimsical as a dancing wind. She tends to dress in all-concealing robes of grey, with a hood pulled over her magnificent mane of silvery hair, and her sparkling blue eyes similarly concealed in shadows. The robe is cut strangely, in overlapping angles of cloth, and is designed for economy of motion, and the obscuring of action. Within these robes, she can make gestures unseen by others, and yet leap as nimbly as a woman in a skin-tight bodysuit. Underneath her all-concealing robes, she wears an armored bodysuit, an insistence of her Orandan trainers, who drilled into her head that ‘fortune favors the prepared’ and that ‘a blade through the heart silences all spells.’ Indoors, she will let her hood down, and she has been known to weave fantastic stories, and spin men around her little finger, and then leave them hanging, eternally amused by how ‘boys will be boys.’

It is only recently that she has found a ‘boy’ to her liking, an infinitely complex young man whose future is a bewildering swirl of possibilities that alternately captivates and somewhat frightens her. Still, she keeps secrets close and prizes the mysteries in life more than anything else, and so few, if any, of her team-mates have any knowledge of her newest secret.

While Jema is quite aware of the gravitational underpinnings of her abilities, she prefers to dress them up in terms like ‘curses’ and ‘blessings’ and ‘wards,’ as a result of her training. She is particularly fascinated with the concept of the astrological signs and their affects on the living world, as her powers do indeed come from the stars, and she is indeed able to make ‘their will’ manifest upon those who displease her. Unlike her whimsical mother, Jema can be painfully studious, and spends an hour in meditation each day, exploring future possibilities as related to the use of her powers.
Twisted (Jer Allon of Earth)

Powers - size change (growth to 24 ft. high, shrinking to mouse-sized), elasticity (can stretch an arm 100 ft.), regeneration and limited shapeshifting (humanoid forms / disguises only).

History: Jer Allon, son of Gim and Yera Allon, has grown up in a mercurial household, and the development of his hybrid abilities only exacerbated the uncertainty he faces in his life. He’s never been happy with who he is, and, unlike most teens, has the power to do something about it, using his form-changing talents to change his appearance willy-nilly, always looking for that elusive form, that elusive *self* that will make him happy.

He’s been a man, he’s been a woman, he’s masqueraded as celebrities, and he’s lived days in the undercity among those who choose to live quiet forgotten lives out of the sight of society, 'off the grid.' He’s played the part of criminal, and of cop, been a child and an adult, a popular athletic ‘jock’ and a quiet introspective ‘geek.’ But he’s never found the place, the *self,* he wants to be.

His mother encouraged this search for self, recognizing it as a quintessentially Durlan coming-of-age, but Gim and his own parents were less able to deal with this changeling child, coming and going as he pleased, in a bewildering array of forms, genders and species, different not only in appearance, but in demeanor, on a daily basis. The increasing sense of discomfort from his human relations only served to further his alienation, his sense of dissatisfaction with the human life he was trying to find for himself.

And so he left, to wander the wider universe, even attempting to visit his xenophobic not-home-world of Durla (he was turned away and never made planet-fall, which is ultimately to his good fortune, as his people would not have welcomed a half-breed…). Hearing the news of the Legion’s loss, he returned to earth as soon as he could make transport, arriving a full month after Brainiac Six had already established a new Legacy team, to find his parent’s home empty, and his grandparents holding the lease, awaiting the return of their son. Of his mother, he learned that after her husband’s disappearance, she put her affairs in order in less than an hour, and vanished without a trace, as only someone with the skills of an actor, and the talents of a Durlan, could manage.

Having no interest in reuniting with his grandmother, the commandeering Marte Allon, or her fairly unimpressive husband, Jer traveled to Legacy Headquarters, and asked to sign up. At first welcomed, as the son of a Legionnaire, he has made more enemies than friends in his first months, with his disturbing tendency to assume the forms of others, and pretend to be them. He came close to dying at the hands of Shift X, after she walked in on him chatting with Rampage in her form, and after being talked out of incinerating him, she broke up with Rampage, using the excuse that ‘he should have known the difference.’ By that point, he had also managed to offend Brightflame and Shadowblade, for pulling a similar stunt (assuming Shadowblade’s form that time, and, again, being threatened with incineration), that time going so far as to kiss Brightflame (who did ‘know the difference,’ and called him on it). He received a ‘talking-to’ from Brainiac Six, who suggested that if he wanted to explore his potential in this manner, he might want to do so somewhere other than where he lived.

But it was another member of the Legacy team that showed Jer that his goal in life shouldn’t be to limit himself to any one particular life, and with her, he has discovered a person who isn’t impressed by any sort of handsome (or beautiful) guise he wears, but genuinely seems interested in the person that lies beneath all the lies and facades, a person that he himself has yet to discover.
Legion (Matt Taine of Earth)

Powers - Multiplication (up to 25 duplicates)

History - Matt Taine is the oldest child of Chuck Taine and Luornu Durgo, Legionnaires Bouncing Boy and Triad. Raised in the confines of the Legion Academy, by it’s two primary instructors, Matt’s abilities manifested late, and he had taken to training with armor, staff and arm-guards simply to spar with his class-mates. It was during such a practice session that he was clobbered by a student who’s powers went out of control and set fire to the building. It seemed like Matty was everywhere at once, helping people out, extinguishing the fire, etc. and as the smoke cleared, it was apparent to all concerned that there were three of him!

At first, he could only create a single duplicate at a time, but within months he far surpassed his mother’s Carggite gifts, and was able to produce a dozen duplicates, which he coordinated with an eerily silent efficiency. In time, he not only grew to revel in his newfound ability, but learned to send his duplicates out to coordinate tasks. Research for schoolwork could be done in a matter of minutes, with a dozen of him telepathically linked and able to divide up the task. Structural work, such as the inevitable repairs to the Academy, and later the construction of the Legacy HQ, were greatly augmented by his gift, as he likes to remind people of the ancient adage, ‘Many hands makes light work.’

Brainiac 5 performed tests on 'Matty,' and determined that he could generate extra mass, like his father, which, combined with his mother’s racial ability, allowed him to create many duplicates. Unlike his mother, Matty was a single sentience, and the loss of a duplicate was apparently of no importance, and he proved capable of sending a dozen or more out at a time, although all vanished if he lost consciousness. Brainiac briefly used him as a lab-gopher, enjoying having a dozen research assistants, but his parents put a stop to that and returned him to the Academy, to continue his training, now to develop his powers as well as his skills.

Legion’s dupes seem to physically grow out of him, a process that appears disturbing, and perhaps even painful, but Matty insists that it doesn’t hurt. (And in fact, doesn’t mention that it feels kinda nice...) The special equipment he has had constructed during his training duplicates with him, a belated repayment of his services from Brainiac 5 (although Matt’s parents had to browbeat him into even that concession that he had been taking advantage of the boy’s powers to use him as a nearly limitless supply of flunkies…). However, he had not been considered for Legion membership at the time, and so the Flight Ring and Transsuit he has acquired recently do *not* duplicate with him.

Matty is younger than many of his team-mates, and has no idea what to make of the various relationships forming and breaking up among them. As a result, he tends to keep to himselves, and avoid getting entangled in these antics, for now. As a result of his days working in Brainy’s lab, he’s somewhat conflicted about Brainiac Six. On the one hand, he knows that he’s just a clone of the same arrogant jerk-wad that ordered him around like a trained monkey, and yet, he’s also the closest thing to a surviving adult-figure, with the loss of his own parents, and generally immature behavior of so many of his team-mates.

While Matt has a few younger siblings, none have yet shown any sign of unusual powers, or even 'standard' Carggite triplicate natures. They live in Legacy Headquarters now, and despite his youth, Matt has argued with more distant relatives to allow him to retain custody, for now, fairly cunningly using the argument, 'just until mom and dad get back,' which he knows none of his soft-hearted relatives are quite ready to refute in the presence of their nieces and nephews...
Elemental (Siobhan Arrin of Earth)

Powers - can transform her body into any pure element (retaining a human body temperature, making mercury her only liquid form).

History - Siobhan's power comes from her father, Jan Arrah, aka Element Lad, diluted by her mother (Shvaugn Erin)’s human blood.

Her ‘mother’ is currently male, and going by the name Sean, again, having abandoned the female form about six months after their daughters difficult birth, loudly protesting that there was no way he was going through *that* again... As a result, Siobhan was raised by a pair of fathers, and still lives with Sean Erin, who serves as the Legacy Legions SP liaison (despite having been near retirement when pressed to remain for 'just a little longer' to liaise with this new team). Jan Arrah was lost with the rest of the team, and Siobhan and Sean remain very close, unwilling to lose each other as well, having already lost Jan. Sean has argued with her about joining the Legacy team, and, technically, she's still 'considering,' but he knows in his heart that she's already made up her mind, even if she still lives in the home he and Jan shared for so many years.

As a result of her father working in the Legacy HQ as well, Siobhan has not really bonded with the rest of the team the way she should have, always having a father present to talk to, and always returning home with him for dinner and a night in her own room, instead of taking quarters at the Legacy HQ.

Sean realizes that he's holding her back, and that he has to let go and allow her to begin interacting with her new teammates, but has yet to work up the nerve to cut her loose and suggest that she move into quarters with her new teammates... It was perhaps inevitable that the girl with two fathers would become a 'daddy's girl,' and Sean is steeling himself against the day that has to end.

Siobhan's name comes from Sean's grandmother (and he, and only he, sometimes calls her 'Zho'), as Jan insisted that their child would not have a Tromnian name, as that world was dead, and this was life, and deserved a name from a living culture. Sean's counter-arguments only made him compromise so much as to make her last name a fusion of their names, in the Tromnian tradition, transmuting elements from the last names of both parents to create a new surname for each child.


The only other members of the Legion Legacy team I had written up weren't children of Legionnaires. Hardware is a sentient shapeshifting mechanical construct, accidentally given permanent life by Life Lass of Lallor (at the expense of losing her powers). Elu is a small Vegan entity surrounded by an apparently invulnerable force field, and may or may not be over a thousand years old. Focus is the son of the Super-Assassin Lazon (and an unknown mother whom Focus identifies as a different woman each time he is asked), and shares his fathers power to transmute into a deadly blast of laser energy, who has joined the team to attempt to atone for his father's mistakes.
This is my own, highly simplified version of a daughter by Nura and Thom.
She's an infant, so she doesn't have any codenames or power descriptions yet.
She's just beautiful with future promise.

[Linked Image]
I love your Legacy Legion, Set.
I DO wish that you had gone on & identified and expounded upon the couple of love interests that you sort of introduced!
They all sounded very interesting, too!
This is Rose Red (after a fairytale character,) baby daughter of Mystelor and Chlorophyll Kid. She displays plant telepathy and extreme plant growth powers at a VERY early age -

[Linked Image]
posted by irenkesabo
Originally posted by Set:

[b]Astral (Jema Nal of Naltor)

Powers - Hexes and curses that quite often seem to have gravitational effects (causing attacks to fall short, foes to fall over, etc.). Precognition, which usually must be focused through astrological / mystical methods of divination.

The daughter of Thom Kallor of Xanthu and Nura Nal of Naltor, Jema Nal followed in the steps of her aunt Mysa, training first on Sorcerer’s World, and later on Orando (when relations with the Sorcerer’s World grew chilly). She returned to Earth in time to see the Legion Headquarters, and her estranged parents, vanish for all time, and then sat cross-legged in the plaza until Brainiac 5 arrived, at which point, she had arranged a medical team to be standing by, as she had foreseen his return.

She aided Brainiac Six and Electrode in gathering together the arriving children of the lost Legionnaires, assisted by her previous friendship with Shen Voxv, and engaging Lamn Mallor in persuasive philosophical arguments about the importance of maintaining their parent’s legacy.

Jema spent years in training on Sorcerer’s World, and some note that her training seems to have taken longer than she has been alive, as if the wizards of that world warped time itself, to force more training into their recruits! On Orando, her training was far more physical, with the Seers of Orando sending her into the wild, to discover the secret magics of wind and herb, of blood and soil, a far cry from the more esoteric dream-like education in the mystic arts she had received under her aunt’s supervision. It was Mysa who came to Naltor when her sister’s child began to exhibit unusual talents, and Nura was persuaded that only on the Sorcerer’s Word could she be trained to unlock these gifts, without bringing harm to herself or those around her, as gravitational forces warped in her presence, and those who upset her found themselves falling to the ground, while items that barred her path were occasionally crushed beneath a seemingly unending force…

True enough, on Sorcerer’s World, and later, on Orando, she learned to refine her gifts, in the practice of magic. She manipulates gravity, like her father, but learned to do so through the mechanism of spells and incantations, only through years of rote and practice developing the ability to manipulate mass with a simple thought. They had to un-teach her how to unconsciously inflict her whims on the world around her, before they could re-teach her how to just as effortlessly bend these colossal forces to her deliberate will.

The study of sorcery has greatly modified her expression of power, such that she is able to create warping fields of gravity around someone, to afflict them over a time, in some cases, over days! She can create different fields that ward away incoming attacks, shielding her, or those she ‘blesses,’ from hostile action! And in the ways of true sorcery, she has learned some rituals to empower herself and others with some basic wards against ill fortune, which her allies don’t really notice, due to their subtlety, but are effective nonetheless.

Jema is a stunningly beautiful young woman, surprisingly young of body, and yet old of soul, and alternately is unnaturally mature and insightful, and at times as whimsical as a dancing wind. She tends to dress in all-concealing robes of grey, with a hood pulled over her magnificent mane of silvery hair, and her sparkling blue eyes similarly concealed in shadows. The robe is cut strangely, in overlapping angles of cloth, and is designed for economy of motion, and the obscuring of action. Within these robes, she can make gestures unseen by others, and yet leap as nimbly as a woman in a skin-tight bodysuit. Underneath her all-concealing robes, she wears an armored bodysuit, an insistence of her Orandan trainers, who drilled into her head that ‘fortune favors the prepared’ and that ‘a blade through the heart silences all spells.’ Indoors, she will let her hood down, and she has been known to weave fantastic stories, and spin men around her little finger, and then leave them hanging, eternally amused by how ‘boys will be boys.’

It is only recently that she has found a ‘boy’ to her liking, an infinitely complex young man whose future is a bewildering swirl of possibilities that alternately captivates and somewhat frightens her. Still, she keeps secrets close and prizes the mysteries in life more than anything else, and so few, if any, of her team-mates have any knowledge of her newest secret.

While Jema is quite aware of the gravitational underpinnings of her abilities, she prefers to dress them up in terms like ‘curses’ and ‘blessings’ and ‘wards,’ as a result of her training. She is particularly fascinated with the concept of the astrological signs and their affects on the living world, as her powers do indeed come from the stars, and she is indeed able to make ‘their will’ manifest upon those who displease her. Unlike her whimsical mother, Jema can be painfully studious, and spends an hour in meditation each day, exploring future possibilities as related to the use of her powers.[/b]
Jema with her hood down and weaving some of those stories -

[Linked Image]
posted by irenkesabo
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
In a possibly controversial move, Nura Nal, High Seer of Naltor, enabled herself to become pregneant by the men of her choosing. She foresaw having five children, all with different fathers.
Third born, Mora Morgna, daughter of Dirk Morgna. Mora is a stunning looking girl with long curly strawberry blonde hair with platinum highlights. She is (unsurprisingly) extremely precocious. Mora is able to radiate heat from within her body, but not able to blast it out in a flare like her father. She is able to foresee the actions of sentients near her, but has so far not shown any other more general precognative skills. However, what she can do helps her a lot, because she gets a lot of attention from other sentients, especially boys! She calls herself Flare. Mora is actually a very sweet girl, but always on the lookout for something fun and exciting to do. Her parents lavish unreasonable amounts of affection and material goods upon her. She splits her time between Naltor and Earth.
I love this look for Mora:

posted by irenkesabo
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:

In a possibly controversial move, Nura Nal, High Seer of Naltor, enabled herself to become pregneant by the men of her choosing. She foresaw having five children, all with different fathers.

. . .
Fourth born, Londa Londo, daughter of Brin Londo. Londa inherited the perfect combination of her parents' powers. She's able to predict the actions of her adversaries, and is able to physically react, with meta-acrobatic skill. Londa's hair is dark and straight, like her father's, but she has one twirling platinum strand right on the top of her head. Londa rarely sees her father, and longs for time with him. Her mother seems to try to compensate by being a tad overprotective.
Here's a version of a young Londa that I found and changed just a little with the white lock of hair.

[Linked Image]
posted by gizellalapu, but didn't have any animation
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
In a possibly controversial move, Nura Nal, High Seer of Naltor, enabled herself to become pregneant by the men of her choosing. She foresaw having five children, all with different fathers.

Fifth born, Tia Stewart, daughter of Troy Stewart. Tia has not shown any precognative ability, but has shown the "Tyroc" skill of her father's culture on Marzal. However, Nura has insisted that Tia culitvate her skills into more beautiful melodies. Hence, Tia is able to sing out and create amazing affects. She calls herself "Siren." Tia looks exactly like her mother, except she has caramel toned skin and golden brown hair. Her eyes are an amazing amber color. Nura sadly relented to Troy and allowed Tia to live with him full time. Tia loves Marzal so much that she was sad whenever she was on Naltor. However, she loves her mother and sends her holo-recordings of herself singing. Nura now uses those songs to send her to sleep, and her aides note that Nura is able to sleep more deeply and dream more productively with her young daughter's aid.
Here's one imagining of Tia.
The skin is caramel, the eyes are golden and the hair is brown (NOT golden brown, though).
She's definitely beautiful, I think.

[Linked Image]
Laura of ANTM, by Tyra
ShadyCandle! Thank you for casting those roles! Beautiful! I kinda forgot about my legion of Dream Kids.
I love the idea of children in an enlarged family setting.
I've thought about Tasmia in a similar way since she has the champion line to continue.
I stopped because the reboot got to a point where the ancestors told her that she was the last of the line.

Now that we're in the retroboot, I may just renew the idea.

Anyway, I had a couple of different Tias and then decided that they weren't close enough to your description.
I'll keep looking.

I want to do the boys, too, but you wouldn't believe how rare they are!
Originally posted by Star Boy:
I give you... [b]MULTIBALL
[Linked Image]
Here's a Multiball II:

[Linked Image]
photo posted by PrayciousAnjel
Somewhere, there's a reality where Queen Jeckie and Prince Consort Val Armorr have a little Princess, perhaps named Valinen.
A beautiful child who sleeps and dreams dreams of magic. And her dreams become reality and watch over her nights.

Valinen's illustions become real, while she sleeps.
So, she is watched over by her father and her mother and all who have power in that realm, also, just in case, the nightmares come.

[Linked Image]
posted by skipper_521
This is a fun idea.
I can see the two on Medicus One with her mom, Kent Shakespeare and Ivy.

[Linked Image]
original photo posted by karenelf
Originally posted by Candle:
Originally posted by Star Boy:
[b] smile
I give you... [b]MULTIBALL!!!
[Linked Image]
Here's a Multiball II:

[Linked Image]
photo posted by PrayciousAnjel [/b]
Multiball! Multiball! MULTIBALLLLLLL!

Futurama joke.
Random other Legion children, based off of otherworldly pairings;

Imra / Jo - a son able to channel his psychic energies into either physical / telekinetic manifestations (appearing as flight, great strength and resistance to injury) or telepathic abilities. Vaguely reminiscent of the latest incarnation of Emma Frost, in that he can be a powerhouse *or* a telepath, as the circumstances demand.

Ayla / Dirk - able to transform matter into energetic plasma, and has a limited ability to shape / control it, allowing her to form a blazing explosive sheath of plasma around herself to fly, by transmuting the air around her body into a fiery aura. Needs matter to transform, and the denser the matter, the more powerful the energy discharges, so she carries inertron 'marbles' that she can throw and remotely transform / detonate.

Shady / Jo - daughter can call upon greenish energy force that is so dark as to be almost black in color, in the form of a massive dragon around herself, either in part (as a clawed 'gauntlet' to tear open a door) or in whole (as a larger-than-human figure that surrounds her like a battlesuit, or the 'psionic exoskeleton' of a character like Unuscione). In this form, attacks must blast through the force field to damage her, and the energy construct has great strength, and wings allowing it to fly. It is susceptible to being disrupted by certain frequencies of light, however, and is not indestructible to heat.

Brin / Projectra - superior martial artist, but mostly skilled in the use of medieval style weaponry (usually augmented by concealed high tech equipment, such as a huntsman's spear that can conduct an electrical blast). Slightly stronger, faster, tougher, etc. than human, but true super-power is the ability to call forth a pack of 'hunting hounds' that are part illusion, part real, composed of psychic energy that can inflict real harm, although the majority of their effect fades after a time, being psychic trauma and not actual physical injury. Finishes off foes dragged down by the spectral 'hounds' with the shock-spear or other medieval looking high-tech items.

Brin / Tinya - skilled combatant with a ghostly soul-self that can part from her body in the form of a larger-than-normal white wolf. The wolf's attacks tear through any armor (and the wolf itself can phase), and it is superhumanly powerful. She is also superhumanly strong, and, contrary to what foes might suspect, grows stronger when the wolf is out, as her own strength is required to contain the 'savage soul.'

Gim / Violet - able to shift own density and mass, but not height or size, becoming as tough as inertron, or almost massless and intangible. Not nearly as visually exciting as the powers of either parent, this character functions more like Marvel's Vision, becoming super-tough or ghostly, as the circumstances warrant.

Ayla / Violet - twins, one positively charged, one negatively charged, each with electromagnetic powers, but able to join hands and release an incredibly destructive blast (like something Wildfire would do!) that leaves both unharmed, but temporarily drained of power. Both have limited shrinking powers as well, but only to the size of dolls or small birds, not to microscopic sizes.

Kal / Trips - not-quite kryptonian power when in combined form, can split into three. Red has super-speed, Gold has super-strength and invulnerability, Blue can fly, has super-senses and heat vision. All have keener than human senses (although blue has the X-Ray / Telescopic / etc. stuff), faster than human reaction speeds (although red has the flash-like speed) and are stronger and tougher than normal (although gold is the one with *super* strength and invulnerability). Each of the three is better at their respective powers than the combined form, meaning that Gold is stronger than they are combined, Red is faster, etc.

Blok / Mysa - earth-manipulating powers, like Elysion. As Mysa's appearance is normally human (well, Naltorian), her child might also appear human, with little visual hint of a half-Dryad nature.

Condo / Lyle - able to generate chemical compounds within own body, and sweat them out (or spit them out, or bleed them out, or exhale them into the air). Most complicated compound is the invisibility serum, but can also produce endless varieties of adhesives, corrosives, medicines, stimulants, drugs, poisons, liquid explosives, sedatives, antitoxins, incendiaries, etc., etc.

Due to the many variations, and Jo, Brin and Violet having multiple options, I'd go with Shady / Jo over Imra / Jo, Projectra / Brin over Tinya / Brin and Ayla / Violet over the other Violet options.
My favorites are Kal/Trips, Shady/Jo and Ayla/Dirk.

They're all fun ideas, though.
Originally posted by Set:

Shady / Jo - daughter can call upon greenish energy force that is so dark as to be almost black in color, in the form of a massive dragon around herself, either in part (as a clawed 'gauntlet' to tear open a door) or in whole (as a larger-than-human figure that surrounds her like a battlesuit, or the 'psionic exoskeleton' of a character like Unuscione). In this form, attacks must blast through the force field to damage her, and the energy construct has great strength, and wings allowing it to fly. It is susceptible to being disrupted by certain frequencies of light, however, and is not indestructible to heat.

There's a story, at least a trilogy, somewhat like this.
The firest book is called Dragon Shadow, I think, and it's by Diane Duane, I think.

The shadow eventually becomes it's own real dragon. It's quite the set of stories.

So, I REALLY love your idea here.
The exoskelton part isn't in the books and is a great idea on it's own.
Originally posted by Candle:
The shadow eventually becomes it's own real dragon. It's quite the set of stories.

So, I REALLY love your idea here.
The exoskelton part isn't in the books and is a great idea on it's own.
Diane Duane rocks, love her Star Trek novels (which, yes, are mind-candy, but hey, I grew up reading Westerns, so I'm good with mind-candy).

Having the 'dragon shadow' be some sort of symbiotic creature, less like Raven's 'soul-self' and more like an embryonic entity from deep within the planet that can only gestate within a human(ish) host, could be neat. As she develops in power, the dragon within her continues to grow as well, becoming stronger, and more mature, until it finally bursts from her as it's own living entity. At this point, she no longer contains it, but is linked to it, and retains some fraction of it's power, as a leftover remnant of having served as it's 'cradle' for such a long time.


Upon re-reading Ayla/Dirk, she's a funny sort of combination of Cannonball and Boomboom...

That was totally unintentional.
Here's the daughter of Tasmia and Jo, as created by Set and now, envisioned by me (and whoever the original artist is.)
Her name is Joy Arisea Mallor and her codename is Shadow Wing:

[Linked Image]
This very beautiful work was orginally posted by irenkesabo, who is probably not the artist.

This is just a little tiny bit over the 150 mark, so I think it'll be okay.
I worked on this photo awhile ago, deepening sweater and background colors.
The poster part I just did.

This seems like an appropriate time for the boys since their mom is looking for them in the new Legion book by Levitz and Cinar.

[Linked Image]
original photo posted by Zman4386
Here's their mom when she was just slightly older:

[Linked Image]original photo posted by deirdre2

Also worked in 'fresco', like the boys.
Beauty's an hereditary trait, isn't it?
Although it DOES depend on how the genes break apart into the egg and sperm and then, how they combine in the fertalization process.

Sometimes the Brad/Angelina magic combines spectacularly and sometimes the kid gets Voight's looks mixed with great aunt Pittal.

There's always surgery and make-up, too!
Yeah but stand under a light for too long and you start to look like cheesecake.
Jigsaw – Fiona Belkin
Daughter of Floyd Belkin of Lallor (Arm-Fall-Off Boy / Splitter) and Konk of Xanthu.
Has the ability to split off her arms, legs, and head from her torso. Also personal levitation.

Hex, the Six-Headed Hero – Ffolkes & Aadam Retzun
The son of Dyvud (or possibly Frenk) Retzun of Janus (Double-Header) and the Batch SW6 Lluornu Durgo of Carggg (Triad).
A double-headed teen with the ability to split into three: with a total of six separate personalities.

And presenting the 3rd Generation:
The son of Fiona and Ffolkes (or possibly Aadam):

the Weirdo Legionnaire
(Belkin Retzun)
Three torsos, six heads, six arms, six legs, able to mix and match in any arrangement.
Thousands of possible combinations! Head growing out of a wall! His arm growing out of your shoulder!

He wears a costume similar to the one originally created by Proty in the battle against Computo, although he has arms instead of tentacles, and wrap-around sunglasses instead of a mask.

I'll say it for you. Wow. The return of the Weirdo Legionnaire.
LASH is gonna love those, Klar!
Very inventive.

Let's see.

1. Drura (Infectious Lass) and Pete (Porcupine Pete)
have a son: Rubert - codename - <span style="font-size: 16px;">Blow Gun</span>.
Powers - poisoned darts (various organics) that he shoots at extremely high volocity from his mouth and/or fingernails. He also can inject antidotes introveniously using certain hairs on his ears which are connected by extendable veins to the mutated lymph glands in his neck.

2. Rupert marries Ednal, daughter of Eyeful Ethyl and Matter Eater Lad.
Her codename is <span style="font-size: 16px;">Seater</span>.
Powers - she can eat anything she sees, and she sees EVERYTHING!

3. They have a daughter: Risa Ann, codename - <span style="font-size: 16px;">Marksmaid</span>.
Powers - like her father and grandmother, she creates diseases and poisons, with their cures, as needed. Her body creates small arrows upon mental command which she picks and shoots from either of her hands, which have webbing between the fingers that can be pulled back and anchored on bones spurs on either elbow, then released.
The speed is aided by a limited telekinesis and the arrows can travel like rifle shot, for miles.
Her mother's ability to see everything is translated in Risa as the ability to ALWAYS hit her target, still or moving at any speed.

4. Fourth generation -
<span style="font-size: 16px;">Marksmaid </span>and the <span style="font-size: 16px;">Weirdo Legionnaire</span> have a son and daughter and son and daughter and son and daughter.
Their names are Aadam, Bea, Cohen, Dyvuda, Eden and Fiona.
Codenamed - <span style="font-size: 16px;">Legion</span>.
Powers - they are actually one person with each of the two sexes splitting into 3 bodies, like their Carggite grandmother.
They would have normally been twins with Lu's powers but their father's stange genes somehow resulted in the twins being combined into one person with six bodies and six personalities.
They cannot remain apart for more than 6 hours and while the multiples are definitely male or female, the primary is androgenous, having NO male or female characteristics.
Again, all of the personalities are active in the one but only a combined personality is able to control the body and speak.
Otherwise, the primary acts and looks 'normally'.

His/her bite is poisonous/infectious or can be a cure/antidote.
When split apart, the girl's hair is darts and fireable like Porcupine Pete's quills and the boy's fingers shoot sharp fingernails.
Both forms carry contagin or poison at high speed and total accuracy.

That was fun!
And hard!
But FUN!

Do some more?
Garridan Ranzz
Son of Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad) and Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl)
Mostly human (Amartan) appearance. Enhanced strength and toughness. Each time he uses his devastating mental lightning bolts, a metabolic change is triggered which leaves him slightly stronger, slightly taller, slightly tougher, slightly more massive, and reduces his IQ by a fraction of a point, bringing him that much closer to the day when he will become a fearsome monster. In his mid-twenties, his receding hairline and somewhat sunken eyes are the beginning evidences of the ultimate transformation that awaits him.

Star Sapphire
Lauren Gand
Daughter of Rond Vidar and Laurel Gand
Possibly the greatest Star Sapphire ever recruited by the Zamorans, she also has half-Daxamite powers.

3rd Generation:
Lady Lavendar
Loretta Gand
Daughter of Garridan Ranzz and Lauren Gand
Violet-haired and violet-eyed humanoid.
Full Daxamite power set. Invulnerable to lead. Telepathy. Telekinesis. Psychic blast. Lightning control. Special hypnotic / telepathic ability allows her to broadcast a psychic field which causes everyone to love her.
She is ultimately destined to become one of the Galaxy’s most successful tyrants, with an empire of dozens of worlds, including Daxam, within her thrall. Ultimately a woman of almost inconceivable power and influence, the two Emerald Empresses of her generation, as well as her aged, now-monstrous father, and the resurrected Pulsar Stargrave, are counted among her happy, adoring and willing servants.
Random other child of Chuck and Lu;

Trinity - has only one body, unlike a full-blooded Carggite, but can cause her mass to triple, gaining three times the strength, toughness *and* intelligence of a woman of her size and build. She's normally tall for her her age, taller than either of her parents, actually, and powerfully built, but when she triples her mass, she shoots up to well over seven feet tall, and, when mature, will top out just shy of nine feet tall. She doesn't become bulkier and slower, despite this mass increase, but actually becomes even faster and more graceful, to the surprise of foes who expect her to slow down.

Combined with her size, strength and speed, her tripled mental abilities make her a surprisingly effective superhero, and not merely in combat situations.

If she has a drawback, it's that her triplicate nature has made her more independent than her siblings, and she is prone to stand aloof from others. When others work together to accomplish a task, she has grown perhaps too accustomed to being able to just make herself strong enough, or smart enough, to handle a task on her own, and she's not terribly comfortable asking for help, or admitting that she can't 'do it all.'
And how about potential children of Subs, Lallorians, Amazers, Wanderers and / or Academy recruits?

The daughter of Evolvo Lad and Life Lass, of the Heroes of Lallor, is a one-woman 'flight ring' for her team, as she can 'evolve' others, granting them limited telepathic and telekinetic abilities (allowing them communications and self-flight). She can also devolve allies (or enemies), turning humanoids into physically powerful but mentally suggestible ape-like brutes, that she finds easy to manipulate with her own mental talents.

Beast Boy and Gas Girls son is an albino, and while he lacks the range of ability to transform into any sort of gaseous compound or animal form, only having a single gaseous form and a few animal forms, he also can cause similar animal forms to coalesce from ambient gases, creating 'wolves' and 'bats' to send at his enemies, that dissipate into harmless smoke when he dismisses them. He could be mistaken for some sort of mythological vampire, due to his combination of powers from his mother and father, and his albinism, but there's nothing supernatural about his traits.

The daughter of Psyche and Ornitho, of the Wanderers can form a psionic field in the shape of a large bright green and dark blue bird (somewhat resembling a south american Quetzal bird, with different colors) that affords her some degree of telekinetic protection and strength. Additionally, she can unleash psychic blasts that also resemble avian forms, and even remain active, harrying and barraging her targets, attacking again and again with disruptive psionic assaults as they 'fly around' the target. Her avian manifestation completly surrounds her body, and can increase to sufficient size and potency to allow her to carry people aloft in it's energy talons.
These are so good, guys!
I love them all!


Codename: <span style="font-size: 16px;">Zeus</span>
Graym Ranzz, son of Garth Ranzz and Imra Ardeen.
His powers include lightning and psychic bolts that he hurles from his head and hands.
These bolts degree of power is controled by Graym mentally and emotionally, which means that they're not always under complete control.
But when they ARE under control they can be as gentle as the flow of electrical light through a computer or as beautiful as lightning bugs in a forest at night.
He can knock out a crowd with his psionic bolts or lightly lull a baby to sleep.

He's very beautiful, blonde like his mother, but all robust, cantankerous male, like his father.
This is a blessing and a curse.

Women love him but he's hard to control, as he has a short fuse and too much power to back it.

Codename: <span style="font-size: 16px;">Shadow Wing</span>
Joy Arisa Mallor, Daughter ot Tasmia Mallor and Jo Nah.
She is her mother's Shadow Champion heir and Shadow Realm nexus, with her ancestress' (Lyddea Darkstar) Coluan Tyrants given shadow enegy powers.
These manifest as (written by Set on page 3):
Shady / Jo - daughter can call upon greenish energy force that is so dark as to be almost black in color, in the form of a massive dragon around herself, either in part (as a clawed 'gauntlet' to tear open a door) or in whole (as a larger-than-human figure that surrounds her like a battlesuit, or the 'psionic exoskeleton' of a character like Unuscione). In this form, attacks must blast through the force field to damage her, and the energy construct has great strength, and wings allowing it to fly. It is susceptible to being disrupted by certain frequencies of light, however, and is not indestructible to heat.
Having the 'dragon shadow' be some sort of symbiotic creature, less like Raven's 'soul-self' and more like an embryonic entity from deep within the planet that can only gestate within a human(ish) host, could be neat. As she develops in power, the dragon within her continues to grow as well, becoming stronger, and more mature, until it finally bursts from her as it's own living entity. At this point, she no longer contains it, but is linked to it, and retains some fraction of it's power, as a leftover remnant of having served as it's 'cradle' for such a long time.

Her Shadow Dragon's name is Black Jade.

Codename: <span style="font-size: 16px;">Lord Twilight</span>
Joy and Graym form an alliance and have a son named Grevedan.
Grev is absolute ruler of the Shadow Realm, nexus of that dimension, he also has total control of all light and gravitational fluctuations (inherited from his great aunt, Ayla.)

Grev has a humanoid form but easily flows into a dragon form, as well, which he really prefers.
He has the psychic abilities of his grandmother Imra, which manifests in many forms, most strikingly as bolts of emotion.

He and Lady Lavendar form the reigning monarchy of their galactic empires.
Set, I love how so many of your characters form animal type avatars.
They remind me a lot of Andre Norton books/characters.
Her's were usually naturally occuring animals who formed alliances with animals either through mutant/psychic powers or through magic!
Unless I am mistaken, the 5YL continuity no longer exists in the 52verse.
Nevertheless, here is the Legion of 3015, twenty years after Five Years Later.

1. Validus
Garridan Ranzz
Son of Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad) and Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl)
Human in appearance. Great strength, toughness. When he uses his devastating mental lightning bolts, he triggers a metabolic reaction in his body making him grow somewhat larget, somewhat stronger, somewhat tougher, and loses a fraction of an IQ point, and one step closer to becoming a mindless monstrosity.

2. Veritas
Graym Ranzz (?)
Son of Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad) and Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl)
When Graym contracted Sigelian Brain Fever, Brainiac 5 replaced his brain with an electronic simalcrum, and placed the organic brain in suspended animation, awaiting a cure. Possessing a 10th-level intelligence and computer-like computational skills, Graym served for two years as an active Legionnaire, until a cure was found and his original organic brain was restored to his body. The electronic brain, still impressed with Graym's personality and memories, was transferred to a blue-skinned, "probe" clone body. This is the entity still known as Veritas, who is completely at ease with the existential questions raised by the existence of another "Graym" mind. The original Graym is an ordinary Amartan, now the Chief Operating Officer of Lightning Ring Farms. He doesn't like to think about existentialism. It makes his head hurt.

3. Star Sapphire
Lauren Gand
Daughter of Rond Vidar and Laurel Gand
A half-Daxamite with Star Sapphire powers, her uniform is more violet than magenta.

4. Gemini
Dacey and Dorrit Ranzz
Daughters of Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad) and Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl)
Individually fairly weak telepaths, their combined abilities increase exponentially to exceed even their mother's, making them the greatest telepaths of their generation. Their powers include psychic link, mind-reading, thought-casting, telekinesis, psychic blast.

5. Magnet Boy
Pol Krinn II
Son of Rokk Krinn (Cosmic Boy) and Lydda Jath (Night Girl)
His magnetic powers are less than his father's at their peak, but still impressive. He also (incidentally) shares with the mother the native Kathoonian ability of seeing in pitch darkness. He wisely eschews his grandfather's super-serum, and its unpredictable effects.

6. Ivy
of Rimbor
Ultra Boy's ward of mysterious origins, she has the ability to telepathically communicate with plants.

7. Chip
Parthenogenic offspring of Blok, "hatching" from his corpse on Shanghalla. A rock-like humanoid in appearance, Chip stand just one meter tall (but is still growing), and exhibits prodigious strength, invulnerability, rock telepathy (and resistance to organic telepathy) and the ability to increase his inertial mass at will. He can also absorb and metabolize most forms of energy directly, ultimately adding to his size and mass. He also retains certain hazy remnants of Blok's memories, and has a similar personality.

8. the Wolf Princess
Princess Lycan of Orando
Daughter of Queen Projectra of Orando and Brin Londo (Timber Wolf)
When Val Armorr left his stake in the Voxv holdings to Brin Londo, it created positive legal ramifications for Orando, as there was a legal stakeholder of the extra-dimensional planet still within the U.P. However, it became necessary to create an heir who would have complete control over the royal holdings. Raised on Orando during Brin's "Furball" phase, well-trained, dedicated to the Monarchy, and accepting of her future duties and responsibilities, she sees the Legion as one more step in her schooling. She is a magical at-will werewolf herself (strength, invunlnerability, weakness to silver). She also has the ability to summon (materialize) and command her "pets" - the Wolfguard of Orando, her own specially trained wolves, each standing a meter-and-a-half at the shoulder. She has been known to ride one into battle.

9. Atom Girl
Violet Ranzz
Daughter in vitro of Salu Digby (Shrinking Violet) and Ayla Ranzz (Lightning Lass)
Like the 21st-century Atom, she has the ability to decrease her size and mass independantly, and is an olympic-class gymnast.

10. Power Boy
Umbrial An'Nan
Son of Kent Shakespeare and Brita An'Nan
Has the ability to absorb hyper-bio-energy and transmit it to another individual. Effectively, he can cause naturally super-powered individuals to exchange powers. As he is the "link" through which these powers flow, he must be in the near vicinity for the "exchange" to function.

11. Mind Boy
Tenzil Kem, Junior
When Saturn Queen (Eve Aries) traveled back in time with Lightning Lord and Cosmic King for the express purpose of humiliating Superman, he defeated the "Legion of Super-Villains" by exposing Eve to radioactive material from Saturn's rings, which suppresses psychosis in Titanians.
When she returned to the 30th century, she discovered that she was pregnant with Lex Luthors child. Originally called Lex Aries, he was adopted by Tenzil (Matter-Eater Lad) Kem after their marriage, and re-christened Tenzil Kem, Junior.
Mind Boy exhibits mutant super-intelligence, limited telepathic ability, and impressive telekinetic powers.

12. Lgxqzryp (Lig-ex-quizzer-yip)
Son of a Zrfffn (Zir-fif-if-an) imp [Ms. Qznkpykl] and a male Terran [the Indigo Warlock]
Being only half-Zrfffn, Lgxqzryp has very limited magical abilities. When he says his name backwards, he can transform any object into any other object. His transmutations are only temporary, and depend on the size of the object(s). For example, when the changed the 1,000-story Empire Asteroid Building into a stack of newspapers, the transformation lasted less than one hour. When he changed every building and living being in New New Chicago into transparent Plasteel (except Rogarth), he was only able to maintain the transformation as long as he concentrated. In no case do his transformations last more than ninety days.

13. Improbability Lass (Honorary Member / Legion Reserve)
Norja Kem
Daughter of Tenzil Kem (Matter-Eater Lad) and Eve Aries (Saturn Queen)
Apparently due to the influence of the (still) residual Miracle Machine radiation, combined with Titanian psychic abilities, Norja has the ability to alter reality in her immediate vicinity. However, the limitation of that power is that she apparently cannot create any effect unless it is (a) humourous, and (b) effectively useless in the long run.

14. the Cheshire Cat
May Norg
Daughter of the Batch SW6 Lyle Norg (Invisible Kid) and April Dumakas (Catspaw) she has a cat-like appearance, enhanced agility, strength and toughness, invisibility, and teleportation through what she thinks of as the "Wonderland Dimension", that bizarre realm discovered by Jacques Foccart where stray thoughts become reality- or at least, convincing illusion. At least a decade younger than the rest of this Legion, she is the newest and youngest member of the Legion. She does not get along at all well with the Wolf Princess.
Originally posted by Candle:
Set, I love how so many of your characters form animal type avatars.
I do have a weakness for that. Either forming energy animals, summoning actual creatures, unleashing animal-shaped soul-selves. It's a theme, and it would get really old if I could make all of them.

One would be neat, though, like the idea of a Tinya/Brin child that could summon 'ghost-wolves' from within herself and send them out as her phantom 'wolf-pack' to engage foes.

Multiple such characters would be uncreative, 'though, and picking just one would be painful!

They remind me a lot of Andre Norton books/characters.
I was always a fan of her Witch World stuff. I particularly liked how the magic of her world was sort of a mix of psychic stuff and spells.
Originally posted by Klar Ken T5477:
2. Veritas
When Graym contracted Sigelian Brain Fever, Brainiac 5 replaced his brain with an electronic simalcrum, and placed the organic brain in suspended animation, awaiting a cure.

13. Improbability Lass (Honorary Member / Legion Reserve)
Apparently due to the influence of the (still) residual Miracle Machine radiation, combined with Titanian psychic abilities, Norja has the ability to alter reality in her immediate vicinity.
I *love* these two.

The first is just cool, because it's a totally original sideways 'legacy' character that isn't as simple as 'X + Y' and manages to combine characters that would never be thought of as 'a couple.' (In this case, Brainy, Imra and Garth.)

And Improbability Lass deriving her powers not from the genetic legacy of her parents, but from the incident with the Miracle Machine is just awesome! It's a cool power, it's totally tied into the lore of the Legion, and it's way more creative than 'mix T-Wolf + Tinya and come up with something involving wolves and phantoms...'

On the other hand, for making 'a Chip off the old Blok,' you deserve to be slapped with a trout!
Originally posted by Klar Ken T5477:
7. Chip
Parthenogenic offspring of Blok, "hatching" from his corpse on Shanghalla. A rock-like humanoid in appearance, Chip stand just one meter tall (but is still growing), and exhibits prodigious strength, invulnerability, rock telepathy (and resistance to organic telepathy) and the ability to increase his inertial mass at will. He can also absorb and metabolize most forms of energy directly, ultimately adding to his size and mass. He also retains certain hazy remnants of Blok's memories, and has a similar personality.

14. the Cheshire Cat
May Norg
Daughter of the Batch SW6 Lyle Norg (Invisible Kid) and April Dumakas (Catspaw) she has a cat-like appearance, enhanced agility, strength and toughness, invisibility, and teleportation through what she thinks of as the "Wonderland Dimension", that bizarre realm discovered by Jacques Foccart where stray thoughts become reality- or at least, convincing illusion. At least a decade younger than the rest of this Legion, she is the newest and youngest member of the Legion. She does not get along at all well with the Wolf Princess.
Love these two, especially Chip.

The Wolf Princess reminds me of Princess Mononoke, I hope that's spelled right.
It's one of my favorite early Manga movies/stories.

Different strokes for different folks!

PS, my favorite Norton stories are pre=Witch world in origin, no witches at all, really.
Dean did a number of 'Dream Kids' with Nura as their mother and using different fathers.

I could see Nura doing that because she could 'see' them in her future.
If you stay true to her 5 YL, persona, I could see her have quite a number of lovers, as well.
Binding those kind of men, powerful men, to her and her family makes sense too, considering her future as the ruler/High Seeress of Naltor.

I've always thought that Tasmia would, in a future where her planetary champion lineage is important and needs to be continued for the good of the planet, that she would want to have children by more than one father, to ensure the very best for her world.

1. As such, she would choose first Lar Gand/Mon El, to father her first born, daughter, Paean (joyful song of praise), codenamed: <span style="font-size: 16px;">Helix</span>.

Paean is a Shadow Champion who has access to more than the Shadow Realm.
She also, due to her father's many hundreds of years in the Phantom Zone, and a twist on his X-ray vision, can see and enter other dimensions and realms, at will.
These include the Dreaming Realm of Daniel, the Phantom Zone, the dimensions that hold Bgztl, Marzal, Orando and many others.

This ability can manifest as a 'gate' allowing movement shortcuts from point a to point b.
Paean spends a lot of time exploring these other dimensions and their power possibilities.
She ie especially drawn to the Shadow Realm and the Dreaming.

Like ALL Shadow Champions, she is a trained combatant, sees in the dark and casts shadows over large areas, even into minds, across nerve synapes and computer/communication networks.

Her Daxamite blood line affords her the abilities of flight, speed, limited invulnerability (objects and projectiles) and the 'twisted' x-ray vision.
She needs a trans suit for space or hostile environments but her energy shields, granted her by her shadow powers, is extremely strong and versatile blocking ALL forms of energies and plasmas, including psychic/psionic energies and weapons.

Paean's parents fear that one day, though, she'll get lost in her wanderings or captured, and not return to her home dimension/universe.
2. Tasmia's second pick was Querl Dox/Brainiac 5.
This relationship lasted for 3 years and produced two boys, 18 months apart.
The oldest is called Talen, codename: <span style="font-size: 16px;">The Stealth</span>.
Tal has his father's green eyes and blonde hair and a combination of his mother's and father's skin tones for a beautifully unique seagreen color.

His mother's shadow powers have refined and combined with his ancient grandmother's powers of stealth, making him totally invisible, when he chooses, to any detection, at all, including telepathic, empathic, telekinetic, the visual ranges, sonar/radar, touch, smell, etc..
He is even completely off the prophetic screens.
He can project this 'blankness' into minds, leaving other beings in a stuper with amnesia.
He can also project into machines, effectively shutting them down.

He's an able fighter, with a 10th level IQ.
He often accompanies his sister, Paean, something his parents aren't aware of.
His father, Querl has gifted both of his sons with protective forcefield belts, which Tal will use from time to time in their explorations.

The youngest son is called Frer.
Frer is a complete throwback to his ancestress, Stealth's race, the first male to frequently look like that species in their maternal state.

He lives with his father, Querl, who is working on finding the original Stealth's homeworld AND trying to help Frer hold his humanoid shape for longer periods of time.
In his humanoid shape, he has white hair and golden eyes and skin, like his ancestress.
He is handsome and just below Querl in intellegence.
He's still smart in his alien state, but much more primal, emotional and impulsive.
He can't communicate with others, either, including any of the telepathic or empathic methods.
He doesn't have Tal's abilities of total stealth, but is 'blind' to psychics.

Cham is frequently with Querl and spends many hours with Frer, both in his humanoid form and his 'stealh' form.
He frequently acts as a communication go-between as he tries to convey what Frer is thinking and feeling in that state.
Frer, himself, has no memory between states.
At least, between 'steath' and humanoid, what he remembers in that form is still a mystery.
A. Tasmia's true 'first born' is someone that she only acknowledges in her dreams, in the blackest hours before dawn.

That child is the son of Darkseid, the lord of darkness, himself.

In the moments of the battle, when Shadow Lass was protecting the child Izaya with her shadows and words, Darkseid did something that even the HighFather couldn't stop or alter or even be truly aware of until after it was finished.

Darkseid's anger at Shady's challenge caused him to reach out in time and space, creating a small pocket around him outside of both, from which he reached through her shadows and pulled her to him.

And in the pocket that was outside of time and space, he took her as only a demi-god filled with anger and frustration and revenge and lust can, until an 'eternity' later, he was spent.

His rage gone, he healed her, something he almost never did but was capable of, and placed her gently, he could be gentle now, back into her shadows, stepping from the pocket realm of his creation.
He put her back, almost lovingly, because he knew that she carried his child.

A child to raise himself, a child to form as he had never been able to with Orion.
He knew the moment of conception, the moment the small sparks of life joined and began the miracle of being.

Then, he lost the battle and the war.

And so, Darkseid's actions were never recorded in the Legion annals.
Tasmia never told anyone, just saying after the battle, that she needed some time away, on Talok VIII.
Not even Lar had known.

When she got to Talok, she fled to the monestary/nunnery, cut her hair in dispair and waited to birth a demi-god.

The pain had been terrible.
She was in labor for almost a week and completely out of strength when Izaya appeared and gently touched her swollen belly.
The pain stopped, and a peace came over.
She relaxed and the child came crying, from her body.

Izaya washed the child, and her, softly crooning to both of them.
Tasmia looked at the now quiet infant as he nestled warm in the HighFather's arms.

He was a beautiful baby, a healthy, deep blue with small pointed ears and curly black hair. He slept, so Shady couldn't see his eyes, but she knew they were blue-black and powerful in their awareness.

Izaya covered the child's head with a small knit blanket and whispered to Tasmia that he would love and care for the boy, always.
He would train him up to fight for the light and be a great warrior, prophet and king on New Genesis.

"What's his name?" Izaya asked Tasmia as she was drifting off to sleep.

"Giedh'on, HighFather," she said, "The cutting gift."

Izaya nodded and sent his power out to heal her body and soul, to strenghten her.
His radiance put her further into a deep, restful sleep.

He touched her face and spoke a word, giving her a forgetfulness, so that she might go on with her life, whole and uncrippled by what had happened.

Then, the HighFather took his new son with him, to his universe and time.

Tasmia sighed in her sleep often.
Only sometimes did she remember what happened as if it were all a dream she dreamed.
And sometimes, she dreamed of her son, never to know him outside of her dreams.
When she did, she always woke up crying.
A week?! God.
4. Tasmia's last born child is Zariah, daughter of Jan Arrah.

When she approached Jan for this child, he had resisted, at first.
After she'd removed her clothes, he'd given in, rather ferociously.

She'd loved the look of him, his fair skin against her blue, his blonde hair mingled with her black.
They'd made love for days and weeks, even though they really didn't need to.
They were beginning to fall in love.
They might have gone deeper and deeper into each other, never to come back.

But, Shaugvhn found them.
Shady never knew how, but she suspected Lar and Dawnstar.

Jan had been so torn, but his commitment to Erin was real and he couldn't hurt her any more.
And Tasmia had just wanted a child, right?

So, they'd had a final kiss after Shaugvhn left.
Long and long, pouring what 'might have been' into every glorious, greedy, grieving moment.
Then, he left.

And Tasmia had Zariah.
Too young for a codename, she had her father's powers and personality and blue eyes.
Tasmia loved her dearly and protectively and longingly.

Afterwards, a year or so later, Jan had gone to Trom and begun his memorial work.
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
A week?! God.
Almost but not quite.
B. Tasmia is carrying a last child.
At least, she HOPES it's a last child.
One could never know when 'duty' might call again.

She was with Lar again after his years with Dawnstar.
But, she'd been taken by surprise when he'd shown up, wanting to try again.
Of course, she'd wanted to.
She'd always loved him.
He made her feel safe and certain and capable and cherished.
And he was such a man.

But before he'd come back, she'd been on Colu where Brainy had his 'vacation' home, where he had Frer.

While she was there, Querl had been called off planet on a Legion mission and she had stayed behind with Frer and Zariah and Cham.

She'd always called him 'Cham'.
Reep sounded so silly and he wasn't silly.
Cham was one of the least silly people that she knew.

Frer was in his humanoid form and was playing with Zariah.
She and Cham had been discussing Frer's progress and maturing personality when they heard the kids yelling.
When they ran in, one of the droids was spinning completely out of control.
Why Zariah didn't transmute it into oxygen or Frer didn't use his forcefield, Shady didn't know.
But, she tossed shadows around the kids and Cham smashed the droid in one of his 'creature' incarnations.

The kids were a little miffed that they didn't see him smush it because of her shadows, but they had eaten supper and gone to bed anyway, with only minor murmurs.

When Cham and Tas came back into the main living quarters after tucking the kids in, they started laughing and couldn't seem to stop.
Until they were hugging.
The hugging felt good.
So good that they stopped laughing.

She'd had a handful of lovers in her life, but a shapeshifter was extraordinary!
And passionate!
They'd really enjoyed each other those few weeks, but Querl eventuallycame back and she'd had to take Zariah back to start the next session of her studies with the masters.

Tasmia had been surprised when she found out she was pregnant!
She'd had no idea it was possible for a Talokian and a Durlan to have a child together.

Lar knew, of course, and seemed happy with the coming baby, he always loved being a father.
He was even talking about the two of them having another child together, in a few years.

Cham's baby was going to be very interesting, to say the least. And Tasmia was expecting him to come to Talok for the birthing.
Ahhhh, what might happen, she didn't know.

But, Tasmia was a Mallor and a planetary champion.
THE planetary champion, actually, and a Legionnaire, currently in reserve yes, but still and always, a Legionnaire!
Originally posted by Klar Ken T5477:

3rd Generation:
Lady Lavendar
All this takes place in the 5YL Universe, which, unless I am very much mistaken, no longer exists anywhere in the current 52verse.

Still, as Doctor Fate once remarked, "That which has been made can never be truly unmade."

The year is 3064.

LL: Happy One-Hundredth Birthday, Grandmother. I had the royal bakeries prepare you a lovely cake. I know what a sweet tooth you have.
IA: And will you release an old woman from her long imprisonment on her one-hundredth birthday, my grand-daughter?
LL: Yes, this is a prison. I will admit that. These walls are especially shielded against even your powerful telepathic abilities. But is a comfortable prison, is it not? Eight luxurious rooms, robotic servants at your command, the finest cuisine available provided at your request, holofeeds from all over the Galaxy. Have you taken advantage of the new rejuvenation spa I had installed last month?
IA: Are you so afraid of me, that you must keep me locked up here?
LL: Oh, but Grandmother, it is not from fear. It is for your own protection. There are those within the Empire who wonder why I do you the kindnesses I do. And within your EarthGov, there are those who would see you dead without remorse. They still blame you for Validus. They would kill you, just as they killed your Legion.
IA: The Legion lives.
LL: Yes, yes, with, I believe, just five members now? That absurd young Tharrian, the turtle boy, the fish girl, and that silly tin robot. Anyone with any power is drafted now into the UltraCorps.
IA: You neglect the healer. Could it be you fear him as well? He treats those under your hypnotic spell as though they were infected with a disease. And cures them.
LL: I fear no one, grandmother, least of all some insignificant child. I rule twenty-nine inhabited worlds. None can threaten me, and none can long withstand me.
IA: I would count twenty-eight. Daxam is empty and desolate. The woods and jungles and deserts begin to reclaim the abandoned cities.
LL: My beloved Daxamites are my first line of defense against invaders, insurgents and traitors. They are stationed where they are needed, and respected and feared throughout the Galaxy.
IA: And you dress them in replicas of Mon-El's costume. What view do you think he will take of this when he returns?
LL: Will he return? Do you really believe that childish legend? What have I to fear from Lar Gand? He is ten times your age, and if he is not dead already, he must be exceedingly weak and feeble by now.
IA: And yet you fear your cousin on Talok, the Lord of Light and Darkness.
LL: He stands against me! Even now, as I am making incursions into Khundia and the Dominion, the enemies of the United Planets! But he and that Naltoran Seer, with the Queen of Orando and the Coventry of Tharn, and that accursed UltraCorps; they keep the intractable Weber's World and Earth from my influence. I do not fear them. I hate them! One day they will all bow to me!
IA: There are some who will never bow to you, grand-daughter.
LL: How? How is it, with your mental faculties so weakened with age, you sit here and still resist my aura of love, which has conquered so many others? I am joyfully obeyed-- even worshipped-- by tens of billions, and yet you, old woman, continue to resist me.
IA: It is because, my Lady, that among all those tens of billions throughout the Galaxy, I am the only one left who truly loves you.

Daxamite Guard: Lady Lavender sends her regrets for supper, Madame. That irritating Mr. Cobb has once again penetrated the borders of the Empire, and the situation demands her undivided attention. Your dinner is served.
IA: Thank you, young man. Oh, dearie me, I seem to have dropped my spork. Can you see where it landed?
DG: Yes, Madame. It is right here.
IA: Oh, lawks.
***** CRASH *****
DG: Ordinarily, Madame, a blow to the head with a heavy mahogany chair such as you have just delivered would have resulted in some serious injury. I congratulate you on a remarkable spryness for one of your age. However, I am a Daxamite, and it would take a great deal more than that to injure me.
IA: True, but I think I did do some damage to that psionically shielded helmet you are wearing. Those circuits are notoriously fragile.
DG: I will not succumb to mind control… Darkseid's Beard! The memories! What have you done to me!?
IA: I am not dominating you. I am freeing you from domination.
DG: My world… the worlds! But what can we do?
IA: First of all, with your permission, I will telepathicall install a memetic virus in your mind. Any one you approach will be freed of hypnotic control. I do not doubt you will soon have a substantial underground on your side. Second, kindly punch a small hole in one of these shielded walls.
DG: But why?
IA: Unless I miss my guess, this irritating Mr. Cobb is Lar Gand, and he is looking for me.
DG: You really are THE Saturn Girl then, aren't you!?
IA: Well, it's nice to be called a girl at one-hundred-and-one, but just plain Imra will do at this age, I think. Or Mrs. Ranzz, if you prefer, whippersnapper. Now punch me that hole.
***** CRUNCH *****
(As the guard leaves, "Mr. Cobb" immediately appears. He is a slender, elderly white-haired gentleman dressed in dark slacks, long-sleeved white shirt, and a skinny black tie.)
LG: Hello Imra. It really has been too long.
IA: Lar, it is so good to see you. You are looking pretty well for a Daxamite nearly twelve centuries old.
LG: I am probably nearer eighty, physiologically. It is so hard to keep track.
IA: I was never able to extend my condolences for your loss of Tasmia.
LG: Thank you. To tell the truth, it made me confront my own mortality. I went back to the Zone for decades, I think, to hide from my fears, but at last I realized that we all must die, sooner or later.
IA: Today might be the day. We had better leave quickly.
LG: You may want to stay. I brought you a gift. Antique jewelry.
IA: A Legion flight ring? Wherever did you find one?
LG: It isn't one-of-a-kind. The rest of the Legion will be here shortly.
IA: The Legion? Which Legion?
LG: They have eighteen members now, including a Hykraian and a Psimian. I've been secretly training them for the past few months, and they have become quite capable, and in fact quite popular in U.P. Space.
IA: But are they really able to take on Lady Lavender and her forces?
LG: It is not generally known yet, but they deposed the One True God of the Dominion about a year ago. It appears he was draining the energies of immortals to feed his own power, but the machinery was organically based, and they had an herbicider on the team.
IA: But they can't have recruited any really powerful members. The U.P. immediately drafts those into the UltraCorps as cannon fodder.
LG: The U.P. recruiters missed a few. They seem obsessed with the Daxamite power set. We also started a Legion of Substitute Heroes, with over thirty members now, and made sure that no one takes them seriously. But I've put a half-bizarro on that team, a couple of passive invulnerables, a probability shifter, and an infinite polymorph. None of them have much control over their powers, but as I remember, you are all about control. I presume you have already started a palace revolution?
IA: Yes, and I presume you have been making inconsequential hit-and-run attacks on the borders of the Empire, and giving the impression that the Legion would never dare mount an aggression against the Imperial Seat itself?
LG: Yes, and I believe it has worked. All this history, and they still don't know us very well, do they?
IA: Long live the Legion.

Beware of elderly super-heroes. There is a reason they have lived so long.
For one of my creations:

[Linked Image]
the original photo is of Fatima, from ANTM.
I loved the Adventure era special that had Superman visit the adult Legion.
Chuck and Lu had a boy, as I remember it, of around 7 or 8, who was triplicating.
Supes made the comment in the poster:

[Linked Image]
photo posted by victorsotolll
Hmmm. I'd forgotten about that 'Master' Plan story I started on page 1-- I should get back to that at some point.

Any LWorlders that go back to the DC boards remember a thread on the LEGIONNAIRES board called 'Legion-heirs'? There were some good ideas on it. I've tried finding it on the Wayback Machine and haven't had any luck.

Any chance that anybody might still have it lurking on their hard drive (probably on an old computer's hard drive...)?

001._Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl = Electrode [by Set]
002._Brainiac 5 => Brainiac 6 (clone) [by Set]
003._Ultra Boy + Apparition = Shift X [by Set]
004._Mon-El + Supergirl = Super-Kid [by Monkey Eater Lad]
005._Brainiac 5 + Lightning Lad = Idea Lad (Subject One) [by Mystery Lad]
006._Timber Wolf + Night Girl = Night Wolf (subject Two) [by Mystery Lad]
007._Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl = Rampage [by Set]
008._Karate Kid + Princess Projectra = Zen [by Set]
009._Mon-El + Shadow Lass = ShadowBlade [by Set]
010._Cosmic Boy + Kid Quantum 2 = Galaxy Girl [by Monkey Eater Lad]
011._Cosmic Boy + Kid Quantum 2 = BrightFlame [by Set]
012._Cosmic Boy + Kid Quantum 2 = NightFire [by Set]
013._Wildfire + Shikari = Quanta [by Set]
014._Bouncing Boy + Triplicate Girl = Multiball [by Star Boy]
015._Star Boy + Dream Girl = StarDreamer [by Sketch Lad]
016._Brainiac 5 + Dream Girl = Brainiac 6 [by Sketch Lad]
017._Sun Boy + Dream Girl = Flare [by Sketch Lad]
018._Timber Wolf + Dream Girl = Londa [by Sketch Lad]
019._Tyroc + Dream Girl = Siren [by Sketch Lad]
020._Star Boy + Dream Girl = Astral [by Set]
021._Colossal Boy + Chameleon Girl = Twisted [by Set]
022._Bouncing Boy + Triplicate Girl = Legion [by Set]
023._Element Lad + Shvaughn Erin = Elemental [by Set]
024._Star Boy + Dream Girl = Wren [by Candle]
025._Chlorophyll Kid + Mystelor = Rose Red [by Candle]
026._Karate Kid + Princess Projectra = Valinen [by Candle]
027._The Mess + Infectious Lass = Meyra [by Candle]
028._The Mess + Infectious Lass = Drin [by Candle]
029._Jo Nah + Saturn Girl = Unnamed [by Set]
030._Sun Boy + Lightning Lass = Unnamed [by Set]
031._Ultra Boy + Shadow Lass = Unnamed [by Set]
032._Timber Wolf + Princess Projectra = Unnamed [by Set]
033._Timber Wolf + Phantom Girl = Unnamed [by Set]
034._Colossal Boy + Shrinking Violet = Unnamed [by Set]
035._Shrinking Violet + Lightning Lass = Unnamed [by Set]
036._Superboy + Triplicate Girl = Unnamed [by Set]
037._Blok + Mysa = Unnamed [by Set]
038._Invisible Kid + Chemical King = Unnamed [by Set]
039._Ultra Boy + Shadow Lass = Shadow Wing [by Candle]
040._Arm-Fall-Off Boy + Konk = Jigsaw [by Klar Ken T5477]
041._Double Header + Triad = Hex [by Klar Ken T5477]
042._Jigsaw + Hex = the Weirdo Leginnaire [by Klar Ken T5477]
043._Porcupine Pete + Infectious Lass = Blowgun [by Candle]
044._Matter-Eater Lad + Ethyl Eyeful = Seater [by Candle]
045._Blow Gun + Seater = MarksMaid [by Candle]
046._the Weirdo Legionnaire + Marksmaid = Legion [by Candle]
047._Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl = Validus [by Klar Ken T5477]
048._Rond Vidar + Laurel Gand = Star Sapphire [by Klar Ken T5477]
049._Validus + Star Sapphire = Lady Lavender [by Klar Ken T5477]
050._Bouncing Boy + Triplicate Girl = Trinity [by Set]
051._Evolvo Lad + Life Lass = Unnamed [by Set]
052._Beast Boy + Gas Girl = Albino [by Set]
053._Psyche + Ornitho = Quetzal [by Set]
054._Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl = Zeus [by Candle]
055._Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl = Veritas [by Klar Ken T5477]
056._Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl = Gemini [by Klar Ken T5477]
057._Cosmic Boy + Night Girl = Magnet Boy [by Klar Ken T5477]
058._Blok => Chip (Clone) [by Klar Ken T5477]
059._Queen Projectra + Timber Wolf = the Wolf Princess [by Klar Ken T5477]
060._Shrinking Violet + Lightning Lass = Atom Girl [by Klar Ken T5477]
061._Kent Shakespeare + Kono = Power Boy [by Klar Ken T5477]
062._Lex Luthor + Saturn Queen = Mind Boy [by Klar Ken T5477]
063._the Indigo Warlock + Ms. Qznkpykl = Lgxqzryp [by Klar Ken T5477]
064._Matter-Eater Lad + Saturn Queen = Improbability Lass [by Klar Ken T5477]
065._Invisible Kid (SW6) + Catspaw = the Cheshire Cat [by Klar Ken T5477]
066._Ultra Boy + Shadow Lass = Shadow Wing [by Candle]
067._Zeus + Shadow Wing = Lord Twilight [by Candle]
068._Mon-El + Shadow Lass = Helix [by Candle]
069._Brainiac 5 + Shadow Lass = The Stealth [by Candle]
070._Brainiac 5 + Shadow Lass = Frer [by Candle]
071._Darkseid + Shadow Lass = Giedh'on [by Candle]
072._Element Lad + Shadow Lass = Zariah [by Candle]
073._Chameleon Boy + Shadow Lass = Unnamed [by Candle]
074._Lightning Lad + Monstress = Frankenstein [by Sarcasm Kid]
Ooh! Here's one...

Live Wire + Monstress = Frankenstein
What a list!
Great job, Klar Ken!

Elad's daughter is Zariah, by the way, a small thing, that.

And Paean's codename, which you use most in the list, is 'Helix'.
Her brother is The Stealth.
Nitpicy, but that's how we Legion fans are!

Thanks for including the picture combinations, too.
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Ooh! Here's one...

Live Wire + Monstress = Frankenstein
Well it makes sense, doesn't it?
Originally posted by Arachne:
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
[b] Ooh! Here's one...

Live Wire + Monstress = Frankenstein
lol [/b]
lol , ditto!
Originally posted by Candle:
What a list!
Great job, Klar Ken!

Elad's daughter is Zariah, by the way, a small thing, that.

And Paean's codename, which you use most in the list, is 'Helix'.
Her brother is The Stealth.
Nitpicy, but that's how we Legion fans are!

Thanks for including the picture combinations, too.
Candle, you are just too gracious and polite. Is this part of your online persona, or are you really this way?

I edited the list with your corrections, and added tbe child Frankenstein , which is pure genius.
I'm pretty much just me.
I can be a pill, though.
Just ask Zardi or jimgallagher.

But thanks for the nice words.

I have to say that I love your character and story ideas.
I've had loads of fun with them!
Please keep posting!
Originally posted by Klar Ken T5477:
Originally posted by Candle:
What a list!
Great job, Klar Ken!

Elad's daughter is Zariah, by the way, a small thing, that.

And Paean's codename, which you use most in the list, is 'Helix'.
Her brother is The Stealth.
Nitpicy, but that's how we Legion fans are!

Thanks for including the picture combinations, too.
Candle, you are just too gracious and polite. Is this part of your online persona, or are you really this way?

I edited the list with your corrections, and added tbe child Frankenstein , which is pure genius. [/b]
No, she's really this way.
We can all be pills sometimes. Candle is LOVE!
Some of my ideas (working more off postboot characters since I know that era best; though a lot of the couple would have to have paired off just before Legion Lost or something?)

Garth and Imra's daughter, Candis Ranzz (Impulse as a tentative codename, but I can't think of anything better?)
-- Shunned by both her parents' homeworlds. Winath didn't like it she was a single birth; Titan pities and fears her. Candis is virtually mindblind; she can receive telepathy, but her sending is so feeble that only the best telepaths can sense it. Most of her energy is channeled into manipulating the neuro-electrical signals of her targets. By dampening signals to the muscles she can paralyze a foe; blocking sensory nerves can strike a foe blind or deaf. She can also overload nerves, but this is a last resort as she can cause nerve/brain damage... possibly fatal.
Candis gets along best with Uncle Mekt and his kids; she thinks they understand her plight better than her parents do. She's quiet and reserved; thinks people blame her for things even when she's done nothing wrong. Red-haired with streaks of blonde; blue eyes.
Matrix (Justyn Ranzz) & Virus (Sharyl Ranzz)
-- Since Salu's powers were changed by the Emerald Eye so that she grew instead of shrinking, that effectively barred her from Imsk; her family was too horrified of her to continue communications. So she'd visited with the other Legionnaires' families instead -- usually, it was a poor substitute. That was until she visited Winath with the Ranzzes; they had just gotten Mekt back on parole due to his helping save Garth during the latter's prison visit.

In Mekt, Salu found something of a kindred soul; they were both outside the norm for their worlds, both of them feared for the evil they'd done and the consequences. They grew closer and finally fell in love and got married. To Mekt's surprise, she bore him twins: he figured that the "curse" would pass down and mean he'd only sire singletons.
Both siblings have dark auburn hair and purple eyes; they're fairly short for their age, though not to Salu's extreme. Their powers are likewise shared; they can shrink (but only to a centimeter height) and can manipulate electricity. Sharyl uses her powers to manipulate computer and security systems; "Uncle Lyle" has been her tutor in this (though he's made it clear she's only to do this for the greater good and not for her own profit!). Justin prefers to "link in" with vehicles, and is an excellent pilot even without this extra edge; if it wasn't for being called to the LSH, he could have been on the racing circuit.
Polymath 2 (Kamil Dox)
-- ColuGov went behind Querl's back and declared him a "failed experiment". They decanted another Coluan from the DNA used to bioengineer Querl, and thus produced Brainiac 6 -- although they manipulated him prenatally to eliminate the "defects" that had given Querl his emotional aspects.

Horrified and disgusted by this, Querl turned his back on Colu entirely and took the new codename Polymath. He cloned himself (as the DNA sequence that resulted in the 12th-level intellect was too recessive for his purposes), and has raised his son fairly well. While Kamil doesn't show much emotion usually, he at least is free from the sneering that Querl usually exhibited.
Bouncing Boy + Monstress = Big Boy
Catspaw + Timber Wolf = CatDog
Lightning Lad + Kinetix = Friction
Lightning Lass + Storm Boy = Lightning Storm
Princess Projectra + Stone Boy = Crown Jewel
White Witch + Plaid Lad = Plaid Witch
I love the support guys!

Candis is a great character!
I was thinking shince she affects nerves, something like 'Synapes' might work.

Matrix and Virus are fun, too!
The car idea is so, guyish!
He should race, too, even if he IS a Legionnaire.
I've always felt that the Legion's members should have more balanced lives.
I remember how surprising it was when we saw Tasmia playing a violin.
(She made shadow sculptures postboot.)

Maybe he could do exibition runs or vid/utube entertainment racing?

Polymath 2 is a great name.
Do you even watch 'NUMB3RS'?
Wouldn't it be kind of neat if Kamil was interested in the same kind of math used to solve crimes?
Sort of like a Data Holmes or something.

Just stream of consciousness ideas from what you wrote.

Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Bouncing Boy + Monstress = Big Boy
Catspaw + Timber Wolf = CatDog
Lightning Lad + Kinetix = Friction
Lightning Lass + Storm Boy = Lightning Storm
Princess Projectra + Stone Boy = Crown Jewel
White Witch + Plaid Lad = Plaid Witch
Big Boy and Crown Jewel are way good, SK!
CatDog is funny, too, but it reminds me of the CatDog cartoon, which makes it even funnier, but also kind of eyuckkky!
Well I didn't think like a cat and dog combined, like a child who's predominately feline with canine features or canine with feline features.
Originally posted by Seth Gaterra:
Matrix (Justyn Ranzz) & Virus (Sharyl Ranzz)
These two are very cool, and a totally outside-the-box pairing, Mekt and Salu? Rock on!
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Well I didn't think like a cat and dog combined, like a child who's predominately feline with canine features or canine with feline features.
I know, I know!
Someone to drive Cannus crazy!
I am trying to do the same thing with the New Wanderers (Legion of Earth-247) that I did with the 5YL Legion…

01 FalconFire
Real Name: Mari Krinn
Parents: Rokk Krinn (Cosmic Boy) and Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl)
Telepathy and telekinesis. Originally calling herself Tele-Girl, Mari was on a solo exploration mission when her ship collided with an infant Sun-Eater.
Both severely injured, they merged their physical beings and consciousnesses.
Mari now is able to call upon the vast power of the Sun-Eater that resides within her to augment her psionic abilities and produce various solar energy effects.

02 the Iron Giant
Real Name: Arthur Nolan
Parents: Andrew Nolan (Ferro) and Salu Digby (LeViathan)
Has the ability to transform himself into a normal-sized, flesh-and-blood human.

03 Shadow Wolf
Real Name: Marr Mallor
Parents: Brin Londo (Wolfpack) and Tasmia Mallor (Shadow Lass)
Another Shadow Champion.

04 Nexus
Real Name: Isidore Nal
Parents: Gear (I.Z.O.R) and Nura Schappin Nal (Dreamer)
Has the ability to manifest, at will, electric sheep.

05 Pandora
Real Name: Alz Dox
Parents: Querl Dox (Brainiac 5.1) and Jasmine Cullen (Kid Quantum 2)
Alz has inherited her mothers' power to alter quantum constants, but only a tenth-level intelligence. This is more than enough to make her quite a force to be reckoned with.
She is cheerful and well-liked among her teammates. The name "Pandora" means "all gifts".

06 Star Girl
Real Name: Hari Kallor
Parents: Thom Kallor (Star Boy) and Ayla Ranzz (Spark)
Full Daxamite power set. Ice vision. Flame breath. Lightning vision. Gravitational manipulation.

07 ThunderBolt
Real Name: Ramael Gand
Parents: Lar Gand (M'Onel) and CeCe Beck (Thunder)
When CeCe Beck said her magic word in the 91st century, she finds herself transported to the past, among her friends in the Earth-247 Legion in the New Earth universe. With no way back to the future (and stuck in her Thunder form) she develops a romance with M'Onel, and the two are married within a couple of years.
Ramael Gand is the result. Daxamite-class strength, speed, flight, and invulnerability. Powered up even under a red sun, and the crushing gravity of planets like Daxam and Kormo.
Invulnerable to both lead and magic.

Note: FireFalcon, Star Girl, and Thunderbolt are the "heavy hitters" of the team.

08 Ultra Lad
Real Name: Cub Nah
Parents: Jo Nah (Ultra Boy) and Phantom Girl (Apparition / Phase)
From his mother, he has inherited full Bgztlr and Cargggan abilities. From his father, invulnerability, penetra-vision and levitation. In addition, he possesses a unique power all his own: he has the ability to alter his apparent physiological age, from infant to old man, or anywhere in between.

09 Phase Nine
Real Name: Aaron Ranzz
Parents: Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad) and Lluornu Durgo (Triad)
Note: although Garth has regained his natural appearance and powers, he is still genetically Tromman.
Aaron has the ability to manifest as eight separate elemental phases: stone, plant, fire, air and wind, water and ice, a "beast" elemental, a "lightning energy" elemental (similar to Jonni Thunder ), and a "dark energy" elemental (similar to Negative Man )
Aaron can either change his own form into one of these elemental manifestations, or manifest any or all of them separately from himself.

10 Jabberwocky
Real Name: Princess Daina Wynzorr
Parents: Reep Daggle (Chameleon) and Jeka Wynzorr (Sensor)
She has the ability to alter or disguise any object or individual, without changing its mass. Her powers appear superficially similar to Chameleon Chief, but are magical in origin.
While Daina's own natural form is a horrific blending of Durlan and Hypertaxized Orandan physiology, she was able to permanently restore her mother to normal Orandan serpent-form, to her great relief.
Technically a princess, her "kingdom" no longer exists.

11 Ryu
Real Name: Ryu Armorr
Parents: Val Armorr (Karate Kid) and Jenni Ognats (XS)
He has no connection to the Speed Force. He apparently has not super-abilities at all. Overweight, lazy, and edacious, he is a great disappointment to his father. He shows no interest in the martial arts, neither the physical nor the spiritual side. The New New Wanderers do keep him around as a kind of mascot, however, due to his natural cheerful temperament and careless hedonism.

12 Imago
Real Name: Ti'Julk Sh'Aszi
Parents: Ti'Julk Mr'Asz (Gates)and Shikari Lonestar
Mostly humanoid in appearance, grey-skinned and green-haired, with a spiky tail/abdomen, her odd Kwai-Vrygan physiology allows her to reach into the virtual world of quantum probability, and create Imago-Replicants of both inanimate objects and living individuals.
These Imago-Replicants are more powerful, intelligent, and generally morally superior than the originals. In fact, in comparison with the Imago-Replicant the original looks like a Bizarro-Duplicate.
Limitations: (1) The existence of the Imago-Replicants is temporary, only a few hous. (2) Only one Imago-Replicant can be created at one time. (3) She has no control over the behavior or decisions of her living creations.

Definition: IMAGO: (1) the final stage of metamorphosis of an insect (2) in psychology, an idealized image of someone (usually a parent) formed in childhood.

13 She Came From Planet Claire
I know she came from there. She drove a Plymouth Satellite faster than the speed of light. Planet Claire has pink hair, and all the trees are red. No one ever dies there; no one has a head. Some say she's from Mars, or one of the seven stars that shine after 3:30 in the morning. Well she isn't.

Graphically-challenged as I am, I tried to put together a few Hero Machines of these characters here .
Those Hero Machine pictures are funny. Everyone looks like they should be holding a gun!

I have tried on occasion to use the City of Heroes or Champions Online character builders, but they never quite look 'right' enough and I just get frustrated. You must be way more patient than I am!

Phase Nine and Imago are very interesting. (Phase Nine almost seems to be connected to the Exorian twins idea...) FalconFire as a Phoenix / Jean Grey homage is fun.

Mixing Vi and Andy to get an Iron Giant, 'though? Inspired!
Lots of interesting and wierd characters in this bunch!
I enjoyed the pictures, too.

My favorites are:

1. Jabberwocky, who looks like Jabba the Hut, kind of.

2. She Came from Planet Claire, very strange and unrelated to the New Wanderers in origin, I guess. Where's Konk when we need her. She could be the opposite of Double Header.

3. Imago, very strange. I was hoping for someone more beautiful from that union, which could be said, by me, of Jabberwocky, too.

4. Pandora, any Dox combo is fun, imo.

5. Cub, I love Cub.

Question, why does Star Girl have Daxamite powers?
Originally posted by Seth Gaterra:
Garth and Imra's daughter, Candis Ranzz (Impulse as a tentative codename, but I can't think of anything better?)
Candis is virtually mindblind; she can receive telepathy, but her sending is so feeble that only the best telepaths can sense it.
Candis isn't just mindblind- she is mind-silent! If only the best telepaths can sense her thoughts, this would make her essentially mentally-invisible to most telepaths.

Not such a big deal in our world, but pretty useful in a universe full of mind-readers!
Originally posted by Candle:
Lots of interesting and weird characters in this bunch!

Question, why does Star Girl have Daxamite powers?
Daxamite-like powers: like her father's original comet-granted super-powers, which at first put him on a level with Superboy.

She Came From Planet Claire
Originally posted by Klar Ken T5477:
Daxamite-like powers: like her father's original comet-granted super-powers, which at first put him on a level with Superboy.

She Came From Planet Claire
And I don't wonder that I hadn't heard of Planet Claire before!
I'm a Josh Grobin and Keith Green fan.
smile !

Very interesting, though, rather like the character you invented!
Originally posted by Candle:
Candis is a great character!
I was thinking shince she affects nerves, something like 'Synapes' might work.
Yes, Synapse works better. smile


Matrix and Virus are fun, too!
The car idea is so, guyish!
He should race, too, even if he IS a Legionnaire.
I've always felt that the Legion's members should have more balanced lives.
I remember how surprising it was when we saw Tasmia playing a violin.
(She made shadow sculptures postboot.)

Maybe he could do exibition runs or vid/utube entertainment racing?
*nods-nods* Seeing the Legionnaires do exhibitions for charity would be cool!

The racing thing came a bit from the postboot depiction of Winath, from when Ayla was telling her origin story to the kids touring Legion HQ? It looked more like a 1950's sock-hop during the dancing panel, than the "clothing optional" lifestyle the world had before the timeline got revamped.
So what would a rebel kid be doing in the 1950's? Hot rod racing! smile


Polymath 2 is a great name.
Do you even watch 'NUMB3RS'?
Wouldn't it be kind of neat if Kamil was interested in the same kind of math used to solve crimes?
Sort of like a Data Holmes or something.
I'd seen the show a few times, but not for ages. Course if you had a 12th-level intellect dedicated to detective work, who'd stand a chance?
Originally posted by Set:
Originally posted by Seth Gaterra:
Matrix (Justyn Ranzz) & Virus (Sharyl Ranzz)
These two are very cool, and a totally outside-the-box pairing, Mekt and Salu? Rock on!
Well I figured that something new could work?
Originally posted by Klar Ken T5477:
Originally posted by Seth Gaterra:
[b]Garth and Imra's daughter, Candis Ranzz (Impulse as a tentative codename, but I can't think of anything better?)
Candis is virtually mindblind; she can receive telepathy, but her sending is so feeble that only the best telepaths can sense it.
Candis isn't just mindblind- she is mind-silent! If only the best telepaths can sense her thoughts, this would make her essentially mentally-invisible to most telepaths.

Not such a big deal in our world, but pretty useful in a universe full of mind-readers! [/b]
That wasn't quite what I had in mind? I meant that she didn't really have any power to send back to a telepath. Like she could only whisper, so unless the other person's hearing is really good they'll miss it?

But your idea's better? cool
Name: Brek Burroughs
Relatives: Drake Burroughs (father), Dori Aandraison (mother); Ral, Staq, Peter (younger brothers), Dawnstar (step-mother), Nura (step-sister), Brek Banin (godfather)

Origin: He was the oldest of the four, created when his parents were stranded on a "primitive planet". Dori's powers were out of control, and Drake used his powers in an attempt to help her.
Brek hatched from an egg of energy, a normal looking child albeit with a violet aura. Due to parents constant travelling, he grew to love adventure.

Brek was excited when he got to meet the Legion for the first time. However, it was the beginning of the end. His father refound his love for Dawnstar and his mother wanted to return to Xolnar.

Powers: Direct connection to the violet (love) part of the emotional light specturm. Ability to create force fields, hard light constructs, flight.

Name: Ral Burroughs
Relatives: Drake Burroughs (father), Dori Aandraison (mother); Brek (older brother), Staq, and Peter (younger brothers), Dawnstar (step-mother), Nura (step-sister), Ral Benem (god-father)

Origin: Ral was hatched in a city on a "primitive planet". He is the most outgoing child of Drake and Dori. Ral's yellow aura intrigued the entire city, including the king who wanted to kidnap the child and make him the heir. Ral did not understand his parents desire to go home.

When they returned to the Legion, Ral adapted the best. He helped his younger brothers get through his parents' divorce. He accepted Dawnstar and Nura as family, an act Brek resents.

Powers: Direct Connection to the yellow (fear) part of the emotional color spectrum. Ability to create force fields, hard light constructs, flight.

Name: Staq Burroughs
Relatives: Drake Burroughs (father), Dori Aandraison (mother); Brek and Ral(older brothers),Peter (younger brothers),Dawnstar(step-mother), Nura (step-sister),Staq Mavlen (god-father)

Origin: Hatched in the Legion Headquarters, the child was subjected to extensive by Brainiac 5 before being released to it's parents. At times the child has a red aura, and other times it has a blue aura.

He is too young to even train for the Legion, but he is caught up in his brother's conflicts. He hates their schemes of manipulation, and prefers to hang out with other children than his own siblings.

Powers: Red/Blue Auras depending on his mood. The ability to empower Green Lanterns and weaken Ral when he is in a good mood. It has been speculated by Saturn Girl that unless he is converted to one color he will become psychotic.

Name: Peter Burroughs
Relatives: Drake Burroughs (father), Dori Aandraison (mother); Brek and Ral,Staq(older brothers),Dawnstar (step-mother), Nura (step-sister),Staq Mavlen (god-father)

Origin: He was hatched on Xolnar during his parent's initial seperation. He doesn't have the resentment issues that his siblings have, because for some odd reason he is Drake's favorite.

He has no desire to join the Legion (too young anyway), but wants to help in other ways. Peter has displayed a selfish streak but Dori say's its just a phase. He plays his brothers against eachother to get what he wants.

Powers: Direct connection to orange spectrum (greed). An orange aura...when the little boy kills bugs they reappear as orange constructs.
These are great, Red Arrow!
I feel that they should be on the Museum's Legion of Light thread, too.

I have a couple of questions -
1) who is the stepsister Nura?
2) I'm not very familiar with the non-codenames for some of the adult characters that you used, like Dori and the god-fathers (sorry).
Could you make a short list of who they are so I know who you're talking about?

4 boys!
Drake must be estatic!
Brek is my favorite but they're all cool.
Originally posted by Seth Gaterra:
Originally posted by Candle:


Polymath 2 is a great name.
Do you even watch 'NUMB3RS'?
Wouldn't it be kind of neat if Kamil was interested in the same kind of math used to solve crimes?
Sort of like a Data Holmes or something.
I'd seen the show a few times, but not for ages. Course if you had a 12th-level intellect dedicated to detective work, who'd stand a chance?[/b]
Yes, but the Brainy's are always hard to beat, as was Data and Sherlock!
That's the fun, not that others can stand against them, but how they work and plot and figure things out!

And thanks for sharing how you came up with the race car bit! I love seeing how the creative process works!
Originally posted by Candle:
I feel that they should be on the Museum's Legion of Light thread, too.
What is that? Where is it?

I have a couple of questions -
1) who is the stepsister Nura?
She is the adopted daughter of Dawnstar. Divorce is common nowadays and I doubt it will change in the 31st century.
2) I'm not very familiar with the non-codenames for some of the adult characters that you used, like Dori and the god-fathers (sorry).
Could you make a short list of who they are so I know who you're talking about?
Dori Aandraison- Rainbow Girl, I made her the mother so that the children are possible because Anti-Matter and Light are both types of energy.
Brek Brannin- Polar Boy
Ral Benam- Chlorophyll Kid
Staq Mavlen- Fire Lad
Peter Dursin- Porcupine Pete (typo in last bio)

4 boys!
Drake must be estatic!
Brek is my favorite but they're all cool.
Yes, I see Brek and Ral competing for the Legion membership. Staq wants to live a normal life. When Peter gets older he will want to be a mercenary like Deadpool, but ends up taking over the Substitutes instead.
I thought Dori might be Rainbow Girl!
Nice pairing and good reasoning!

Go to the top of this category, where the 'Discussion' thread is and you'll go to the first page.
There'll be a whole list of threads that have been official 'everybody' add to threads.
One of the top 4 will have a Legion of Light title.
That's the one.
Lots of great stuff on those threads!

Or, I can just bump it for you.
Name: Myfrus
Relatives: Mysa (creator/mother), Father Unknown, Blok (step-father), Nura (aunt), Querl (uncle), Brainiac VI (cousin)

Origin: The popular rumor is that he is Sun Boy or Fire Lad's son, which has led to alot of teasing in school. Myfrus always considered Blok to be his father until he overheard his mother talking with a lawyer oneday. He is mad at his mother for lying to him.

Powers: He has pyrokinesis, which is the ability to start fires with your mind.

Brainiac VI
Name: Akht Dox
Relatives: Querl (father), Nura (mother), Mysa (aunt), Blok (uncle), Myfrus (cousin)

Origin: The combination of Colun and Naltorian DNA result in physical disfigurement. He rejected his parents political views in favor of traditional Transhumanism. Brainiac VI will be responsible for the political transformation that will eventually result in Brainiac VIII.

Powers: 10th level mind, The ability to see an event five minutes before it happens.

Enigma Boy
Relatives: Jan (adoptive father) Aaron (adoptive father); unknown biological parents

Origin: He was developed in Cadmus Labs as part of Project: Terra Titans. Earthgov was developing it's own super-heroes to use against an alien invasion. When this plot was discovered, the scientists abandoned the facility in haste. The older children escaped and battled the Legionnaires. The Legion helped to adopt out the younger children, and the Schvaughns used this opportunity to adopt a child.

Powers: He can create force fields with different energy effects. The limits of his powers will not be known until puberty. Genetics testing revealed that both his parents were human, so there is little clue to what the final result will be.
There has been the pairing of Rokk and Jasmine before here.
This is my version.
I loved the photo because of the wonderful joy it ratdiates.
I love thinking of Rokk like this:

[Linked Image]
Conundrum- ???, Lyle
Relatives- Parents Identities Unknown, adopted by Cosmic Boy and Night Girl
Powers: Ability to open portals to other dimensions, immunity to telepathy

Origin: He was found in one of Tharok's labortories. There are alot of rumors about this shy little boy. Some say he is a product of genetic engineering, others say he is a robot.

Personality: Could be described as Goth in the 20th century Earth, but withdrawn instead of whiny. He is happy with who he is an doesn't care what others think about him.

I wish we could do a RPG or something else cool with these characters.
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